If they are both Kings, than using the first and 7th house, with still the same outcome in my opinion.
The Cat will win, but I think it will be a very exciting game, because they are almost equal in strength in this chart.
I will use Saturn for the King because of the authority and the Cat Moon because Cancer is his 6th house of our house pets.
I know Lilly use Saturn for cats, but in this case the Moon will make more sense too me.
Saturn in a angular house has more strength, than peregrine Moon with day ruler Saturn.
First glance at the chart shows Saturn (the authority) in a much stronger position, but things never seems as it appears to be.
I think it will start bad for the cat, for a while it seems the King will win.
What convinced me of the winning of the Cat, is the very beneficial help from Venus in own sign.
The help Saturn receive is from busted Mars in a difficult square, hitting blinded (maybe he’s bleeding, foggy eye sight) after 2 units of time. Busted Mars afflict Saturn badly.
Venus will help peregrine Moon in a positive way, after 3 units of time (whatever that means).
From out of nowhere Venus show up from the 8th house and give a knock-out (Pluto) on the Asc.
This is my first contest chart.
I agree with Frawley about too late and too soon Asc degrees. He says “the Universe never stops working”.
What it says in this chart is: the sudden unexpected outcome of the fight. There will be a turning table moment.
A against all odds moment.
I think it’s gonna be a long fight.
Moon is in 5th house of entertainment at the beginning of the show.