When does a transit have its strongest influence in case of each planets?

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Jan 6, 2020
I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet have a different timing as to when their effect is the most powerful. As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and you feel Mars before the transit is exact. I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets. I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:
I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet

have a different timing

as to when their effect is the most powerful.
Traditionally, those are known as TIME LORD techniques :smile:
begin by determining the Lord of the Year aka LOY of the profected chart

As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and
you feel Mars before the transit is exact.
I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets.
I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:
The profection year starts on your birthday, so when in the calendar year the profection starts doesn't matter. If your birthday is on December 31st and your profected Ascendant is ruled by Mars, Mars will remain the ruler of the year until the next December 31st.

Profections are primarily a sign based technique. You CAN do it with houses, but it was meant to be done in a sign based way, one sign per year.

If there are no planets in the profected house then the lord of the sign of the profection takes over. So if your profection lands in Aquarius and nothing is in Aquarius, then Saturn takes over for the year. If something was in Aquarius Saturn would still be the lord of the year, but those other planets would remain relevant.

However that isn't uniform in all texts. Some authors say that if the sign is empty you look at your Solar Return and see if any planets are in that sign. If there any planets there, they become the lord of the year.

To keep it simple I'd stick with seeing who is in the profected sign and interpret those planets. If no one is there focus on the ruler of the sign, who will be important even IF another planet is in their sign.
I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet have a different timing as to when their effect is the most powerful. As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and you feel Mars before the transit is exact. I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets. I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:

In personal astrology, each transit aspect operates within one degree (most often)

The exception is Mars. its action is usually about 2 to 3 degrees before the exact aspect.

For Saturn it is a different situation, it also operates within one degree but the "realization of events" is delayed.

So something happens on the exact aspect, but the solution to the problem cannot be realized immediately. For this reason, Saturn brings more permanent situations ...

For example, you want to buy an apartment. On the exact aspect you find what you are looking for. after 2 or 6 months the purchase is settled and you can move in 6 or 9 months from the first aspect

For mundane events, this is always the most powerful when the planet is coming ... it can be a degree or two before the exact aspect
Thank you for taking the time to provide an explanation. It makes a lot of sense. Profection charts are so confusing. This helps!
I do have another question! I guess the planets shift during the chart? Using your example.......If Aquarius is the profection for 7th house but Saturn shows up at 12th house for the chart, does that mean 12 house themes apply strongly to the year?
The place where the count starts, ie the first house, can make a difference: the Egyptian method (which ahs always been the dominant one, and is the one followed by Valens) begins the count at 0 (in other words, the year after birth = the 1st house and is counted as 0) Paulus of Alexandria differed, and began the count at 1 (in other words, the year after birth = the 1st house and is counted as 1) I myself have followed the Pauline profection (all of the available authors have chosen to follow the Egyptian method of starting @ 0, including Lehman, Ben Dykes, etc)
In my experience I have found Pauline profection to be the more accurate profection method
difference is that Valens and many Hellenistic Astrologers
time profections as follows :smile:
The ascendant is considered as being time of birth so from birth to the cusp of the 2nd house is considered to relate to the first year of life: from cusp of 2nd to cusp of 3rd encompasses the second year of life (ie from age one to age two) and so on around the natal chart returning to the Ascendant for the twelfth year of life

by the way
check out Omnisphericus thread entitled "Profections (Praxis)
This is the basic technique given by Paulus of Annual Profections of the Ascendant, i.e. profection of the Ascendant from one sign to the next for each year of life. The Ruler of the Sign in which the Ascendant is falling in that particular year is called 'The Lord of the Year".
This technique is quite simple and you do not need to calculate degrees, only signs.
If you are born with Aries rising, on the Solar Return the next year (when you are 1 year old) the Profected Ascendant would be in Taurus and the Lord of the Year would be Venus.

The Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and etc., are the 'Profection Return' (to invent a title xD), the Ascendant in those years is the same as it was at the birth, so the Lord of the Year is the same too.

Years 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 are given to the 2nd sign from the Ascendant.

Here's a chart:

View attachment 27162

The Lord of the Year is having the same function as the Lord of the Year at nativity. It is most significant planet, ruling the place where the Soul (the Sky) and Body (earth) are merging (at the Ascendant).
Here's what Paulus says about the Lord of the year in profections: http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47191

You cannot generalize about this. We would need to see a chart with transits because every transit is different....depending upon other planets in the pattern, retrogrades,
and other elements of the makeup of the chart.

Outer planets can often be felt many degrees in advance of an exact aspect.

They are "stage setters" for the events to come.

