When will I get a job?

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2017
My question is when will i find new job? 1st house lord Venus is at cusp of 10th house, showing the question is important to me. 10th house lord Moon is at 8th house making conjuction to 7th house lord Mars. So my competitor will get job? I have sent multiple application. After conjuction, moon will sextile my ruler Venus. Also Moon is in my sing. I’m wondering what to make of this all? When will I find place to work?


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Moon/job meets your competition/Mars first by conjunction and receives it poorly by detriment. Then it meets you/Venus by sextile pointing to opportunity, and Moon also receives you by dignity.

So if I were to imagine a scenario, this other person might be considered or even hired before you. But it would not work out, and then there would be an opportunity for you, with the employer liking your much better by dignity. The mutual reception between Venus and Moon is also favorable.

I know you asked when, I have just told you it looks favorable, but I really don't have much expertise at timing. Since your competition would have to be considered and eliminated, I would think the 4 degrees that Moon has to advance to meet Venus by sextile might be as long as 4 months? But again, I can't really say....
Moon/job meets your competition/Mars first by conjunction and receives it poorly by detriment. Then it meets you/Venus by sextile pointing to opportunity, and Moon also receives you by dignity.

So if I were to imagine a scenario, this other person might be considered or even hired before you. But it would not work out, and then there would be an opportunity for you, with the employer liking your much better by dignity. The mutual reception between Venus and Moon is also favorable.

I know you asked when, I have just told you it looks favorable, but I really don't have much expertise at timing. Since your competition would have to be considered and eliminated, I would think the 4 degrees that Moon has to advance to meet Venus by sextile might be as long as 4 months? But again, I can't really say....
Thank you! I was also thinking that maybe there is offer after I “lose” one opportunity. But I’m wondering if sextile if strong influence enough to make things happen?
Thank you! I was also thinking that maybe there is offer after I “lose” one opportunity. But I’m wondering if sextile if strong influence enough to make things happen?
I don't think aspects or charts "make things happen" and your probably did not mean that literally. Or maybe your did...:)

But aspects do point to the likelihood of something happening, qualified by other characteristics like dignity of the aspecting bodies, reception and so on.

I think the sextile points to an opportunity, but not necessarily a done deal. Opportunity means it can go either way...