Which Venus is more passionate phisically speaking?

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Aug 31, 2010
Most of you, would say... SCORPIO... but take a minute to think, have you ever had experiences with a scorpio venus? Because I have some relatives and friends, with venus in scorpio, that are very shy, reserved and passive in this aspect...

try to talk about facts and not about theory written in astrology books...

mars gives the physical component to passion, not venus. venus sign reflects how the native loves and how they want love in return.
mars gives the physical component to passion, not venus. venus sign reflects how the native loves and how they want love in return.

To me how we love and how we want love is totally the moon involved.

I'm talking about LUST and that's Venus, and yes, I agree with mars too.
To me how we love and how we want love is totally the moon involved.

I'm talking about LUST and that's Venus, and yes, I agree with mars too.

I'd have to agree with may28gemini. Love is Venus, lust would be Mars. If the Moon aspected Venus, it would bring out a nurturing side to love, but lust is associated with Mars.

As far as which Venus is most physically passionate, perhaps Taurus, with its earthy nature. Maybe Leo or Sagittarius, too. Venus is exalted in Pisces, but it's more of a dreamy Venus which would need a beneficial aspect from Mars to be more passionate. I have Venus in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn, and that combo is described as very sexual and passionate. Mars in Capricorn is VERY lust-driven, and I am.
I've recently generated a chart for a friend of mine, who happen to be someone I once took out on a date and she happens to have Mars conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in her 8th house. Neptune opposes Moon in her Gemini Ascendant in the 1st house, whilst Mars in her chart has absolutely no aspect at all. I'm too sure though what this would mean specifically?

What I do find surprising is that despite having Mars in Capricorn in her 8th she's never had a boyfriend and has never been kissed, thus rendering her passionate level almost to zero.
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I've recently generated a chart for a friend of mine, who happen to be someone I once took out on a date and she happens to have Mars conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in her 8th house. Neptune opposes Moon in her Gemini Ascendant in the 1st house, whilst Mars in her chart has absolutely no aspect at all. I'm too sure though what this would mean specifically?

What I do find surprising is that despite having Mars in Capricorn in her 8th she's never had a boyfriend and has never been kissed, thus rendering her passionate level almost to zero.

Well, the thread question is asking which Venus sign is more passionate. Also, if your friend's Mars is conjuct Neptune, her Mars is not unaspected.
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Well, the thread question is asking which Venus sign is more passionate. Also, if your friend's Mars is conjuct Neptune, her Mars is not unaspected.

Right, yes of course. Venus in Gemini perhaps then. Thanks for clearing up the point about Neptune conjunct Mars. I didn't know that conjunction were considered as aspects. Sorry I'm new to astrology.
Having Joy in Scorpio, it is theoretical to me that it may have an expanding effect on Venus (as "Joy" is rooted in Jovial, and Jupiter being jovial has a nature of expansion) so expanding, or even emphasizing or highlighting on our desires, preferences, and so on. This would amount to a greater intensity of passion, also considering that mars having to do with sexual appetites and the like is domicile Scorpio, you would have some martian tendencies in Venus.

In addition, it is important to consider decanates for Venus. It is possible that the people that you have met with, Raquel, were posited at a degree owning an Aquarius decan (10º - 19º59'), which would have a debilitating effect. It is also possible for Venus to have the decanate of Capricorn (0º - 9º59') which would influence an element of reservation and other Cappy qualities. :).
Raquel, the reason why Venus isn't associated with lust is because of her "nature." Sure, she was known for her beauty and vanity, but lust wasn't one of it. Actually, she was quite cool-headed about lust. She liked being fawned over, admired, adored, desired but she herself wasn't lusting anyone... until Mars came along! The sexy god of war made Venus lost her cool and she was crazy over him. It was when Venus got "aspected" by Mars that her lust flourished.

Apply that story to astrology and you'll see why Venus and Mars aspects create love/sex combos.

I see Cap Mars as being level headed, cool, controlled, self-disciplined. Unless other factors come into play that could weaken the Cap Mars' hold on self-control, the natives really aren't going to be "lustful," at least not outright. They're good at keeping everything under wraps and waiting until the "right" moment comes along. So Saturnian, I'm not surprised that your friend/date hadn't kissed before. And you shouldn't be either. Cap Mars tends to be very careful with who they get involved with on the physical level.

Piscesasc, you've got quite a lovely exalted venus- exalted mars combo there! I knew someone like that. Actually, he and I discussed astrology and I got a bit better at it because of my talks with him. As far as him being lustful? I don't know really. I mean, he liked a few chicks that he told me about but he was super duper careful as to who he got involved with.

The combo that I think is really lustful and exciting is Venus conjunct Mars in fire signs. Talk about combustion!! I called that the "it factor." In general, I think there's just something that really draws others to a Venus conj Mars person like flies to honey (no matter what element).

