Where is Bob Zemco?

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What did she do? She was super nice!
Agree, she was a nice person that shared her knowledge gladly. From what I recall, she had a bit of a provocative style of writing and would only too readily 'write' her mind (Mer-Ura). She even asked for banning and then started becoming a bit cheeky to provoke that. I remember during my mod days PM'ing her asking her to not unnecessarily step out of line. Still I was more than surprised to see so many (talented astrologers: Shining Ray, Astrologer 50, EJ53..) banned from the forum upon my return. I would have handled cases like Shining and Astrologer 50 (and I did whilst I could) differently; one of the reasons I stepped down. Although, Shining also wanted to be banned due to not being able to restrain herself from spending too much time here. I wish the banning, even if sometimes necessary, were not so permanent and perhaps to make people leave for a few weeks, even months, but giving them the chance to correct themselves and return. There is always the option to ban the second time permanently. I even recall suggesting this as a mod. That might mean more effort on the staff's part here, but that is important, as such people are like naughty kids, and need more attention. They, IMO, in no way, hurt the forum or trolled or spammed. Alone this thread shows how members feel about Shining and Astrologer 50, and I concur with them.


PS: ALso, the usual reasoning I have often heard about this place not being a site to teach people manners, everyone (even mods, incl I as a mod) make mistakes. Only difference, members don't have the power to do much when those in power patrol too readily pull the trigger on banning someone, except openly raise their voice - when even then such threads can be closed, posts that do not suit the mood deleted, etc. This attitude has made way too many very knowledgeable members leave this forum (I have had PM's from some in the past) out of sheer frustration, which tells me that Astrology is not always in the forefront here with those that maintain the forum- for which we are grateful to them. Sometimes even those of us in power need to step back and rethink their actions (they could also have had a bad day and lost their nerve when banning a member), and, more importantly, not let their ego get in the way of admitting and redeeming their mistakes/decisions. Everybody will understand if a mod unbans someone because they might have been too quick on banning, or have 'realised' later. It does not mean that they will show others that rules are not strongly enforced here. I know I must be making headlines on the mod board now, but it is important to say this out, even at the risk of getting banned myself. On the whole a nice forum
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I, personally, am not unhappy to see Bob having apparently moved on to new pastures.

Bob seemed to make it his personal mission to attack people in nasty ways. He was constantly breaking the rules and having pieces of his posts removed and toward the end whole posts because of his violation of the rules about how we normally treat each other here.

He apparently had an enormous amount of traditional astrology to share, but his method of doing so by telling everyone that he was the only real astrologer in the entire world, and that everyone else was just a giant piece of cr@p, including many famous and well respected and known astrologers, was not exactly a fine way of teaching.

If Bob comes back I hope he changes his tone and shows that he respects someone else besides just BOB.

He would be good on Astrodiensnt.com where there is no moderation to speak of, and people are expected to insult each other right and left, or they just aren't real astrologers.
oh no. not gone again.:w00t: I hope they didn't ban him.

I think he is a real softie under that crazy school teacher image.
from memory he has Jupiter in pisces.

always learn something from his vast knowledge.

'The journey never ends'

hope he comes back to visit again soon.
Annnnndddd gone again. Possibly off on another intergalactic mission to save the Universe, or at least our little corner of it.

Thanks for everything, Bob.
I'm grateful as well for BobZemco's well-informed and useful astrological insights freely offered to all - a genuinely great astrologer :smile:

He could have stayed awhile longer :sad:!
He was of tremendous assistance on this forum and we have many more questions for him :smile:
I, personally, am not unhappy to see Bob having apparently moved on to new pastures.

Bob seemed to make it his personal mission to attack people in nasty ways. He was constantly breaking the rules and having pieces of his posts removed and toward the end whole posts because of his violation of the rules about how we normally treat each other here.

He apparently had an enormous amount of traditional astrology to share, but his method of doing so by telling everyone that he was the only real astrologer in the entire world, and that everyone else was just a giant piece of cr@p, including many famous and well respected and known astrologers, was not exactly a fine way of teaching.

If Bob comes back I hope he changes his tone and shows that he respects someone else besides just BOB.

He would be good on Astrodiensnt.com where there is no moderation to speak of, and people are expected to insult each other right and left, or they just aren't real astrologers.
Not everyone appreciated him
Besides knowledge bob zemco is offering, he shakes the calm sea in this forum and apart from whether in any of us gets dizzy from the waves , we all in the end enjoy a special stormy day.
Being a traditional astrologer BobZemco's skills were of no interest to those who are non-traditional :smile:
oh no. not gone again.:w00t: I hope they didn't ban him.

I think he is a real softie under that crazy school teacher image.
from memory he has Jupiter in pisces.

always learn something from his vast knowledge.

'The journey never ends'

hope he comes back to visit again soon
C'est la vie.... everything is impermanent

Fortunately though, BobZemco left us with plenty to mull over :smile:
He made some comments on his profile page which have the flavor of closure or at least a "fond goodbye" for a while.

According to Chinese Five-element astrology/philosophy, the fall/autumn season is all about letting go of things that have passed their stage of full bloom (summer season). The brightly colored leaves of autumn give one last burst of activity before they fall to the ground and decay into the soil. This cycle is necessary to provide the fuel/energy and space for regrowth and rebirth which will come months later with the Spring season.

Being a lover of nature and its wisdom, BobZemco is probably just following his own seasonal cycle. Fortunately, the stark, barren, bleak and leafless days of Winter are always followed by that vigorous and exciting burst of Spring energy.

I will be looking forward to Bob's next Spring!
He made some comments on his profile page which have the flavor of closure or at least a "fond goodbye" for a while.

According to Chinese Five-element astrology/philosophy, the fall/autumn season is all about letting go of things that have passed their stage of full bloom (summer season). The brightly colored leaves of autumn give one last burst of activity before they fall to the ground and decay into the soil. This cycle is necessary to provide the fuel/energy and space for regrowth and rebirth which will come months later with the Spring season.

Being a lover of nature and its wisdom, BobZemco is probably just following his own seasonal cycle. Fortunately, the stark, barren, bleak and leafless days of Winter are always followed by that vigorous and exciting burst of Spring energy.

I will be looking forward to Bob's next Spring!

Beautifully said......:biggrin:
I recently discovered his posts and went back to read almost everything he has posted. This man is a fountain of knowledge. Reading him is like getting an accelerated astrology class.

Perhaps, in honor of mercury retro, he will come back, if only for a short while.
I recently discovered his posts and went back to read almost everything he has posted.

This man is a fountain of knowledge.

Reading him is like getting an accelerated astrology class.


in honor of mercury retro,

he will come back,

if only for a short while.
On many previous occasions BobZemco has frequently "disappeared"
only to unexpectedly return
He has .been gone awhile. Maybe he will be back like the next star wars epic. :ninja:

The forum has lost a few long term members.

Where is Dr Farr?

where ever they are, no doubt continuing the debate and search for truth. :whistling: