Why did you get into astrology?

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Jan 6, 2011
We all seem to have different reasons.

I am probably very atypical. I am not into anything esoteric, reincarnation, new age theories , alternative medicines, etc.

In fact, I with my scientific background and education (electrical engineering, physics) and interests (theoretical physics, cosmology), I would be considered the typical skeptic.

I got into astrology years ago purely by chance. I used to be very skeptical until I was challenged to try it out myself. The more I did, the more I was astonished at how accurate natal horoscopes portray the character of a person. I recognized myself, my relatives, my friends. I see it as an excellent vehicle to have a better understanding of the characters of other persons, and to help others understand themselves better, and in what areas they have their strength or need to work on to improve. I gave up trying to understand the rationale of why it could possibly work a long time ago. I just accept it.
I joined a book club and chose the book "The only astrology book you'll ever need" and while the book's title was a blatant lie, it got me hooked, as I saw astrology as another way of understanding people.

I grew up as a double Saggie in a home with a pisces brother, a taurus mother, and an ever-critical virgo grandmother. They didn't like me, I didn't like them, the book explained the difficulties and really piqued my interest in terms of which signs get along and why.

However, I had no idea of the real uses of astrology, and it wasn't until Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston got married that I'd gotten a hint of that. In the National Enquirer (yes, really) a few astrologers were questioned about the date of the marriage and one astrologer said they were doomed because the day they chose was bad, and they should have gotten married a day or two later, and that lead me to electional &Horary astrology.

The National Enquirer. mad, eh?
Uranus transitted my natal Jupiter in Pisces.

I read Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth' around this time and it blew my mind and changed my life. Over the next few months I was investigating eastern philosophy (Taoism) which led me to the i Ching and that led to tarot. Someone thought I would be interested in an astrology reading and gave me the details of a local astrologer. I did my own investigating for a few months and then I contacted him and he asked if I would be interested in learning it instead of getting a reading. I was already hooked so jumped at the chance.

I've got a really accurate birthtime (thanks to my Dad, who is extremely Earthy and remembered it to the minute) and everything in my chart made so much sense that I just haven't been able to stop delving (Moon-Merc-Pluto t square). Still learning of course, but a Sag rising does that :).
I wanted to find out the reasons and causes of the unfortunate part of my life and astrology gave me the keys to it. Even if some parts of astrology is not accurate, it helps me to think more into the problems I have. I feel I learn more about myself and others this way.
Gosh, you people are so much deeper than I am.

I was just bored one day, stumbling through random links.
Astrology naturally followed after i became interested in Spirituality and Meditation.. once i began to have a greater awareness of myself and really tuned into who i am; i began to notice how accurate astrology was in relation to how i would react to situations, what i was interested in, why i did what i did and how i came to this point.. it became a blueprint of my unqiue being.

What fascinated me further is that people close to me reflected there natal signs so accuratley, it was at this point i began to get really into the detailed aspects of astrology and have been interested in it ever since.
My mom isn't religious, and she didn't talk to me about astrology either. But she had a big fat book on it. Just sun signs and their compatibility, but still. The Sag in me was looking for answers and that book was a fascinating read! I was still skeptical though until my mom got me an astrology pack with instructions on how to create your chart and how to interpret the various aspects. Really short paragraphs for interpretations, but I was hooked. :)
When I was in college 40 years ago, I was playing with the Weegee board with a person down the hall. I did not know her at all and never had any contact with her after this event. The board was scribbling all over and I asked if it was a bad time to play. It went immediately to "Yes" and then gave a date adding afterwards, "check moon signs".

I had a paper back book with moon signs in it and the date the board gave was when her moon sign, Sagittarius, was changing to my moon sign, Capricorn.
On the date given the girl and I got back together to see what would happen. We asked the typical questions girls ask, "who will I marry.. . . " and the board gave some irritable and sarcastic answers. Finally it wrote out the end of the world is 2013.

I asked "what comes after that" and it wrote back "the eternal peace of paradise"

I did not know anything about the Mayan calendar or any other predictions which end the world 3 days before 2013. I am not waiting for this to happen. I don't know if it will or it won't. I got over being scarred about it a long time ago when I realized it would be a good thing - a raising of consciousness and restoration of the earth as The Garden of Eden.

So that is what got me into it, exploring the truth of who we really are and where we are really going.

That is a true story.

After about ten years I was doing progressions trying to figure things out about my life. I saw some scary things about to occur and took all my books to the library, donating them on Halloween night (just coincidence). It was a bad time.

