Where is Bob Zemco?

Astrologers' Community

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I hate to say it, but I know that many of the more senior members (long before me) have been disappointed :surprised: with the string of bans in the last year. If Bob hasn't been back in a bit, he may be unpleasantly surprised. :andy:

I sooo agree. I keep wondering what may have happened that made him want to disappear. It seems since then that its been like a domino effect since he left; how many really great astrologers just stopped posting? I cant decide which is sadder; all of the bans or the ones that wanted to leave.:crying:

Facepalm; sigh.
quoting from BobZemco:

"I can just in case I find an accurate connection. I'm into Forensic Astrology and read a lot of homicide charts. Those are really interesting, and I've been using Mid-Points with those and they have shown to be incredibly accurate in describing certain facets of the crime, such as motive and other factors related to causal events. Even more importantly, Mid-Points verify the manner of death or narrow it down."

I went through your very interesting posts and because of recent news that Amanda Knox' trial will be started over again, I wonder whether reading her chart could give some indications as to her inclinations towards drugs and sex and violence. She is very good at looking sweet but this could be a manipulative trait. The chart I attach has been cast in Koch house system. Transits are for the hour assassination of Meredith Kercher was perpetrated.

I shall then post Meredith's chart, tentatively rectified since, being her TOB unknown, her natal chart is cast for 12 p.m, 28th of December 1985, Southward, London, UK.
Wonder where Bob Zemco could possibly be... there is a question for him posted today :smile:
Hello Bob,

here is Meredith Kercher's chart, rectified by myself on a simplicistic base: transits of the moment. Looking forward to your very extensive-comprehensive considerations,

thank you, violalauraciao
where is astrologer50

I believe that is her user name. She was fishing to get us all hooked and would always answer post by providing a slew of links lol
Unfortunately astrologer50 was banned some time ago; she still posts regularly on astro.com forums.
where is astrologer50
I believe that is her user name. She was fishing to get us all hooked and would always answer post by providing a slew of links lol
Some got fairly irritated by her posting a slew of links, which she often repeated. One, perhaps even the only reason of her getting banned. I also learnt that she would PM others with information, and some saw that as interference or sort of forcing herself on others. I found it rather sad, even unfair, esp that she was banned permanently from the forums. Had I been a mod, I would have taken away her PM facility, certainly not taken a step as dire as banning her, since she spent an immense amount of time helping others (don't remember a time she asked for help for herself) and responding to many, many posts. Even if with many links, members felt heard, and that often is alot of psychological help for disturbed people. Often, we forget that Astrology is NOT Maths and we are not in a school here to get graded. Astrology is a kind of therapy/ a social service, as 7 out of 10 people joining and visiting this forum come due to a worried/unhappy/disturbed state of mind. One must weigh everything in relation (before citing rules). The human element should be considered. There are certain long-standing people that have been banned here that some other long-standing members, incl myself, are quite sad about. I think I'd better stop, or I will soon become a topic of discussion amongst the more elite group as one trying to cause a stir (Aquarians anyway are famous for that, lol)

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you forgot Astro50's plagiarism case. She literally copied and pasted her posts from the google books.


You are right. That was one of the rules she broke, pasting stuff from sites. She, however, gave links - one of her curses, lol. Perhaps she wasn't careful enough to stick to the 100-word text. I also had to edit some of her posts, as I did those of many other members in my 'hay days'. She got better and then I left this place for a while. For me, perm banning is a very serious step because it mentally and emotionally effects members, especially those that 'house' here in these forums for hours on end. I would take this step with members that really 'hurt' the rules by posting porns and other such disruptive stuff, or vendors selling lottery tickets (lol I banned some of those, even there with a heavy heart.. I suc.ked as a mod and I'm not fishing for compliments.. Piscean Ven conj Piscean Jup and sextile Moon don't have the gumption to patrol, lol). Speaking about banning, I might be the next one to be banned, if this post is not edited. This forum's nice or I would not have returned after my 'vacation'.


I saw the original posts before they got edited. She posted stuff and claimed to be hers. Then appearantly she was harassing ppl via pms.. i forgot the details.

you were okay mod..

awe, she was annoying, but Very VERY HELPFUL.

I miss astrologer50 :( ....when i was a newbie here, she really helped me. People are bashing her, but she gave a lot of her time to help others. It's not quite the same without her. I think banning her was a little unfair.

Also- I miss Bob - his posts were so matter of fact. No BS, just straight forward (and sometimes funny) answers. Does anyone know why he left?
What happened to Arian maverick and shining ray? Where are they now? Would love to reconnect with those ladies. Shining and I share a d.o.b. and I always loved her insights... Am also curious to see where Arian maverick is with her astrology, she was absolutely gifted, and at such a young age (at the time)!