And each person depending upon how sensitive he/she is to this or that energy can feel the effects of a transit at different times.

the more transits aspecting a planet or stellium, the more complicated it gets. That is why it's best to actually post a chart and discuss it specifically.

I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet have a different timing as to when their effect is the most powerful. As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and you feel Mars before the transit is exact. I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets. I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:
For your answer is ashtakavarga system which is based on transit.

For that you can visit my stuff.

Good luck
I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet have a different timing as to when their effect is the most powerful. As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and you feel Mars before the transit is exact. I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets. I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:

I have heard that as well. Also, Uranus seems to manifest right when it hits. The best book for getting transits straight in your mind is Bernadette Brady's The Eagle and the Lark. She remarks on Uranus hitting when exact. She also says that when transiting Saturn goes retrograde ... that is, goes direct, then retrograde, then direct ... all the while aspecting a natal planet, that the "moment" it starts going direct, it manifests. It doesn't matter how far away it is, it just has to be headed toward an exact aspect with the natal planet.

Mars usually adds ENERGY when it contacts your natal chart. So the energy may contact the natal planet before Mars is exactly in aspect. That's my opinion.
Transits are fascinating. A good, deeper book, is Robert Hand's Planets in Transit.

I recently read about "triple transits", where multiple transiting planets aspecting the same natal planet will certainly manifest. You could have a slower planet -- pluto, neptune for ex -- and "middle" planet -- for ex, jupiter -- and then a faster planet such as Mars or Sun ... and the faster planet can "kick off" all these transiting aspects. I'm no expert on it, but I find it very interesting.
Good luck in your studies. Your question is excellent, and many of us are still trying to find the answer !!
I've experienced Uranus transits hitting close to exact, both for me and others around me. I feel like major turning points often occur with Uranus Oppositions. This might be true of other hard aspects as well, but Oppositions tend to have the most "attracting" energy in terms of outer events, especially with a planet like Uranus that has a very sudden lightning-strike type of energy.

The delay of Saturn seems to be true as well. Someone above said the lessons come later, and that aligns with Saturn's goals, making changes after assessing what happened. I've experienced the "events" a little later than expected too, but the lessons started to come far after that. I've read that Saturn returns often take upto 20-25 degrees after the Conjunction, and I'd probably agree with that.

Pluto's effects seemed to come far earlier each time I've experienced a major transit (I've had a few). I think the approaching period (up to 3 degrees) for a major aspect to the Sun/Moon/ASC is often the worst, because if you're Plutonic, you know the feeling of the energy from a mile away, and you realize major possibly painful change is on it's way (and sometimes you're stuck in a situation and the impending doom seems worse than it ends up being).

Neptune is harder to pinpoint, because the nature of Neptune's fogginess makes it harder for you to realize that you're in a fog at all. It might take decades to realize a major Neptune transit caused you to be in some sort of trance for a long period of time in the past.

Jupiter I usually experience early, but I find the effects vary a lot by which aspect, but that might have to do with the nature of my chart, which is a bucket/t-square where half is empty, and Jupiter is highly prominent in my chart.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to the outer planets, you cannot assume that only ONE event will happen. Because the outer planets represent ''trends.'' So you can have an event or sense of something changing the first time a transiting planet makes the aspect....something ELSE or a stronger message on the retrograde and another event or message or issue on the final pass when the planet goes direct. So depending upon the house and the natal ''issues'' one can experience many events or massages with each transit. But they will ALL have to do with the subject of the house/s in which the transits occur.

In The Technique of Rectification, Charles Jayne addresses the question of the timing of transits. He writes,

The effect of a Saturn transit never preceeds the perfection of the aspect, but always follows it.
The effect of the Sun also lags behind the exact aspect, but not by as much.
Effects of secondary (aka Major) progressed Mars often preceed the exact aspect, sometimes considerably (Jayne recommends orbs as tight as 05’ to 15’!)
Neptune is the planet whose influence most consistently leads the time of the exact aspect.
He writes, Uranus is the most consistently exact, its influence matching the time of the exact aspect to within 02’and usually near 00’. This is especially useful in connection with the Angles of the chart.
The effects of the secondary (aka Major) Moon are also very accurate.
Paraphrased from The Best of Charles Jayne (book four, The Technique of Rectification), page 143.

In connection with the effects of transits when considering the timing of events, Elbert Benjamine (writing as C. C. Zain) wrote

“The events which many people believe to be occasioned by transiting planets are really coincident with major-progressed aspects which have formed heavier temporary stellar aerials. Under such circumstances the transit, which merely aids the Major Progression, and which fails to work when no such Major-Progressed aspect is present, is often accredited full responsibility for attracting the event.”
Natal Astrology, Part 2; Progressing the Horoscope.