Then 17 years later, my daughter ran away from home pursuing a boyfriend in another state. I did not know if I would ever see her again and I immediately went online to view her chart and progressions. Everything made sense. I have not given it up since. It gives me truth. I cannot control anything but I can try to minimize the negative and maximize the positive.
I wanted to know who I was- why I am here. I always liked choose your own adventure books, and I liked to see what if- so I would go back and choose a different option just to see what would happen. I love how things can change depending on the actions. How things are not set in stone actions create reactions, at the same time how is it that a chart of the moment represents the life itself at the same time events are results of action. I can see how the chart itself can represent a theme as far as the specifics- which road we choose can depend how it plays out. If we know some things in advance we can make smarter decisions.
As for my background-My dad is an ex Trappist monk so he taught me appreciation of the beauty of the infinite and spiritual. I also know I wouldn't be alive if he didn't make the decision and ask to leave the monestary. My mom always worried slept or dwelled on the past, neither were into astrology, but into time space my dad had us all watching Carl Sagan when we were kids. I particularly like the one about if a person were to go into space they would not age like the people on earth. The time factor interests me and the moment one is born and having the chart of the exact time is fascinating as well as a challenge in many cases (to find the correct rectified time that is) I was around 12ish probably the Jupiter return or so when I started to find out more answers to why? I think thats when I started into astrology?
According to the newspapers I never knew what sun sign I was originally skeptical(I am born on a cusp), it irked me that the definition varied, as I felt I needed a definition of self & why. I delved deeper, then finding I am one sunsign and then the more I found the more I studied all the other planets signs aspects etc. The more I learned the more I wanted to know. The thing is it has been over 3 Jupiter returns now and the information seams to be infinite itself so my learning will never end! :tongue:
i had a strong sense of purpose but couldn't figure out what direction to go in (pisces mc, neptune in sagi 6th oppose 12th gemoon.. and i have a yod) so it's still unclear to me but i am still studying astrology, for myself and others, and going to college now, but still do not know what direction to go, but many of the classes have to do with psych, philosophy, and art
I might add that what spurned me on was that I had just gotten through a divorce and wanted to better understand myself and the character of my ex-wife. The natal charts gave me confirmation of that which i expected, and then trying a composite horoscope of the relationship accurately depicted the problem points.
I realized astrology was a good way for me to better understand other people. And myself too. I'm not even sure what came first, wanting to know myself, or wanting to know others. But there you have it. :sideways:
It fit well with my research of conspiracies, and how I was reading about planetary energy shifts. Celestial symphonies/dances resonated with the idea of a consciousness shift on Earth.
1) Because it's something i see that fits with people, and it's very helpful to let me understand others.

2) It's something that gives me confidence, and helping me in having confidence in other poeple!
We all seem to have different reasons.

I am probably very atypical. I am not into anything esoteric, reincarnation, new age theories , alternative medicines, etc.

In fact, I with my scientific background and education (electrical engineering, physics) and interests (theoretical physics, cosmology), I would be considered the typical skeptic.

I got into astrology years ago purely by chance. I used to be very skeptical until I was challenged to try it out myself. The more I did, the more I was astonished at how accurate natal horoscopes portray the character of a person. I recognized myself, my relatives, my friends. I see it as an excellent vehicle to have a better understanding of the characters of other persons, and to help others understand themselves better, and in what areas they have their strength or need to work on to improve. I gave up trying to understand the rationale of why it could possibly work a long time ago. I just accept it.

I've got a degree in Electronics as well. I think I got into astrology because it's indicated in my chart;

Pluto In 1st House(Libra)
Uranus in 1st House(Libra)
Neptune in 3rd House(Sagittarius)
Saturn conjunct Vesta in 9th House(Gemini)

Jupiter Conjunct Mars In Aquarius(5th House)
Mercury In Pisces(6th House)
How can you have two signs/planets in one house? I'm still getting used to some of the simple basics, even though I manage to comprehend some of the more deeper aspects of it.
I got into astrology in order to understand people at a deeper level. It's amazing how much information a person's natal chart can give you about them.

Also I was able to understand myself more and also accept my strengths and weaknesses. I learned so many things through astrology! I now accept people for who they are.
I got into astrology in order to understand people at a deeper level. It's amazing how much information a person's natal chart can give you about them.

Also I was able to understand myself more and also accept my strengths and weaknesses. I learned so many things through astrology! I now accept people for who they are.
Yes, never ceases to amaze me. You not only understand yourself better, but others as well. Really helps interpersonal relations.

Some critics compare it to cold reading, saying that due to the many parameters, people on concentrate on what it right, disregarding what is wrong, but that is not true. I find after having done hundreds of horoscopes that there is a definite imprint on each, where the characteristics traits of persons really stand out.
How can you have two signs/planets in one house? I'm still getting used to some of the simple basics, even though I manage to comprehend some of the more deeper aspects of it.

Maybe posting my chart will help. All of my houses are in the signs opposite to their natural signs;

1st House(Aries) in Libra
2nd House(Taurus) in Scorpio
3rd House(Gemini) in Sagittarius
4th House(Cancer) in Capricorn
5th House(Leo) in Aquarius
6th House(Virgo) in Pisces
7th House(Libra) in Aries
8th House(Scorpio) in Taurus
9th House(Sagittarius) in Gemini
10th House(Capricorn) in Cancer
11th House(Aquarius) in Leo
12th House(Pisces) in Virgo

That's probably what caused the confusion.


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