Hello MarsRising,
taken from the significant transits of Uranus and the lower planets: from the beginning of November 2024 to the beginning of January 2025, what will make you think and encourage employment will be to understand what is difficult for you to access while wanting to move it forward in order to to evolve and be appreciated. This will be in favor of wanting to be attentive and wanting to control the attention you want to receive in order to achieve your goals. Then until mid-May 2025, what will be of interest to you will be to become one with what poses a problem and with yourself while engaging in your relationship with others. There will be the need for you to have a passionate impulse towards what you have to do, wanting to promote the relationship with the other as well as the attention that you want them to show you. You will absolutely want to be close to what is difficult to reach, that is what will be your concern. This will lead you to want to find a new solution by listening to the consideration given to you as well as listening to progress things that are difficult to access. This will help you want to keep control of the consideration given to you by attaching yourself to it and devoting yourself to others, favorable to your accomplishment. This will favor being cooperative versus being appreciated by having an impact on you. From mid-May 2025, you will be appreciated for your ability to want to improve your skills while uniting yourself to what you do. This will help to change what seems difficult to achieve, the object of your concern as well as wanting to fully understand the relationship with others. You will need to find a solution in order to be the object of interest of the other, thus promoting your activity through your reflection...