Hi all
This question was asked by a friend, so she gets the first house, and the ruler is Mars. The job is 10th house, and the ruler is Saturn. Now there is no obvious aspect between Mars and Saturn, but they are both connected by the Sun.
Now what does the Sun represent here in this case? Usually I can tell if Leo is on one of the house cusps, but in this case, Leo is not represented at all. I know my friend is helped by someone, but in this case I can't tell.
By the way I also noticed sextile aspects between Mars and the Sun to the Point of Fortune. Is this of any significance? Btw Fortuna here is probably the night calculation
Also, Frawley mentions in a typical horary, we look for applying aspects in order to work out the time frame. But in this case, the Sun has already aspected both Mars and Saturn. Does this mean the job is already all done and completed?
Saturn is in the 9th house. Does this mean my friend is actually looking for a 9th house type of career eg teaching?
This question was asked by a friend, so she gets the first house, and the ruler is Mars. The job is 10th house, and the ruler is Saturn. Now there is no obvious aspect between Mars and Saturn, but they are both connected by the Sun.
Now what does the Sun represent here in this case? Usually I can tell if Leo is on one of the house cusps, but in this case, Leo is not represented at all. I know my friend is helped by someone, but in this case I can't tell.
By the way I also noticed sextile aspects between Mars and the Sun to the Point of Fortune. Is this of any significance? Btw Fortuna here is probably the night calculation
Also, Frawley mentions in a typical horary, we look for applying aspects in order to work out the time frame. But in this case, the Sun has already aspected both Mars and Saturn. Does this mean the job is already all done and completed?
Saturn is in the 9th house. Does this mean my friend is actually looking for a 9th house type of career eg teaching?
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