Why am I so popular with the opposite sex?

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2013
I'm a guy. out of like every three 3 friends, two are girls.
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Indeed the answer to your question is clearly defined in the chart: Venus/Libra in the 5th ; plus all that Scorpio energy, are highly magnetizing to others typically. Gemini as your personality expression makes you easy to talk to and overtly friendly to all. NN pleasantly supportive of Pluto shows this to be very much a pre-ordained plan for you to play out; now you need to understand the purpose of it...what are you learning about your own sexuality through such easy accessibility? Moon in Pisces perhaps allows you to be sympathetic and understanding of others as well. Since you don't have to work at creating relationships, your true focus should be on whether you can sustain one-on-one partnerships; and also what do you have to 'bring to the table' for others? It is important to remember that other people in our lives, especially partners, act as a reflection of the self; they are meant to open us up to the true inner self, rather than just the personality that we project.
Your luminaries (Sun/Moon) are both in watery signs - meaning by energy type you are basically feminine, emotional and receptive.

Your Venus is domicile in Libra - the epitome sign of beauty, grace, balance, good manners, tact, compromise, and making no stressful aspects whatsoever, in comparison to your Mars-to-the-7th house ruler Jupiter condition, that are in applying square aspect. Mars is exalted though in Cappy. Should be mentioned and inquired too that the 7th ruler Jupiter quincunx your Sun .... It's so much easier to hang with chiks for you, almost effortless by comparison of the indicators.
Maybe you aren't actually. Maybe you jsut think you are.

We all have beliefs aobut ourselves that don't turn out to be true in the light of day, or in other people's light.
Well since the fifth house represents children and the first child and venus is a female planet. I'm just a beginner..
Well since the fifth house represents children and the first child and venus is a female planet. I'm just a beginner..

It not really that simple. Not only due medical constraints come into it, but individual charts my put constraints on the situation that change that completely.
Maybe you aren't actually. Maybe you jsut think you are.

We all have beliefs aobut ourselves that don't turn out to be true in the light of day, or in other people's light.

I don't just think I am. My friends seem to notice and point it out. I never even though of this before. Ignorance is bliss.