Well-known member

I have not seen Bob Zemco since sept 12 and have wondered about him. Did something happen?
I've been reading alot of his postings just prior to his 'disappearance' and things were getting pretty ugly on those forums. (alot of moderator removals)
Maybe he just got tired of it and left. If that's the case - it's a shame.
Bob has been a highly valued and informative contributor to this forum for over 3 years and has helped many of us when we needed it,
including myself.
There are MANY different views and opinions out there and not everyone uses the same procedures or techniques to arrive at the answers
or advice they give. It would do us all well to be more tollerable and accepting of that - knowing that not every one reading (or contributing) is on the same level of understanding or has the same area of expertise.
When responding to or commenting on someone else's thread - it's not about WHAT one posts but more of HOW they post it.
Have a little respect for the person who started the thread.
No professional astrologer or even amature 'wanna be' wants (or appreciates) anyone, who takes over their thread, and turn it into
a 'cat fight' over techniques.
Standing your ground is good - sometimes necessary - but it ALWAYS comes at a cost.....and Bob Zemco has been off-line for 7 weeks.
to me - I can't help but shake my head and ask - Was it worth it?
I hope he comes back. I miss him. jill
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