Who are these Global Elites that Rule the World?

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Gates, Soros are Puppets who work for the Cabal. In turn, they are rewarded with wealth & fame.

The politicians and the world leaders who are controlled by the NWO either through blackmail, bribery or bring brought off are also Puppets of their Masters.

We don't even hear about who is on the top of the pyramid.

It's the 'invisible enemy'. The 13 bloodline families led by the Rothschilds & their power lies in the 3 'axis of evil'...Washington, D.C. The City of London and the Vatican.

President Trump & the Alliance have 'cut off the head of the beast'. He mentioned it years ago but nobody paid attention except those who understand what is happening and how the NWO are being totally destroyed.

Buckingham Palace is closed, the Queen capitulated to President Trump.

A LOT going on behind the scenes to bring America back to where God intended it to be.

It ain't pretty.

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.
Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.

This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’
The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.

In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).

The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World by David Icke
You know, the people like David Icke, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and President Trump who all speak of the 'Deep State', have been ridiculed, mocked and called 'conspiraccy theory nuts'.

But they are all right. EVERY POTUS takes an allegiance to the cabal, many of them like the Bush, Clinton, Obama are descendants from the European bloodline families.

If they don't do the bidding of the cabal they are killed (Lincoln, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Reagan (he got lucky by not being killed) & Trump (numerous assassination attempts but he & his family are well-guarded & they will not allow any harm to come to them).

Some call this Babylonian Talmudism secret Satanism or the Luciferianism of the super-elites or those who refer to themselves as the “Illuminati”, the “Circle of Twelve” or the “Disciples of Satan.” Like it or not it is a simple fact that at this very time the Khazarian Mafia actually runs most USG institutions including the US Congress
Fascism, Communism, Marxism, socialism, revolution, and pitting people against each other were all Rothschild tactics pursued to divide the enemy (humanity) while they (the Rothschild bloodlines and agents) remains unified in purpose.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founded the House of Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main, an imperial city within the Holy Roman Empire.

Quickly he joined the Oppenheimer Bank, which provided him access to princes within the Holy Roman Empire, the British Monarchy, and the East India Company.

The elite sought to claim all the power and wealth of the world for themselves while stripping the people of all their power, property, and rights, not unlike the Great Reset the Rothschilds and their agent, World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is promoting today.

Ben Fulford Report

btw, The Rothschild Family is NOT Jewish; they worship satan. It's THEY that have funded every side of every war to benefit financially.
It always comes down to anti-semitism.

I don't even know what to say at this point.
Janet & her partner have almost completed the sequel to The Fall of The Cabal.



There are only 3 more episodes to be completed. We were VERY worried when Janet & her partner went missing. However, it appears that they are okay & just needed to spend some free time before they complete the 2-Part Doc Series.

I pray nothing has happened to them.


Part 14: The Era of Depopulation… What does that look like in our daily lives? About wars, (natural?) disasters, famine & drought, plagues & diseases. The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu.

This is why I called anti-semitism, though I do NOT think you hate us - but you may be misinformed.

Let me guess - you read or heard that the Babylonian Talmud says gentiles aren't human (so you can do anything to them, they aren't people after all), it's perfectly okay to have sex with three year olds, and Jews drink childrens' blood?

And more, of course.

For the record, it says none of those things. I expect I'm rather more familiar with it than your sources are.

Also, the Khazar thing is *****. That was made up in an attempt to justify the holocaust, amongst other things. European Jews are indeed Jews, just like Moroccan, Indian, Lebanese, and all the other kinds of Jews. And whilst Jews were generally hated because Judaism permits charging interest on loans (with some pretty strict rules around it) so they were the bankers for the most part, no, it wasn't an evil Jewish/Khazari/inhuman/whatever conspiracy to control the world.

Are there bad Jews in the world? Of course. Just like there are bad everything elses. But not this kind of mass depravity.

Please don't listen to that ****.

Some call this Babylonian Talmudism secret Satanism or the Luciferianism of the super-elites or those who refer to themselves as the “Illuminati”, the “Circle of Twelve” or the “Disciples of Satan.” Like it or not it is a simple fact that at this very time the Khazarian Mafia actually runs most USG institutions including the US Congress
This is why I called anti-semitism, though I do NOT think you hate us - but you may be misinformed.

Let me guess - you read or heard that the Babylonian Talmud says gentiles aren't human (so you can do anything to them, they aren't people after all), it's perfectly okay to have sex with three year olds, and Jews drink childrens' blood?

And more, of course.

For the record, it says none of those things. I expect I'm rather more familiar with it than your sources are.

Also, the Khazar thing is *****. That was made up in an attempt to justify the holocaust, amongst other things. European Jews are indeed Jews, just like Moroccan, Indian, Lebanese, and all the other kinds of Jews. And whilst Jews were generally hated because Judaism permits charging interest on loans (with some pretty strict rules around it) so they were the bankers for the most part, no, it wasn't an evil Jewish/Khazari/inhuman/whatever conspiracy to control the world.

Are there bad Jews in the world? Of course. Just like there are bad everything elses. But not this kind of mass depravity.

Please don't listen to that ****.

You've got to wonder: If the Jews are behind everything, why is Israel suffering so harshly from Covid and vaccine issues? Wouldn't the Jews controlling the world look out for their in group?

