When have all the planets aligned?

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In hermetic doctrine, all the planets were in alignment when the Earth first took form; of course, this is probably meant as a symbolic statement rather than as a historical fact (but then, who knows??)

Yes! The current astro physicists theory is that the Sun ejaculated ne very large globual and that 'globual of matter boke up at at lest 9 different points until one rather small globula was left [Pluto]
The kabbalists say that the first day of this creation was that day we presently observe as being the beginning of Autumn. [translation: this is the true Thema Mundi, i.e. "The creation of our own Solar System" , Everything was stretched out in a straight line from Aries 01* to Libra 01*.
Here's the 'tricky part" though. As I have found that there are two Astro cycles that may be planetary, if there are two more Planets beyond Pluto that has orbits around the Sun of 666 and 888 years. All the other astro bodys, when they conj. with another inscribe a matrix pattern around the zodia. For example, the Sun and Venus create pentagrams, The Sun and Moon in certain type of eclipses create trines but not in a way that eventuall becomes a 'Star of Solomon or David, but rather a 'Nonagon' 9 angles of 40* around the Zodiac. I haven't checked and confirmed yet but someone told me or nudged me into thinking that Mercury and the Sun make Stars of Solomon.
Whether these two cycles are of something physical or are of the abstract, that thing to note is that any two objects that have those numbers [666 years and 888 years as their respective cycles will only conj. at one point on the entire Zodiac wheel. That occurs every 2664. Ten of those cycles amounts to 26, 640 ...that is the time span of the 'Great Yuga' of Vedic science. [Pluto will conj there too every 108 orbits. Pluto is currently believed to take 248.9 years to make one orbit. Multiplying 108 x 248.9 = 26, 881... that's really close in this bisness. The 'fudge factor' could easily account for the difference.
[their are 108 beads on a Mala {Hindu Rosary] and there are 54 beads on a Rosary... Can you see the implications?]
Getting back to the 'Tricky Part', I ahve a ton of evidence demonstrating that thse two influences [Astro or abstract] always meet at Libra 01*.
As I have produced a natal chart for the date Edgar Cacye [ the legendary American clairvoyant of the Highest acclaim and renown] gave for the birth of Yeshu'a ben David of Nazareth...which I'm 99.9% sure it is the natal chart of the Man... that chart has Pluto in the 1st degree of Libra on that date Cayce gave for the birth of Yeshua. Everytine the astro influence 666 goes through the Zodiac ithits one of the four chart axis points of that natal chart for the man from Naz. I have been doing a timeline in history research project...it's ongoing...probably will continue right up to the time I pass on out of here.] That is every 166.5 , 333, 499.5 and 666 years "somthing wicked this way comes". Every 222, 444, 666 and 888 years, thing happen here on Earth that are for the better good of all.
When Pluto conj. this meeting every 26, 640 years, there's the birth of an Avatar. [The Vedas note this]. As there is a cycle of 666 years that is known as the Saros and involves eclipses of a special kind. I suspect that this 'Avatar event' takes place on the first Full Moon post the completion of 10 Saros...thus the Avatar is always of an Aries Sun. [The chart I have for the Man from Naz. @ nearly 29* Virgo 30' , the Sun at 11* Aries 52...that means that the Full Moon event was less than 24 hours away.]
So, if Pluto is of import to the Avatar event and it is in the first degree of Libra along with those two astro [or abstract] influences and the Sun in Aries. Then how could it have been the first day of what we now regard as Autumn?
Unless, the majority of the worlds population in the beginning times was in the Southern hemisphere and not the Northern.
If one could keep turning back the computer ephemeris for a great deal more many years than we can at the present...keep turning it back, turning it back...then eventually you would see all the Planets and the Sun in one sraight line and from our pov, the Sun, mercury and Venus would all be conj, in the 1st degree of aries and all the Planets from Mars, the planet that was originally in orbit between Mars and Jupiter that has become reduced to rubble and is presently referred to as the Asteroids, Saturn and theTrans-Saturnians all conj. in the 1st degree of Libra. I will eventually be in that position again...it may takes million or even billions of years ...but it will be in that alignment again,

oh...btw...member "i'mnotthere' informed me the other day that Dante, the great writer, stated that he believed that Jesus [Yeshu'a] was born of an Aries Sun with a Libra Moon. Well a Moon at 29' Virgo 30' is getting a lot of Libran influence...it will be a Libran moon in less than an hour. At moon rise with in 24 hours of being a Full Moon and at an angle of 11 to 12 degrees from a true opposition it is actually larger at the rise than the moonrise that Luminary makes when it is exactly Full. It obfuscated Pluto and the Star..the 'Star' was in the first degree of Libra too...it was over 0ne degree in projection upon the Zodiac...so one could say it was in 01* Libra as well as Virgo 30*
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Here's an instance (I suppose it is extremely rare) where the Sun, Moon and five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Neptune) are all pairwise conjunct -- actually at the time shown the maximum pairwise separation is 8°50'. Also they are all in Capricorn.

fwiw - source: http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=203:smile:

When astrologers speak of the planets being aligned (something which doesn't really concern astronomers) they don't mean that the planets will actually all lie on a straight line at some instant of time.

One calculation of alignments within around thirty degrees (about as close as they can get) shows that the last such alignment was in 561 BC, and the next will be in 2854.

All nine planets are somewhat aligned every 500 years, and are grouped within 30 degrees every 1 to 3 alignments.

Here's an excerpt from a piece I wrote and published in 2004

<Sometime around May 574 BCE the three outermost planets – Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, were all aligned with Jupiter. This is the only instance of this particular triple conjunction (not taking into account Jupiter) in the period covered by what is generally referred to as “recorded history”, and to my knowledge this alignment of the outer planets (even without Jupiter) will not happen again within the next three thousand years. So you’d expect something pretty spectacular to happen around then wouldn’t you?

Well – let me see. According to the history books, the century from around 600BCE is the beginning of what is known as the Axial Age “because of the number of key figures living at this time who profoundly influenced later generations”.>

The best place to start looking for alignments are Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions - because without that aspect you can't get an alignment of all the planets!

These happen every 20 years - give or take a few months - and quite often a stellium (planets all in the same sign of the zodiac ie within a 30deg grouping) happens alongside the conjunction. But, as I said in the bit above, the only one I could find using the graphic ephemeris on my astro program was the one in around 574BC, and there isn't one as far ahead as I could get it to go which is about 3,000 years.

So, the planets were in a stellium around the time of the Axial Age - which is probably the closest we may get to a full alignment of all the planets
Richard Tarnas discusses the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the Axial Age in his book Cosmos & Psyche.

During 1600-2100 Neptune and Pluto become conjunct in just one period of a couple of decades. Three 12°-conjunctions occurred from 1882 to 1902. Here is the transit table, showing three exact conjunctions followed by a nearly-exact (0°39) conjunction:


In the first decade of the 20th C. Uranus was more-or-less opposite to Neptune and Pluto. Uranus formed five exact oppositions with Pluto during 1901 - 1902, and in the period 1906 - 1910 Uranus formed an exact opposition to Neptune on eleven different occasions (due to retrograde motion).
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Richard Tarnas discusses the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the Axial Age in his book Cosmos & Psyche.

During 1600-2100 Neptune and Pluto become conjunct in just one period of a couple of decades. Three 12°-conjunctions occurred from 1882 to 1902. Here is the transit table, showing three exact conjunctions followed by a nearly-exact (0°39) conjunction:


In the first decade of the 20th C. Uranus was more-or-less opposite to Neptune and Pluto.

That is - more or less - my point - you can get conjunctions of two of the three outer planets, fairly regularly. But not the triple conjunction of the 6th Century BCE.

I suppose now we should also be looking for Sedna and Eris in there as well if we REALLY want to have all the planets in alignment - or is that maybe why all the doom-mongering like "The Jupiter Effect" hasn't happened - the far outer planets weren't playing
Both conjunction and opposition are "axial" alignments, so one could have an axial alignment of all the planets if they were all pairwise either conjunct or opposite (allowing a generous orb for these two aspects). It would take a little work to discover whether this has occurred within the last 2500 years, but it could be done.

From 1900 through 1904 Uranus and Pluto were continuously within 12° of an exact opposition. From 1904 through 1911 Uranus and Neptune were continuously within 12° of an exact opposition except for four days in September 1904. From 1882 until mid-1904 Neptune and Pluto were within 15° of an exact conjunction except for a few months at the end of 1903. So the closest they came to an axial alignment, with Uranus opposite a Neptune-Pluto conjunction, was at the end of that conjunction. Here is the situation on June 20, 1904 (showing only conjunctions, oppositions and trines, with 15° orb for conjunctions and 8° orb for oppositions and trines):

Both conjunction and opposition are "axial" alignments, so one could have an axial alignment of all the planets if they were all pairwise either conjunct or opposite (allowing a generous orb for these two aspects). It would take a little work to discover whether this has occurred within the last 2500 years, but it could be done.

From 1900 through 1904 Uranus and Pluto were continuously within 12° of an exact opposition. From 1904 through 1911 Uranus and Neptune were continuously within 12° of an exact opposition except for four days in September 1904. From 1882 until mid-1904 Neptune and Pluto were within 15° of an exact conjunction except for a few months at the end of 1903. So the closest they came to an axial alignment, with Uranus opposite a Neptune-Pluto conjunction, was at the end of that conjunction. Here is the situation on June 20, 1904 (showing only conjunctions, oppositions and trines, with 15° orb for conjunctions and 8° orb for oppositions and trines):


Thanks for this. Interesting indeed.

However, it does show that Mercury is just outside the 15 deg between Neptune and Pluto and more importantly Jupiter and Saturn are well outside this alignment. So we still don't have the "all the planets in alignment" scenario - yet
Thanks for this. Interesting indeed.

However, it does show that Mercury is just outside the 15 deg between Neptune and Pluto and more importantly Jupiter and Saturn are well outside this alignment. So we still don't have the "all the planets in alignment" scenario - yet

I cannot find that with the software I have at hand. It would have to be done by means of a program written specifically for that purpose. Not very difficult, I suspect, but also not easy, and not something that could be done between breakfast and dinner.

But an obstacle is that the uncertainty in planetary longitudes increases the further one is from the present (past or future). Unless one is using the same software as NASA, it's difficult to get reliable positions for the outer planets before about 1600, though perhaps less reliable data might be usable with generous orbs. So it's a non-trivial exercise. I would be interested to hear how the planetary positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were calculated (and with what degree of accuracy) for 500 BCE, especially since direct observation of Pluto's motion has been possible only since 1930 (so since then it has only moved along about 1/3 of its orbit).
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