I don't have any of that lovely, magnetic "sex appeal" or "lustiness." My cool headed Gemini Venus makes only 3 aspects: conj Mercury, opp Neptune, and trine Pluto exact. I find that Venus trine Pluto aspect attracts creepy obsessive people towards me but doesn't add any excitement to my love or lust life :andy:
Raquel, the reason why Venus isn't associated with lust is because of her "nature." Sure, she was known for her beauty and vanity, but lust wasn't one of it. Actually, she was quite cool-headed about lust. She liked being fawned over, admired, adored, desired but she herself wasn't lusting anyone... until Mars came along! The sexy god of war made Venus lost her cool and she was crazy over him. It was when Venus got "aspected" by Mars that her lust flourished.

Apply that story to astrology and you'll see why Venus and Mars aspects create love/sex combos.

I see Cap Mars as being level headed, cool, controlled, self-disciplined. Unless other factors come into play that could weaken the Cap Mars' hold on self-control, the natives really aren't going to be "lustful," at least not outright. They're good at keeping everything under wraps and waiting until the "right" moment comes along. So Saturnian, I'm not surprised that your friend/date hadn't kissed before. And you shouldn't be either. Cap Mars tends to be very careful with who they get involved with on the physical level.

Piscesasc, you've got quite a lovely exalted venus- exalted mars combo there! I knew someone like that. Actually, he and I discussed astrology and I got a bit better at it because of my talks with him. As far as him being lustful? I don't know really. I mean, he liked a few chicks that he told me about but he was super duper careful as to who he got involved with.

The combo that I think is really lustful and exciting is Venus conjunct Mars in fire signs. Talk about combustion!! I called that the "it factor." In general, I think there's just something that really draws others to a Venus conj Mars person like flies to honey (no matter what element).

I don't have any of that lovely, magnetic "sex appeal" or "lustiness." My cool headed Gemini Venus makes only 3 aspects: conj Mercury, opp Neptune, and trine Pluto exact. I find that Venus trine Pluto aspect attracts creepy obsessive people towards me but doesn't add any excitement to my love or lust life :andy:

Yeah, I can see why your friend might have been very selective with who he dated. Cap Mars is like that. A native doesn't just get involved with anyone, but when they do and the chemistry is right, you might as well charge admission for others to watch them get it on!

Back to Venus... I read about a year or two ago that Venus near the ascendant (My Pisces Venus conjuncts my ascendant) gives a good voice. I've been told I have a voice for radio. I even looked into some sites that offer voice-over work. But anyways...

You mentioned that your natal Venus trine Pluto draws creepy obsessives to you? I wonder how an aspect like Venus trine Pluto would play out in synastry, what each planet person would feel/experience.

Yeah, my Venus-Mars sextile is exact, too! 14 degrees in Pisces and Cap. One person on this forum once said "you'll have no trouble getting dates." My response? "Wanna bet?" lol.... I'm never able to get a relationship going beyond the first date, when I initiate things. Only when the female takes action does it go anywhere. But, I digress.

Onward and upward!
Yeah, I can see why your friend might have been very selective with who he dated. Cap Mars is like that. A native doesn't just get involved with anyone, but when they do and the chemistry is right, you might as well charge admission for others to watch them get it on!

Back to Venus... I read about a year or two ago that Venus near the ascendant (My Pisces Venus conjuncts my ascendant) gives a good voice. I've been told I have a voice for radio. I even looked into some sites that offer voice-over work. But anyways...

You mentioned that your natal Venus trine Pluto draws creepy obsessives to you? I wonder how an aspect like Venus trine Pluto would play out in synastry, what each planet person would feel/experience.

Yeah, my Venus-Mars sextile is exact, too! 14 degrees in Pisces and Cap. One person on this forum once said "you'll have no trouble getting dates." My response? "Wanna bet?" lol.... I'm never able to get a relationship going beyond the first date, when I initiate things. Only when the female takes action does it go anywhere. But, I digress.

Onward and upward!

LOL natal Venus trine Pluto is a bit of a tricky one. EVERYTIME I'm out in public and feel like someone is looking at me and I look up, the person that's been staring at me look and act creepy. It's never anyone who I would want to be looking at me. I think since I have fallen Libra Pluto, I don't attract (knock on wood) sinister types... just socially awkward and creepy types.
When I do get involved with someone, they become obsessed with me and refuse to let me go. I do love and feel for those in my life on a very deep level and I have difficulties having "shallow" relationships.

I've always wondered how Venus trine Pluto plays out in synastry. I am the Pluto to a friend's Venus... and he's gay. We're actually quite close and good friends. He trusts my opinions and takes me as an "authority" figure. Other than that example, I wouldn't know.

Pisces Venus likes being pursued and Cap Mars likes being pursued too. That's probably why you'd have better results in the relationship/love dept when the female initiates.
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Most of you, would say... SCORPIO... but take a minute to think, have you ever had experiences with a scorpio venus? Because I have some relatives and friends, with venus in scorpio, that are very shy, reserved and passive in this aspect...

try to talk about facts and not about theory written in astrology books...


