When will I get a job?

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When will I get a job? Will the job be in another country?


Thanks :sideways:

Hi, You will need to make an attempt at reading the chart yourself before others can help you ... can you do that please? The ruler of the 1st House signifies you and 10 ruler signifies the job ... is there an aspect between them? Or between the Moon and 10 ruler? That would be a good start. Is 10 ruler in the 1st House? and so on.

Also, if you provide some more background it will also be helpful. Like : have you applied for a particular job or jobs? Where were those jobs? Overseas? And what is your location-country. What type of job do you want? Is it in IT? Communication? Playing piano in a bar? Hospital work?
1st ruler is in 10th house, there are no aspects. I asked when I will get a job, is it possible I will never get a job?

I applied to several jobs in the last few months and was rejected. I am a computer artist. Thanks :sideways:
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Hi there, I am a beginner in horary but I can see the ascendent is at 0 degrees. Usually it means that circumstances will change and hence the question is premature. Also, ruler of the ascendant, Jupiter is technically in the last degrees of the 9th house of travel.

Edit: Also just noticed, Saturn is in retrograde in 1st house which is usually not a good sign.

However, I will let someone with more experience to read it. :smile:
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1st ruler is in 10th house, there are no aspects. I asked when I will get a job, is it possible I will never get a job?

I applied to several jobs in the last few months and was rejected. I am a computer artist. Thanks :sideways:

When will I get a job? 23 July 2016, 4:10 pm, PDT, Spokane, Washington.

Mercury ruling the job you want as a career/profession is a very apt signifier. Moon just separates from Mercury - not helpful. As is Jupiter, 1 ruler which is in the 10th but does not necessarily mean you and the job are together - just that you are thinking and/or hopeful (which you are) of getting work in your chosen profession. But it's important to note that this is a minor testimony that’s positive. We need to find more than this, though.

Since you’re not waiting on a current application, the best thing to do here is to look at the antiscia – points to show what is happening ‘out of sight.’

Mercury's anticision is at 11 Taurus, just inside the 6th House but neither Jupiter or the Moon apply to this point.
Jupiter's antiscion is at 9 Aries, in the 4th House and Moon does apply to 9 Aries but only when she's applied to Mars by trine and then changes Sign, indicating something has to change before you can be connected with a job.

Since we’re talking about any job (not a particular job), we can use the Sun to signify it. Moon is soon to move into Aries and will then trine Sun in Leo so finally we do have a positive. The aspect is 9.5 degrees away. This could be weeks. There will also be reception by Exaltation by the Sun of the Moon. Good.

Again, though, there’s the proviso that ‘something must change’ before the connection is made. What could that be? Is there something about your job searching/applications that could be done better? Different?

You mentioned moving overseas – Mercury is in the 9th - ‘a long way away.

Here’s another positive : 10 ruler Mercury is not in the detriment or fall of 1 ruler Jupiter – in fact Mercury receives Jupiter by Sign and Exaltation – another positive. And there is mutual reception by Face only between Mercury & Jupiter.

Don't give up - keep applying!
Hi there, I am a beginner in horary but I can see the ascendent is at 0 degrees. Usually it means that circumstances will change and hence the question is premature. Also, ruler of the ascendant, Jupiter is technically in the last degrees of the 9th house of travel.

Edit: Also just noticed, Saturn is in retrograde in 1st house which is usually not a good sign.

However, I will let someone with more experience to read it. :smile:

You make a good point, Aniani. Zero or early degrees can mean that it's "too early to ask the question."

And yes, Saturn is Rx and in the 1st, which confirms that the querent is worried about getting a job. However, Saturn will station direct on 14 Aug and will slowly move forward again. Here, Saturn rules (most of) the querent's 2nd House of finances and the 3rd of communication. Both of these could well be 'going backwards' - but will start 'going forward' again. Hopeful? I think so. :)
I will keep applying and let you know when I find a job. I hope it comes true :smile:

Please do - it's always great to have feedback.

I had the thought that Mercury in the 9th could mean the job may be with a higher education institution (college, university) and the Sun as the secondary signifier of the job in the 8th could mean the job is with 'other people's money' which might be a bank or insurance company. Don't know if that's relevant or not but thought they might be places to start, maybe? Anyway ...
Best of luck! :smile:

When will I get a job? 23 July 2016, 4:10 pm, PDT, Spokane, Washington.

Mercury ruling the job you want as a career/profession is a very apt signifier. Moon just separates from Mercury - not helpful. As is Jupiter, 1 ruler which is in the 10th but does not necessarily mean you and the job are together - just that you are thinking and/or hopeful (which you are) of getting work in your chosen profession. But it's important to note that this is a minor testimony that’s positive. We need to find more than this, though.

Since you’re not waiting on a current application, the best thing to do here is to look at the antiscia – points to show what is happening ‘out of sight.’

Mercury's anticision is at 11 Taurus, just inside the 6th House but neither Jupiter or the Moon apply to this point.
Jupiter's antiscion is at 9 Aries, in the 4th House and Moon does apply to 9 Aries but only when she's applied to Mars by trine and then changes Sign, indicating something has to change before you can be connected with a job.

Since we’re talking about any job (not a particular job), we can use the Sun to signify it. Moon is soon to move into Aries and will then trine Sun in Leo so finally we do have a positive. The aspect is 9.5 degrees away. This could be weeks. There will also be reception by Exaltation by the Sun of the Moon. Good.

Again, though, there’s the proviso that ‘something must change’ before the connection is made. What could that be? Is there something about your job searching/applications that could be done better? Different?

You mentioned moving overseas – Mercury is in the 9th - ‘a long way away.

Here’s another positive : 10 ruler Mercury is not in the detriment or fall of 1 ruler Jupiter – in fact Mercury receives Jupiter by Sign and Exaltation – another positive. And there is mutual reception by Face only between Mercury & Jupiter.

Don't give up - keep applying!
Unfortunately nothing yet, longer than 9.5 weeks. Should I ask a new horary or is this chart still valid?
Unfortunately nothing yet, longer than 9.5 weeks. Should I ask a new horary or is this chart still valid?

Since 9.5 months has already passed, yes, you could ask another question.
Have you had no positive responses to your job applications? Not even a nibble?

This time, try to be more specific - e.g if there is a particular company that you want to work for that uses your skill set, you could include them in the question (in abbreviated form of course!) or ask about a particular job that you've applied for that you would be willing to accept.

Your intentions when you ask a horary are very important. It doesn't work if it's an 'any old' question. Think about it again, deeply and carefully. ____