where is my mp3 player

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Apr 16, 2008
my daughter missplaced her mp3 player a few weeks ago but thought she would find it somewhere in the house. she remembered the power was dead and got home took off the ear plugs and used them in the pc.

That was all she can remember and doesnt even want to think of getting another one, she got it for a present.

so i helped her retrace her steps and we have looked for it hight and low in the house. I have my g/daughter staying with me along with my other daughter and son. All adults now except the little one:biggrin:

my daughter usually calls this hocas pocas unless it helps her of course, but she asked me to ask in a horay chart where it is?

Question:- where is my mp3 player

she is moon in the 7th h at 12 aquarius... thinking someone did something with it!
possessions are mercury in the 8th h at 19 pisces .. fitting that it is a music player I thought, it is also combust the sun.

12 house of secrets is also ruled by mercury... so its lost that we know.

being that the sun is burning it could it be that it is here but we just cant see it? because sun ruler is intersepted in her asc!

If i look at the house of other people it is ruled by saturn placed in her possession house.

but nothing aspects anything.. so would i be right in saying its lost?

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Is it in her bedroom as the 2nd house ruler Mercury is in the 9th house, and there will be a lot of book and bibles around.

With Mercury in Pisce there maybe some water or pills or shoes around.

As piscse is a mutable sign, her mp3 maybe inside something, like a box or a handbag.
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We have trine between Moon and POF, that is testimony that MP3 will be found! First look near objecta of gold, brass, or rich furnishings. Ruler in succedent house means that object is not in its usual place, and will take longer to find.Ruler in common (mutable) signs indicate places near water, the eaves of houses, covered places, closets, antechambers and rooms within rooms. Ruler in mutable sign also indicating the item is inside something: car, box, pocket , envelope, cupboard, bag, suitcase or under or between something.
When the ruler of the second house is with 4 or 5 planets(as here) in the same house look for the item in a storage room or where you have a lot of your materials.
Look in bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, near aquarium, near liquids, oils (for healing techniques for example), also near medicine cabinet, near photographic equipment. Look near religious areas at home.

Direction: South by West
Near colour: white, black

POF is in Ge in 11 house. It can be in an upstairs bedroom, hallway, stairway, study, chest, desk, briefcase, luggage, a room where books are kept, bookshelves, a place where reading or studying is done, a drawer where you keeps pens and pencils and office supplies, filing cabinet, in a magazine rack, in the vestibule or entrance to a home, place where important papers or records are kept (i.e. birth certificates, contracts, cancelled checks, legal documents, etc.), an area near the telephone or radio.
Look at places where you hopes or wishes to be. A friend may have seen it or put it someplace. Look at any work area in the home. Look at guest room.

Direction: South by East
Near colour: yellow, orange
thanks heeps guys

we are now looking in these places... and ill get back to you will updates
but if you get a chance can you anser this what i said so i know if i was right with this statement please

being that the sun is burning it could it be that it is here but we just cant see it? because sun ruler is intersepted in her asc
thanks heeps
guess what was just found ?

:biggrin:yep the mp3 player.... took 6 weeks or around 45 days
now we had looked in the place where it was found 10 miniuts ago a few weeks ago and it was not there then!

It was found upstairs under my daughters bed... her bed is almost flat to the floor and is along side of the wall with part of the balcony door agains it... only the cat can get under the bed so nothing else was under there and we had looked under there a bit not fully.

the carpet is white her bed is cream with pink bedding!
she has cloths on the floor but nothing else.
the direction is hard for me to say.. looking towards the west we live east and her room is back of the house so east and bed is faceing south.
the only thing is no water around or pills or pices things for educational purposes... thanks again guys

fensi88 the eves are directly above her head where she sleeps but of course outside the house... !

so my daughter cancer moon ruler moved to mercury the mp3 in 38 deg we found it day 45 could that be close or not really viable? we didnt ask when we would find it i guess!
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Regarding timing I think trine from moon and POF tell the whole story, 1,5 degree, i.e. 1,5 month.
And thanks for detailed update!
would you normally look for the pof for the timeing? I know moon is a timer but as a signifer i didnt take that into account for timeing.
oh I see... Thats really usefull information thanks fensi88 and for all your help with this chart!