when stars are not your friends!!!

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May 24, 2011
Astrology tells that star may play a important role in our life. But what will we do while it makes our life miserable ? Is it really curable by astrological remedy?? Is it curable from your life.............I just want to know how we should deal with when we know we born with a very bad luck.
Stars are neither your friends nor your enemies. IN fact, they are rather impersonal. but, because we are so vain and self-vested we choose to believe otherwise. It all comes down to our thinking ourselves so 'special' as to need to have an obstacle to overcome. the deal is: we are all in this thing called life together and the best we can do is get honest with ourselves by admitting our lives really not "worse off or better" than others...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
Yes - we are all in this thing called life together. But we do have different lives, and for this reason our neighbour can have a better life than ourself. Its stupid to dismiss bad luck because bad luck does exist as well as good. Therefore we can have a worse life than others.

In my experience those who have had a relativily easy life say that bad luck does not exist, that life is what we make it. But really life is about the opportunities we receive and whether we are in a position to use them.

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Astrology tells that star may play a important role in our life. But what will we do while it makes our life miserable ? Is it really curable by astrological remedy?? Is it curable from your life.............I just want to know how we should deal with when we know we born with a very bad luck.
[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif][FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]
[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]December 12: Many of us are born with an afflicted chart and while we seem to be inundated by a constant barrage of difficulty it is hard to see the forest for the trees. Jupiter signifies luck and opportunity in life: mine is opposed to Mars. Consider also that Jupiter relates to our opinions,perceptions and judgments...when we continue to stumble in life, the universe is trying to teach us important lessons about ourselves, and it is only when we begin to look inward that we can work to adjust our situations. If we continue to carry poor judgment we can take gambles that lead us into difficulty; we can be restless and often jump from the frying pan into the fire, because of poor judgment...we can go to extremes and become over-indulgent to the degree of dissipating our resources. How do we deal? we must awaken to a greater degree of self understanding with the awareness that our choices and actions will have an effect on our circumstances...many must learn the lesson of self-control. As such, we must then look deeply at the aspects that signal areas of inner discontent that must be modified and adjusted, which can then be identified as the 'true' source of our external problems. As within, so without. [/FONT]

[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]It is helpful also to become aware of the planetary cycles that often find us coming back to the same difficulties we must face, because we failed to learn the lesson the first time around. Every 12 years Jupiter returns to it's home state: look to the periods of adjustment it tries to bring about every 3 years. The cycle of Saturn takes 30 years to go once around the block and then the cycle begins again. [/FONT]

[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]Further the planets do not make things happen, they merely infuse us with the necessary impetus to make the changes for ourselves that we alone must initiate with concentration and focus. When life gives us lemons, make lemonade. [/FONT]
[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]Truly we must eventually understand that we are indeed 'masters of our own ship' and it is we who ultimately create the circumstances that are born of our own decisions and actions. From my own personal experiences, I have learned that when we learn to take control of our subconscious processes and are engage in making the adaptations that are necessary for us, we then can begin to see the flicker of the light at the end of the tunnel. The Keynote is to:[/FONT]
[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]Look within rather than projecting outwards. [/FONT]

[FONT=DejaVu Serif, serif]If you would post your chart, more insights could be given. [/FONT]
A message to admin

I still see the comments via email that you have tried to suppress. Stop interfering. You need to get over yourself and realise that astrologers are generally not nice people.

And no astrologer50 I do not know everything, but because of the difficulties in my life I have been forced to think long and hard. I also have an almost identic memory so I am able to use past knowledge. No short term memory problems that lead to long term memory problems here.
Stars are neither your friends nor your enemies. IN fact, they are rather impersonal. but, because we are so vain and self-vested we choose to believe otherwise. It all comes down to our thinking ourselves so 'special' as to need to have an obstacle to overcome. the deal is: we are all in this thing called life together and the best we can do is get honest with ourselves by admitting our lives really not "worse off or better" than others...MODE of Cosmic Therapy

I completely agree! I don't see things as good or bad either, 'good' or 'evil', things just are, situations just are, each situation has the ability to teach us valuable lessons. Being aware, self aware as we travel through this life, life then becomes a meditation.
Astrology tells that star may play a important role in our life. But what will we do while it makes our life miserable ? Is it really curable by astrological remedy?? Is it curable from your life.............I just want to know how we should deal with when we know we born with a very bad luck.

I don't believe in luck. I mean, chance seems to have some influence over some events, but not your life. If something bad happens to you, it's usually your fault. However, it is not always your fault (as far as I know. That would be a cruddy world. Wait, it already is...) You are also not born the same person you are always going to be. We change no matter how much we all try to resist it. Stars should not be your friends regardless. Who wants to be friends with massive, distant balls of gas, dust and rock? (This is not mere sarcasm or primarily directed at the OP. Some people seem to think that stars should be their friends in a literal way and it's scary.)
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Astrology tells that star may play a important role in our life. But what will we do while it makes our life miserable ? Is it really curable by astrological remedy?? Is it curable from your life.............I just want to know how we should deal with when we know we born with a very bad luck.
I dont believe in luck, it is karma. YOu are not your chart, it is you.
THere is a difference.. To blame our stars is counter productive. You chose this life and need to deal with it as we all do. both challenging and easy.....As you become more proficient with astrology you can learn to make the most of the challenging aspects and that is the means of growth and maturity....without them we do not progress at all.
Your comment was just general and without your chart we cant comment further.
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I dont believe in luck, it is karma.

Karma is a tricky one. I can understand that if i slap someone, or punch them, or do them some harm then I will more than likely be punished. I can except that as I can see it. But when it relates to stuff that relates to a past life I find it more difficult to accept. I cannot see what I have done in a past life. I cannot remember what I have done in a past life. And thats if there is even a past life. Also, I am a different person now to the past life. How can I know that karma is just?

Heres the scanirio. In one life I am adolf hitler. I get 60 million people killed via war and genocide and spawn a certain political outlook that reverberates through the ages and is still used in a watered down form by preceding world governments. I am reborn a few quick lives as a bug. I am then a mouse, then a rat, then a cat, then a dog, then a horse until I am a disabled little girl confined to a wheel chair. What has this little girl done to deserve that.

Also adolf was one alive in another life before being adolf.

The further point is that all of us are expected to instantly agree that something exists with any factual proof. Indeed a whole system is brought into being and embellished through the ages until it gets so big that you cant see the wood for the trees. And still nobody asks and nobody provides the proof that it exists. Its like an embellished highly jeweled castle built in mid air, that is so mesmerising that most dont bother to stand back and take a look at the whole or see then see that there is no base.

No its luck not karma.