julia and i have pretty identical charts. My birthday was a few days after hers, and our AC's are pretty close.
The two big differences are, our moon and merc. I have cancer moon in the 6th, forming a yod with venus and mars. My merc is at 0 capricorn, so its a bit more separated from neptune than hers.
This thread made me cry; i feel so bad for her. Between her aqua AC, and venus there, she will of course be charming and cheerful about things, but inside she is obviously just devastated about whats happening to her.
The venus chiron square is a problem with saying no and discipline with me too. I also have had problems with food in my life, not to this degree though. I have fluctuated ALOT, but have never gone more than 50 pounds over my ideal weight (120 )
I have lost weight during satrun transits, when saturn transited my 6th, i got serious about food, learnign to cook properly etc. I lost ALOT of weight fast. Part of it was an unhealthy weight loss. (mental issues caused alot of it)
Saturn is AC coruler, and with her virgo saturn return going on, she WILL see change in this area. Hopefully it will be a constriction and discipline, like saturn likes to do. I have the saturn mercury square. It CAN be harnessed; even up against seemingly impossible odds. I have worried of death myself, my return is exact oct 4 or so, and my saturn also being in 8th, i worry.... This saturn uranus opposition has created an intense nervous problem for me...i just actually came out of a nervous breakdown of sorts last week... Saturn square merc coming as well.. Its not over yet... But one thing i will tell you is, that if she is anything like me as far as her other aspects, her grand trine, and aqua'ness' will be enough to lift her spirits; keep her afloat, and give her hope. Tell her about me, and that i am coming through some insane things too. I never give up though. I swear, its that combo of mars/jupiter, and in trine to sun that will do it.
Pluto will not hit her sun quite yet. It will go rx a degree shy of her sun next may. She is feeling saturn right now. Her sun is ruler of her pluto touchin on that will transform her in that area. Maybe bring someone into her life, or take one away. Who knows.
Julia has ALOT of virgo goin on here, just like i do, she HAS the tools.
She can and will change, if she makes it alive through this. There have been some very powerful eclipses gone on recently, and one, like it it was for me, was in her 6th house.
I have a question, would she ever consider relocation? Because if she would, it could help in getting that venus somewhere else...and making other things angular that might help her. If that is a possibility, then we could create a new thread discussing where would help the most, etc. I also think gastric bypass is a good idea; i have seen it work for a few people i knew that were too overweight.
But anyways..sorry for rambling, i just got all emotional reading this thread, and i really feel for my astrotwin...
Feel free to pm me, or ask me anything