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Saturn square Neptune, from the 8th house is almost a guarantee of sexual trauma somewhere in childhood, and from an adult
I do have to quibble this a little. Saturn/Neptune aspects stay within orb for quite a while. That means that there would have been classrooms all over the country and globally full of kids who have this aspect. Can we truly suggest that all of these classmates must have been sexually abused by their parents or guardians? If so, did all these kids end up with either eating disorders or addictions?
I have read that Saturn/Neptune may represent 'fashions' in methods of parenting that might be construed as 'abusive' later on - swaddling is an example I have seen, for example.
But otherwise I would wonder what more there is to the Saturn/Neptune square to 'make' it so potentially pernicious.
Having said that, I would still suggest that all it may take might have been a grope in a public place, or teasing from schoolmates or within family that went too far: I have an aunt who became anorexic because her mother teased her contantly at puberty for her great appetite (and some puppy fat maybe). And a Moon square Venus may have been sensitive to any teasing about her body.
I did actually watch a documentary about extreme obesity types a while back. The people looked absolutely gross - literally. In fact, they could not do anything for themselves and were actually bedridden mainly. They were helpless in many ways - just like babies. It begged the question of that was not what they wanted to be in some ways - helpless in a giant chubby body and dependent still on others to assist them even in toiletting.
A lot of these individuals were very manipulative - tricking friends and carers into smuggling them food, when it was not allowed, that kind of thing.
Alas, no charts were given for these people.
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