Many other astrological writers concur with Benjamine on this point.
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those are known as TIME LORD techniques
Transits and Time Lords are two totally separate techniques.
Transits are the actual locations of the planets in real time.
Time Lords are planets said to make an overarching influence over some period, based on some procedure of counting by Signs from the Ascendant or other body or point in the horoscope (eg, the Part of Fortune or Spirit, Sun, Moon, etc); or, by some method which considers the sequential placement of planets in the horoscope.
In The Technique of Rectification, Charles Jayne addresses the question of the timing of transits. He writes,

The effect of a Saturn transit never preceeds the perfection of the aspect, but always follows it.
The effect of the Sun also lags behind the exact aspect, but not by as much.
Effects of secondary (aka Major) progressed Mars often preceed the exact aspect, sometimes considerably (Jayne recommends orbs as tight as 05’ to 15’!)
Neptune is the planet whose influence most consistently leads the time of the exact aspect.
He writes, Uranus is the most consistently exact, its influence matching the time of the exact aspect to within 02’and usually near 00’. This is especially useful in connection with the Angles of the chart.
The effects of the secondary (aka Major) Moon are also very accurate.
Paraphrased from The Best of Charles Jayne (book four, The Technique of Rectification), page 143.

In connection with the effects of transits when considering the timing of events, Elbert Benjamine (writing as C. C. Zain) wrote

“The events which many people believe to be occasioned by transiting planets are really coincident with major-progressed aspects which have formed heavier temporary stellar aerials. Under such circumstances the transit, which merely aids the Major Progression, and which fails to work when no such Major-Progressed aspect is present, is often accredited full responsibility for attracting the event.”
Natal Astrology, Part 2; Progressing the Horoscope.

Many other astrological writers concur with Benjamine on this point.
I want to also add it deals heavily with the nature of the planet - Saturn is slow, very, very slow -his transits are going to feel like playing Jenga - everything adding up till everything finally breaks lose. It's one of the reasons why Saturn deals so heavily with our own self restrictions - who else to make our own demons or for a lack better example who else to put all of the blocks on top of each other than you of course. Sun is very similar (it opposes Saturn after all) but in much the opposite way - very funny how many sun ruled individuals fall to their own pride but I digress. Mars is much more quick - breaking a bone or going through surgery - can change someone life in a matter of minutes, It's much similar to Uranus except Uranus is always the wild card. Neptune is sudden - because well, you don't know what you don't know until you well - know. The nature of the planet (and sign - a fixed sign will always make things longer) in correlation to the birth chart and the transits will usually tell you where the apex of an event will occur.
Transits and Time Lords are two totally separate techniques.
That's NOT SO for Traditional astrology practitioners :)


and so
planets TRANSITING the Lord of the Year are then studied in detail

re: their transiting aspects to the TIMELORD OF THE YEAR LOCATION NATALLY :)

When tr Saturn was in the opposite sign of my Sun yrs ago, I started feeling its effects physically (musculoskeletal) as far out as 15 degrees. As soon as the last hit occurred things started clearing up. I kept looking for some other reason somewhere, but couldn't find any.
I've heard a theory which says the transits of each planet have a different timing as to when their effect is the most powerful. As for Saturn, I know its effects are often delayed, and you feel Mars before the transit is exact. I've no idea in case of the rest of the planets. I'd be happy if you helped me out with that :joyful:

One thing I've noticed for sure is whenever I check out the Personal Daily Horoscope snippets from Rob Hand on the @strodienst site, the 'tomorrow' forecast is most times more relevant for the day I'm looking at than 'today's forecast'. Especially the sun transits.

I think Saturn never surprises anyone. The slow building breakdowns/breakups/cracks/fractures/breaks start becoming obvious before perfection as much as 5 degrees before, imo. . Not to mention when saturn is retrograde and the 3rd Time's a Charm of Saturn means you've walked across comeuppance's porch in dog years and it's the departing aspect of or to Saturn that we learn 'job well done' or 'I will never do that again.'

Jupiter lets me know he's near, weeks in advance, always, when aspecting my venus/jupiter sextile. I start getting feelings of hope and optimism and outside-of-my-world interests and usually money comes to me out of the blue. Even if it's just a 5.00 rebate coupon from Walgreens.

Mars activates planets days before perfection imo. "i hear the train a'comin, it's rollin' round the bend..."
Things improved quickly after Saturn was off my Sun so I pretty much knew it was Saturn, even though that far off when it started. I looked at Mars, but that's short term, so I knew it wasn't that. Saturn was square Pluto/Leo/6th , too, at same time, so that made sense, too.