Venus in Virgo. Lusty as it gets. :w00t:

Venus is exalted in Pisces because Pisces is the sign of spirituality, the sign that will most deify her in all the purest ways. Fall is the opposite of exaltation, and when we think of love and ways to love, including the physical act, it should always be Venus and not Mars that comes to mind. Detriment, such as Scorpio or Aries for Venus implies a certain level of inability to function that exaltation and fall lack. Think fallen angel, if you will. Also think earthy, as Virgo is an earth sign, and think of the harvest, reaping the seeds that have been planted, and all the imagery that comes with it.
LOL natal Venus trine Pluto is a bit of a tricky one. EVERYTIME I'm out in public and feel like someone is looking at me and I look up, the person that's been staring at me look and act creepy. It's never anyone who I would want to be looking at me. I think since I have fallen Libra Pluto, I don't attract (knock on wood) sinister types... just socially awkward and creepy types.
When I do get involved with someone, they become obsessed with me and refuse to let me go. I do love and feel for those in my life on a very deep level and I have difficulties having "shallow" relationships.

I've always wondered how Venus trine Pluto plays out in synastry. I am the Pluto to a friend's Venus... and he's gay. We're actually quite close and good friends. He trusts my opinions and takes me as an "authority" figure. Other than that example, I wouldn't know.

Pisces Venus likes being pursued and Cap Mars likes being pursued too. That's probably why you'd have better results in the relationship/love dept when the female initiates.

Well, Pisces and Cap may like being pursued, but it would be nice if my pursuing the women would work out once in a while, lol. People don't see Pisces as having a lot of backbone, and given the rest of my chart, I definitely do.
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"Physically passionate" literally would be Aries.

Taurus is lusty and sensuous, but I wouldn't use the word "passionate" there.

Scorpio is more "psychologically passionate", it's stirring Scorpio deeply that ignites their passion and that's far easier said than done. Scorpio appears shy and reserved (and I can assure you it only "appears" this way) because frankly Scorpio doesn't care about superficialities.

Rihanna has Venus in Aries. Thinking of Rude Boy.
I'd have to agree with may28gemini. Love is Venus, lust would be Mars. If the Moon aspected Venus, it would bring out a nurturing side to love, but lust is associated with Mars.

As far as which Venus is most physically passionate, perhaps Taurus, with its earthy nature. Maybe Leo or Sagittarius, too. Venus is exalted in Pisces, but it's more of a dreamy Venus which would need a beneficial aspect from Mars to be more passionate. I have Venus in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn, and that combo is described as very sexual and passionate. Mars in Capricorn is VERY lust-driven, and I am.

I'm Pisces Venus conjunct Sun, trine Pluto in Scorpio, sextile Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn, and I'm very passionate. But I'm also very shy, so I doubt anyone suspects my real nature.

I think you should look for the entire chart, in order to determine how passionate a person is. For instance, women identify more with Moon and Venus, so that means it will affect them more than it does men. Generally, men "project" their Venus and Moon placements onto women in their lives.
Women, however, identify with their Moon and Venus.

I also have very tight Moon-Mars and Moon-Jupiter conjunctions, and Moon in Taurus, so that adds to my "passionate needs"
My venus and mars are both in air signs, which are known to be lacking in physical passion and individuals with such placements are supposedly stimulated more so intellectually.

However, I consider myself to be an extremely passionate person. And like any hot-blooded woman, this is almost a fault. This signifies the importance of considering the entire chart. My sun is in taurus and I have significant mars and venus placements, aspecting both my personal planets. My taurus sun (in the 8th house) forms a fixed T-square with pluto in scorpio and mars in aquarius. Additionally, my mars is trine venus in gemini.

When mars contacts venus, mars gives vigour to venus while venus simultaneously softens mars. Those with aspects between venus and mars often give out very strong sexual vibes without even trying. Typical venus-mars people are also more adept at relating to the opposite sex. I have have always identified myself as a strongly sexual person, from a young age. My sexuality comes to me completely naturally, and is in no way contrived.

Aspects between venus and pluto have been mentioned, and I seem to attract men with with venus trine pluto (both have had venus in pisces). This combination brings forth a need to love intensely in a deep and profound relationship. These individuals become passionately and obsessively in love with those that are unavailable -- imagining it to be "unrequited love" (which is rather flattering, but ultimately unhealthy). They give off strong sexual vibes, but in a very different way from the venus-mars. With the venus-pluto the sexuality seems to come from a place of insecurity. These people never seem to be able to let go of past relationships. I find them irresistible.

As my mars squares pluto, this brings passion in the form of rage, energy and a kind of bestial sexuality - qualities that can be triggered with the most tremendous force by the appropriate transits. My moon/venus energy softens the mars and the pluto a fair amount, however. This aspect brings forth an enormous amount of sensitivity, covered up by my impenetrable exterior. Moon/venus treats everyone like they're fragile, so they don't break the ones who are.

I am now aware that I instinctively reject too much comfort in life and relationships. I can be jealous, fearing betrayal and abandonment and I am very aware of the more difficult sides of life. For me, love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without.
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I have a Libra stellium with Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto all within a 10 degree orb.

I like passionate and sustained energy. I'm not even sure if people are always on the same page when they use the word passion. Yes, people notice the underlying sex appeal.