Gates, Soros are Puppets who work for the Cabal. In turn, they are rewarded with wealth & fame.
The politicians and the world leaders who are controlled by the NWO either through blackmail, bribery or bring brought off are also Puppets of their Masters.
We don't even hear about who is on the top of the pyramid.
It's the 'invisible enemy'. The 13 bloodline families led by the Rothschilds & their power lies in the 3 'axis of evil'...Washington, D.C. The City of London and the Vatican.
President Trump & the Alliance have 'cut off the head of the beast'. He mentioned it years ago but nobody paid attention except those who understand what is happening and how the NWO are being totally destroyed.
Buckingham Palace is closed, the Queen capitulated to President Trump.
A LOT going on behind the scenes to bring America back to where God intended it to be.
It ain't pretty.
There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.
Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.
This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’
The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.
In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).
The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World by David Icke
The politicians and the world leaders who are controlled by the NWO either through blackmail, bribery or bring brought off are also Puppets of their Masters.
We don't even hear about who is on the top of the pyramid.
It's the 'invisible enemy'. The 13 bloodline families led by the Rothschilds & their power lies in the 3 'axis of evil'...Washington, D.C. The City of London and the Vatican.
President Trump & the Alliance have 'cut off the head of the beast'. He mentioned it years ago but nobody paid attention except those who understand what is happening and how the NWO are being totally destroyed.
Buckingham Palace is closed, the Queen capitulated to President Trump.
A LOT going on behind the scenes to bring America back to where God intended it to be.
It ain't pretty.
There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.
Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.
This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’
The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.
In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).
The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World by David Icke