Well-known member
PS: ALso, the usual reasoning I have often heard about this place not being a site to teach people manners, everyone (even mods, incl I as a mod) make mistakes. Only difference, members don't have the power to do much when those in power patrol too readily pull the trigger on banning someone, except openly raise their voice - when even then such threads can be closed, posts that do not suit the mood deleted, etc. This attitude has made way too many very knowledgeable members leave this forum (I have had PM's from some in the past) out of sheer frustration, which tells me that Astrology is not always in the forefront here with those that maintain the forum- for which we are grateful to them. Sometimes even those of us in power need to step back and rethink their actions (they could also have had a bad day and lost their nerve when banning a member), and, more importantly, not let their ego get in the way of admitting and redeeming their mistakes/decisions. Everybody will understand if a mod unbans someone because they might have been too quick on banning, or have 'realised' later. It does not mean that they will show others that rules are not strongly enforced here. I know I must be making headlines on the mod board now, but it is important to say this out, even at the risk of getting banned myself. On the whole a nice forum
Agree, she was a nice person that shared her knowledge gladly. From what I recall, she had a bit of a provocative style of writing and would only too readily 'write' her mind (Mer-Ura). She even asked for banning and then started becoming a bit cheeky to provoke that. I remember during my mod days PM'ing her asking her to not unnecessarily step out of line. Still I was more than surprised to see so many (talented astrologers: Shining Ray, Astrologer 50, EJ53..) banned from the forum upon my return. I would have handled cases like Shining and Astrologer 50 (and I did whilst I could) differently; one of the reasons I stepped down. Although, Shining also wanted to be banned due to not being able to restrain herself from spending too much time here. I wish the banning, even if sometimes necessary, were not so permanent and perhaps to make people leave for a few weeks, even months, but giving them the chance to correct themselves and return. There is always the option to ban the second time permanently. I even recall suggesting this as a mod. That might mean more effort on the staff's part here, but that is important, as such people are like naughty kids, and need more attention. They, IMO, in no way, hurt the forum or trolled or spammed. Alone this thread shows how members feel about Shining and Astrologer 50, and I concur with them.What did she do? She was super nice!
PS: ALso, the usual reasoning I have often heard about this place not being a site to teach people manners, everyone (even mods, incl I as a mod) make mistakes. Only difference, members don't have the power to do much when those in power patrol too readily pull the trigger on banning someone, except openly raise their voice - when even then such threads can be closed, posts that do not suit the mood deleted, etc. This attitude has made way too many very knowledgeable members leave this forum (I have had PM's from some in the past) out of sheer frustration, which tells me that Astrology is not always in the forefront here with those that maintain the forum- for which we are grateful to them. Sometimes even those of us in power need to step back and rethink their actions (they could also have had a bad day and lost their nerve when banning a member), and, more importantly, not let their ego get in the way of admitting and redeeming their mistakes/decisions. Everybody will understand if a mod unbans someone because they might have been too quick on banning, or have 'realised' later. It does not mean that they will show others that rules are not strongly enforced here. I know I must be making headlines on the mod board now, but it is important to say this out, even at the risk of getting banned myself. On the whole a nice forum
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