Unless there is some grander conspiracy I'm unaware of where the super Jews are killing off the lower Jews?

Doesn't add up to me.
You've got to wonder: If the Jews are behind everything, why is Israel suffering so harshly from Covid and vaccine issues? Wouldn't the Jews controlling the world look out for their in group?

Unless there is some grander conspiracy I'm unaware of where the super Jews are killing off the lower Jews?

Doesn't add up to me.




It's not the Jews.

The world is run by 13 bloodline families. Rothschild own the central bnkc & the Federal Reserve & the IRS. The workers are federal employees but the institutions are owned by the Rothschild family.

Rockefeller family own big pharma. Own the CDC, FDA.

Morgan in the financial sector. Carnegie steel,

They use the CIA as their private army.

Bush, Obama, Clinton all CIA assets. In fact, every POTUS is 'picked' up the NWO.

Except John F. Kennedy who they killed because he was going to destroy the CIA & 'splinter it into a thoussand pieces'.

Donald J. Trump is not picked by them, he's picked up the people to


That's why they want to get rid of him so badly. He took the U.S. out of their 'money-making schemes like the Green New Deal, WHO,, etc. The money goes to the elites who run the world.

Look at how rich Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Mayor Bowser, Mayor Lisghtfoot, Obama, Clinton, Bushes are. They received MILLIONS in payoffs from the satanic cabal to do THEIR bidding.

Trump upset their plans for a total take-over of the country.

He won the 2020 election in a landslide & they took it from him in order to place their puppet Biden in power.

It's okay. The people are seeing the swamp in real time now.

It had to be this way but make no mistake.

President Trump is returning for a 2nd Term in an election he clearly won.

He's destroying the whole, rotten swamp along the way.

Promises made, promises kept.

You've got to wonder: If the Jews are behind everything, why is Israel suffering so harshly from Covid and vaccine issues? Wouldn't the Jews controlling the world look out for their in group?

Unless there is some grander conspiracy I'm unaware of where the super Jews are killing off the lower Jews?

Doesn't add up to me.
You've got to wonder: If the Jews are behind everything, why is Israel suffering so harshly from Covid and vaccine issues? Wouldn't the Jews controlling the world look out for their in group?

Unless there is some grander conspiracy I'm unaware of where the super Jews are killing off the lower Jews?

Doesn't add up to me.

This is your 10,000th post!

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I have posted an excellent documentary on 'The Cabal' which goes into a lot of detail of who these global elites are & what their goal is. :sick::sick::sick:

The people that rule the world go by many different names...the Illumanti was their original name but got too exposed so they have changed it throughout the decades. Today, it's known as the New World Order (NWO).

The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. Wikipedia
Founder: Adam Weishaupt
Founded: May 1, 1776, Ingolstadt, Germany
Headquarters: Ingolstadt, Germany
Ceased operations: 1785

Their religion is Luciferian. They worship satan & their goal is to have the entire world bowing to the devil. Whether we believe in it or not is irrelevant...THEY believe it & they sell their souls to gain wealth & power. They must make sacrifices to their idol, child sacrifices...this goes back to the days of baal.moloch when children were 'put through fire' & 'given' to their idol.

They have infiltrated every level of society from places of worship, to schools, to other educational & civic institutions and to every levels of government.

They have total control of the monetary system through the Central Banks in every country.

These 'blood-lines' come mainly from European nobility. The Payseur family are at the Head with an estimated 240 quadtrillion dollar estate. They are descendants of the French Monarchy & when they came to the U.S. they brought every railroad station every electrical company, every mining company, every iron & steel company....much of it through fraud & counterfeit papers.
Their descendants with different surnames through inter-marriage with other 'blood-lines' still own the majority shares in these companies although their names have changed throughout the years.

The Rothschild Family own the banking system, along with the Morgans. They own the Federal Reserve & the Stock Exchange. They owe allegiance to the City of London & pay them 20% of the profits.

The other Italian.German.Swiss.English blood-lines number around 10 and they, along with the Rothschilds & Payseurs own 90% of the wealth in the entire world.

Almost every politician since the 1950s has been 'blackmailed, brought or bribed' to allow the NWO to continue their rule of the world.

They do the 'bidding' of their Luciferian Masters & in return, they gain in power & wealth. They don't work for the people they claim to serve but they work for themselves & the NWO.


What a load of ****! It's a rehashed political HOAX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion they've just swapped the word Jews for Democrats. Its been used several times in history. Look it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7o3bVInA2A Basically Trump used every hoax, advertising, cult & brainwashing technique he could to manipulate uneducated people into voting for him. Because he has nothing to offer them. He's just a grifter.
What a load of ****! It's a rehashed political HOAX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion they've just swapped the word Jews for Democrats. Its been used several times in history. Look it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7o3bVInA2A Basically Trump used every hoax, advertising, cult & brainwashing technique he could to manipulate uneducated people into voting for him. Because he has nothing to offer them. He's just a grifter.

Also for people who believe the "New World Order" is about agenda 21 and agenda 30...have you ever tried actually reading them? Because theres no de-population or control or anything like it mentioned. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf
Hey Blackberry, how about pointing out where I'm wrong in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or either Agenda 21 or 30? You might learn something when you read them.