Where is my cat? is he alive?

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Feb 15, 2010
Hello fellow astrologers, Our cat walked out and then was scared by our dogs and has not returned yet. It's been about three days now. I casted a chart and based on what I see he should be ok?
I am Taurus and he is Virgo. His ruler (mercury) is in his third house. Does this mean he is in the neighborhood. Mercury is in detriment in sag though. But I see that there's a trine with venus and moon. Trine will be exact in (4) days? weeks? Also there's a sextile beween venus and cats ruler. So another positive aspect. moon in 10th which is also positive.
Does this mean I will be reunited with my cat again? We live in a rural area where we have coyotes and owls and we have lost other cats before.
As I am writing this I also realize that the ruler of his 8th is venus and there are two aspects to venus, but they are positive aspects.
What do you guys think? Will I be reunited with my cat?
As for location, I see he's in the West towards south. Maybe a house on a hill, since his ruler is in sag., we live on hilly area. Maybe a house with horses, many neighbors have horses.
We have posted on nextdoor and neighbors are helping to look for him.
Thank you for your help.🙏



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It doesn’t looks good. Mercury (your cat) just entered the 8th house and the ruler of the 8th house Jupiter is on the cusp of the cat’s 8th house (but walking away from death?) However he’s in a bad shape in detriment in Sagittarius and the ruler of his 8th house in his house. A lot of emphasis on the 8th house with his rulers. I hope I’m wrong and will survive his adventure.
I hate to agree with Marina on this, and also hope I'm wrong, but we also have a separating aspect between the cat (Mercury) and turned Lord 8 (Venus) which can be a testimony of death (arguably, turned Lord 8 is also you, so this aspect could just indicate the recent separation between you and the cat). But the applying aspect between Moon (co-significator of the cat) and Jupiter (Root Lord 8) is also ominous...
Still, the stars incline but not compel, good luck
So, do we look at both his 8th and my 8th? because he's in my 8th / his 3rd house. Based on your readings, do you think he's gone? or is he injured somewhere? As I mentioned before, we have coyotes roaming around and owls. Also, I don't know if our dogs injured him when he got out and he fled. Based on the separating aspect between mercury and venus ruler of his 8th, can we say he walked away from death as Marina mentioned and is injured somewhere? If so, is he nearby?
Thank you all for your help 🙏
So, do we look at both his 8th and my 8th? because he's in my 8th / his 3rd house. Based on your readings, do you think he's gone? or is he injured somewhere? As I mentioned before, we have coyotes roaming around and owls. Also, I don't know if our dogs injured him when he got out and he fled. Based on the separating aspect between mercury and venus ruler of his 8th, can we say he walked away from death as Marina mentioned and is injured somewhere? If so, is he nearby?
Thank you all for your help 🙏
Yes, in questions about death we look at both radical 8 and turned 8, both can signify death. A separating aspect between turned Lord 8 and Lord 6 tends to be a testimony of recent death, although in this case Venus is also Lord 1 (you). A planet can stand for more than one signifiers as long as we don't need receptions or an aspect between them, (which is the case here, we don't need an aspect between you and the cat's death). The issue is whether we take the aspect between Venus and Mercury as tetsimony of death, or testimony of the cat just leaving you, to be honest, I'm not sure: we know that after the aspect wih Venus, Mercury has just entered root House 8, this can be read as "After encounter death, the cat has passed away" but also "After leaving the owner, the cat is in the neighbourhood".

Root Lord 8 (Jupiter) in your cusp doesn't indicate death of the cat, just that the thought of his death is much present in your mind. The troublesome issue is that, assuming the aspect with Venus doesn't mean death, we still have the cat in a bad position, in his detriment, cusp of Root eight and also very close to Antares at 10 degrees Sagittarius, the star of endings and cycles closing (though not within the 2 degrees distance I would normally use for conjunction to fixed stars). Even disregarding turned Lord 8, we have to deal with the applying aspect between Moon and Jupiter, perfecting almost immediately (just over 1 degree), too many testimonies...

Location-wise, South-West of your house and, for location purposes, we could take House 3 as the neighbourhood of the cat. Sagittarius is double-bodied, the cat might have gone inside some form of cover. A fire sign might point to places associated with fire (it could be fire-station building, a place used for bonfires, fire-works, etc)

Sorry for not being more optimistic, I'm a cat person myself and unfortunately have had plenty of experience in losing cats, so can sympathyse with your situation. Again, hopefully I'm wrong...
I totally agree with @Hwistle. This separation between Mercury and Venus is a bad indication that the cat is already gone. Venus is near the star Vindemiatrix, star of separation. But that we already knows, separating from home, but as Lord 8 pointed this out is troublesome. You ask if he could be injured. His 6th house (11th house) is ruled by Saturn, the natural planet of death. Saturn in Pices is in power by Jupiter Lord 8 and Venus (cats Lord 8 is in exaltation and Mercury (the cat) in detriment and fall. I’m afraid he’s injured. Also the 4th house (end of matters) doesn’t look hopeful with Saturn again and the radical 4th house Moon will conjunct Jupiter.

I’m a cat lover too! I have two beauties. I feel your despair and worry. I’m not experienced in ”death” charts, and really hope I’m wrong about this, but there is just to much emphasis on the 8th houses to ignore.
I agree with Marina on this, too, since I see that the radix 8th house has Mercury, the ruler of the 6th house i.e. the house that rules small animals, and the Mercury is in bad shape too, since it's in a detrimental sign, although close to the Great Attractor, and if I look at the turned 8th house (the 8th house of the 2nd house i.e. the house of your lost property) (the radix 9th house), I see that he is still alive, since the ruler is in 0 deg Pisces in 11th house, which indicates that he's alive, and if I look at the 8th house of the 6th house (the radix 1st house), I see that the ruler of the turned 8th house is in Libra, in domicile, but near Vindemiatrix, the star of separation, so unfortunately, I think that the cat is dead now.
males wonder as a rule. no it doesnt mean he is dead. your 8th house is fear of death…. your thoughts are turned to death….the cats 8th is actually the turned 1st….his 12th is turned 5th. the cats 8th says disruption…not death. your fear is nothing to do with cats business.

moon …sig of all missing items….will trine your significator venus in just under five days. 6th also releases the trapped venus …cats 1st….same timespan. presently cat is elsewhere in strange place …more likely strangers home…but since its cats fifth….more like solo hunting.

if he doesnt feel safe to return cats either find another home or struggle on, he will bide his time and watch for a gap. lock your dogs up.
Thank you all for your input. My cat has not been found and it seems as you were saying that he was in bad shape and didn't make it.

I thought as you, Outlook, but we did not meet again. I thought because of the trine I saw that we were going to get him back. We have six large puppies and it's difficult to keep them locked up all day. they are put away at night though, but no sign of our cat.
I’m sorry to hear that. The chart showed too much negative testimonies and besides that, Mercury (your cat) soon after this day started to slow down to turn retrograde. In cases of sickness and death that’s a bad indicator (life literally stops).