Where is Bob Zemco?

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May 2, 2011
planet earth

I have not seen Bob Zemco since sept 12 and have wondered about him. Did something happen?

I've been reading alot of his postings just prior to his 'disappearance' and things were getting pretty ugly on those forums. (alot of moderator removals)
Maybe he just got tired of it and left. If that's the case - it's a shame.
Bob has been a highly valued and informative contributor to this forum for over 3 years and has helped many of us when we needed it,
including myself.

There are MANY different views and opinions out there and not everyone uses the same procedures or techniques to arrive at the answers
or advice they give. It would do us all well to be more tollerable and accepting of that - knowing that not every one reading (or contributing) is on the same level of understanding or has the same area of expertise.

When responding to or commenting on someone else's thread - it's not about WHAT one posts but more of HOW they post it.
Have a little respect for the person who started the thread.
No professional astrologer or even amature 'wanna be' wants (or appreciates) anyone, who takes over their thread, and turn it into
a 'cat fight' over techniques.

Standing your ground is good - sometimes necessary - but it ALWAYS comes at a cost.....and Bob Zemco has been off-line for 7 weeks.
to me - I can't help but shake my head and ask - Was it worth it?
I hope he comes back. I miss him. jill
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Agreed. Love Bob's insight. Hope he returns!
I do too. I hope people take to heart the loss and think before they post. I see alot of 'stuff' being said in different forums and it's sad.
That's not why we're here.
My Gawd Jill Ive been wondering the same thing! The last Ive 'seen' him was when I put in a friendship request to him & he responded back the same; since then, nothing!

I know that Bob is extremely knowledgeable and I know that he can get impatient at times but if you go over his posts' a lot of people truely misunderstand the things he says; i.e., they take certain comments personally when that was never the intention! I admit I did the same thing when I finally shut up, re-read his stuff and realized I had much more studying to do! Because of Bob I am now studying Horary & with the help of another brilliant astrologer it is making sense. I wanted to share that with him. He is instrumental in inspiring me to climb higher heights in astrology!

Bob please dont leave those of us who have benefited from your craft!?!

Thanks again Jill for this thread.

[QUOTE= serafin5

....Ive been wondering the same thing too!.....
I know that Bob is extremely knowledgeable and I know that he can get impatient at times but if you go over his posts'......

I found Bob to be a balance between the modern and traditional points of view....it was like being brought back down - being grounded reading his posts. Thank you Bob
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Dont know if he had been into anything where it became to the effect of hard exchange of words. But i truly appreciate Bob Zemco for his reading. He was too good in astrology and have learnt from his way of reading astrology.
I'd also love it if he comes back again and start being active here again.

What if he's just gone on holidays? And...he comes back and finds an entire thread of conspiracy theories/obituaries? Because looking at these posts.........:andy:
My intent was not to start up any therories.....I was only concerned. If Bob happens to read this, he will understand that.
I guess it's not so much about Bob, as it is about things I've seen posted on various sites I've visited lately. It's terrible.

I've seen threads where, because the person was a 'newbie', more advanced members left 'not so nice' posts. Humiliating them.
I've seen members call others 'idiots' and that they don't know what they are talking about. What kind of stuff is that?
- and that's why I posted this thread.

Bob Zemco was just the trigger that set off something that's been bothering me for a while now.
I just wanted people to realize that once they post something - they can't take it back. It's out there and we've all been guilty of it.

I even started to have second thoughts about whether or not I should have posted this. Maybe it wasn't the best way to handle my frustration. But, it's out there....and in my opinion - needed to be said.
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Nah, you did no harm, and I'm in full agreement that people are less than polite with each other when communicating. Though I find that's a problem in daily life, unfotunately.

Yes, I've seen a few threads which look like bushfires are the moment...the moment the cork is popped, I'm out, I just think little or nothing can be achieved at that point.

And to be honest, my impression is Bob is more than able to handle anything thrown at him. :w00t:
QUOTE: from http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17450

11-25-2010, 05:09 PM

Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: I hate living here; this place is death.
Posts: 1,976

Re: Top 10 Don'ts in Astrology
Originally Posted by Olivia
if you do not have a firm foundation in the logic and philosophy of astrology, you're not going to understand it.

There's about 5,000 people on this forum who might benefit by writing that statement 100,000 times.

Originally Posted by Olivia
If it were possible to 'intuit' a chart, then all those maths wouldn't be necessary. I grant that when you know the concepts well enough sometimes you 'get' something from a chart before your conscious mind is quite aware of how you get it, but you'll still find it in the chart if you look. And if you don't - then your intuition is worthless.

That isn't intuition, that is rote learning.

After reading a few thousand charts you begin to see patterns, signatures and themes based on Planet placement, aspects and Signs. That isn't intuition, that is training and experience. That is why Lily (and others) said you should write out your judgments, because that's the fastest and best way to learn, since writing reinforces what you see.

Originally Posted by Olivia
I've really wondered about the anti-intellectualist movement in astrology over the past some decades, and I don't understand why it's so prominent. Yet - it is.

That's the generational Planets talking. It's more prominent in the US, but people in other countries can be affected, too. They are into expediency and taking short-cuts and they have no time and don't want to be bothered learning craft or "paying dues" or "putting in the time." They want everything handed to them on a silver platter and they are constantly in search of the "Magic Silver Bullet Formula."

You see that all the time, especially on this forum.

People ask about the promise of marriage in a natal chart, you explain the Houses, Signs and Planets involved, and then they start frothing and foaming at the mouth, "What? You mean I actually really have to spend an hour of my time looking at the chart and I have to interpret the Planets, Signs and Houses involved?

Um, yeah, that's exactly what you have to do, so you better get started.

My favorite is,
"I know the names of the most of the Planets, now I want to learn Horary."

Yeah, right, that's like someone who just learned how to count from 1 to 10 asking to learn differential calculus. Then they get offended because they don't like your interpretation: "But my significator is trine." Yes, and it's also Cadent, Retrograde, Peregrine, in Detriment, in a Welled Degree and not received (and of course they have no idea what you're talking about because they still don't know the difference between a Cadent House and an Angular House).

Originally Posted by Olivia
Astrology is a lifetime study, and then some.

Of course. Even if you specialize or concentrate in one area of astrology, there's always something new to learn.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Do not forget that we as humans have such thing as Free Will.

Well, no, actually you don't. You have limited Free Will. You can choose what to eat for breakfast or dinner, and a few other banal, trivial and inconsequential things, but that's about it. Your life is predetermined.

When the end is known, you will have done everything the Planets said you would (or would not) do exactly for the reasons the Planets divined, and the Primary Directions, Profections, Secondary Progressions and Transits will bear that out and prove it beyond any doubt.

If that was not true, then there would be no point in studying astrology.

Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded personality...you can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.
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In view of BobZemco's signature here is an interesting update from a sky news report :smile:

The investigation into the crimes of John Wayne Gacy has been reopened in the hope that DNA technology can put names to victims who were never identified. Gacy killed 34 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978 and buried most of them in the cellar at his home & was convicted in 1980 and executed in 1994.

Sheriffs in Cook County, Illinois, have obtained exhumation orders for bodies of eight victims who were never identified and hope to find DNA matches with relatives of young men who went missing in the area in the 1970s. Dozens have already come forward and detectives are looking into unsolved murders in 14 states and across the border in Canada.

Former detective Joseph Kozenczak, who helped catch Gacy, has said he believes there are more victims. He told USA Today: "There's no question about it in my mind."

Gacy, who owned his own building business, often posed as a police officer to attract his victims.

He was dubbed the 'Killer Clown' because he had appeared as a clown called Pogo.
maybe he is on an intergalactic mission - saving the universe!:smile:
Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee:lol:

Jill- I for one appreciate that someone finally said something about Bobs absense and agree about some of the impolite tones of some of the posts. You cant punish people for dispensing their truths; we are all in this thing called 'life' together but in different places in our experiences.

tssmall- I agreed with you too. I think Bob will be flattered that he is truely appreciated.

JupAsc: I remember when that post came out (your 1st post)! And of course he was 100% right of course.

Blessings Astrologers!
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QUOTE: from http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17450

11-25-2010, 05:09 PM

Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: I hate living here; this place is death.
Posts: 1,976

Re: Top 10 Don'ts in Astrology
Originally Posted by Olivia
if you do not have a firm foundation in the logic and philosophy of astrology, you're not going to understand it.

There's about 5,000 people on this forum who might benefit by writing that statement 100,000 times.

Originally Posted by Olivia
If it were possible to 'intuit' a chart, then all those maths wouldn't be necessary. I grant that when you know the concepts well enough sometimes you 'get' something from a chart before your conscious mind is quite aware of how you get it, but you'll still find it in the chart if you look. And if you don't - then your intuition is worthless.

That isn't intuition, that is rote learning.

After reading a few thousand charts you begin to see patterns, signatures and themes based on Planet placement, aspects and Signs. That isn't intuition, that is training and experience. That is why Lily (and others) said you should write out your judgments, because that's the fastest and best way to learn, since writing reinforces what you see.

Originally Posted by Olivia
I've really wondered about the anti-intellectualist movement in astrology over the past some decades, and I don't understand why it's so prominent. Yet - it is.

That's the generational Planets talking. It's more prominent in the US, but people in other countries can be affected, too. They are into expediency and taking short-cuts and they have no time and don't want to be bothered learning craft or "paying dues" or "putting in the time." They want everything handed to them on a silver platter and they are constantly in search of the "Magic Silver Bullet Formula."

You see that all the time, especially on this forum.

People ask about the promise of marriage in a natal chart, you explain the Houses, Signs and Planets involved, and then they start frothing and foaming at the mouth, "What? You mean I actually really have to spend an hour of my time looking at the chart and I have to interpret the Planets, Signs and Houses involved?

Um, yeah, that's exactly what you have to do, so you better get started.

My favorite is,
"I know the names of the most of the Planets, now I want to learn Horary."

Yeah, right, that's like someone who just learned how to count from 1 to 10 asking to learn differential calculus. Then they get offended because they don't like your interpretation: "But my significator is trine." Yes, and it's also Cadent, Retrograde, Peregrine, in Detriment, in a Welled Degree and not received (and of course they have no idea what you're talking about because they still don't know the difference between a Cadent House and an Angular House).

Originally Posted by Olivia
Astrology is a lifetime study, and then some.

Of course. Even if you specialize or concentrate in one area of astrology, there's always something new to learn.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Do not forget that we as humans have such thing as Free Will.

Well, no, actually you don't. You have limited Free Will. You can choose what to eat for breakfast or dinner, and a few other banal, trivial and inconsequential things, but that's about it. Your life is predetermined.

When the end is known, you will have done everything the Planets said you would (or would not) do exactly for the reasons the Planets divined, and the Primary Directions, Profections, Secondary Progressions and Transits will bear that out and prove it beyond any doubt.

If that was not true, then there would be no point in studying astrology.

Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded personality...you can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.

Yup. I miss me some Bob.