Which Venus Sign this sentence is more related to?

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Mars wrote that.

It's passionate. It's wanting what you can't have.

If you look closely at the end, you'll see


written in very small letters :joyful:
As a Venus in Sagittarius, I find that very interesting.

I'd have thought something more like, "To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all. Moving on then..." :biggrin:
"... those flames of untamable love, that's cursed to be forbidden."
Venus in Leo, in the 12th house, aspected by Uranus or Pluto and Mars from the 8th.
Now a few months later; I can actually see how this could be Venus in Sagittarius...a very poetic one, albeit, but still....

Venus is Venus and wants love no matter what sign it's in; however in Sagittarius it is also just as much in love with freedom as it is with love itself.

Venus here feels as if it is one or the other. Love or freedom, one could say that Venus feels that love is forbidden to it. The tempting fruit in the garden that cast one out from it's very source of existence....freedom.
Scorpio for sure.

My Venus is in Libra and I prefer refined, airy i.e. communicative and intellectual lovers, plenty of atmosphere and pleasant surroundings for love. The colours I prefer are pinks and blues and everything has to be co-ordinated. I dont like rough edges in men or coarseness.
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Now a few months later; I can actually see how this could be Venus in Sagittarius...a very poetic one, albeit, but still....

Venus is Venus and wants love no matter what sign it's in; however in Sagittarius it is also just as much in love with freedom as it is with love itself.

Venus here feels as if it is one or the other. Love or freedom, one could say that Venus feels that love is forbidden to it. The tempting fruit in the garden that cast one out from it's very source of existence....freedom.
I wonder about Venus in Aquarious though, they tend to have friends rather and dont like to be conventional or tied down. They are not passionate and like to experiment with many others. One on one is not their forte. It all depends on the aspects and where it is.

forbidden love belongs to Pisces and Neptune more. Perhaps Pluto and Scorpio too for the taboo and the secret.
I think that all signs have the potential to manifest something like a forbidden love type of scenario.

My thought comes from being in my first long term relationship as a Venus/Moon in Sagittarius. My relationship is very loving and wonderful, but I feel restricted as well and it makes me feel like I have to choose between having this and being 'out there' doing my thing, following my whims.
And if I tell you that was wroten by a Pisces moon in the 8th house? makes any sense?
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It would be interesting also to see what kinds of transits the author was experiencing when writting that.
And if I tell you that was wroten by a Pisces moon in the 8th house? makes any sense?

Excess Water, by planet (Moon) sign (Psices) and mundane house affinity (8th, mundane affinity to watery Scorpio) Also a sensitive Moon and impressionable Pisces in a rather morbidly-inclined 8th house; yes, makes sense (at least as far as it goes with the information provided)