Why do i love being alone so much?

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I can personally understand your statement of finding a lot of happiness in being alone. You should not be influenced by others who say there is something wrong in that, as long as you are continuing to learn and grow towards a more spiritual understanding. In coming to a greater understanding of yourself you may develop a greater understanding of the needs of others.

So just by your natal chart alone, we first notice that the axis of 6th and 12th houses are ‘expanded’, with both being influenced by 2 signs each rather than just one; this is depicted as showing that the given houses have more significance in your life in terms of what needs healing.

The 12th House is definitely associated with a desire/need to spend time alone or in isolation. By contrast the 6th house holds both the North node and Chiron, as well as the ruler of the house [Venus]. Venus with Chiron determines in which area healing is most needed by the individual, showing where matters of the heart are likely to be encountered, which may be more significant in your life, especially with Venus being compromised by Jupiter/Neptune/and Uranus.

In turn we also look to the 7th h/ASC axis for hints at your interactions with others, in relationships. Here we find the ruler of the 7th, Pluto, being influential with both Mercury and the Sun.

The 7th House is further emphasised by aspects to the planets found in that house, where the red lines represent tense interactions, while the blue represents greater ease in expressing the energies.

Venus Conjunct Chiron is all about necessary healing of The heart:
At some point this influence can provide the opportunity to “embrace your inner vulnerability and heal the heart from past traumas.” Alas, this comes with the challenge of first recognizing your inner wounds from the past, in order to purge them from your soul.

You also have the north Node in Libra, which you should really read more about:
The message of this position is that your personal Soul Purpose relates to the need for cultivating a willingness to see all sides of a question or issue at hand, and be able to forgive.
This comes with necessary lessons of releasing any inner addictions
to passion, ambition, and anger as personal fuel, and replace it with the Venusian nurturing qualities inherent in all things beautiful—music, nature, and art are all healing for you.

You really should read more about the importance of these Nodes in your life:

http://northnodeastrology.blogspot.com/search/label/North Node Libra

You have some interesting transits coming ahead, so if you have further questions about your chart, please feel free to contact me.
Whenever a transit is happening over a natal planet, we need to look at the aspects of that planet that are originally set, waiting to be activated by factors that determine whether the transiting planet is uplifting or causing tension.
A strong indicator of ‘change’ in one’s life is the energy of Uranus which can often upset the balance of where we think we are heading.

As such,you have natal Uranus in the 10th H
: here it shows the emphasis on career building and public standing which may at times be subject to unexpected interruptions or sudden changes, due to your need for independence.
We should also note that this position relates directly to the father’s influence as well. How did his presence affect you between childhood and now?

Uranus/Pluto can denote ‘an open-minded,futuristic and experimental outlook on life’ that does not mesh with what might be considered the norm.

Recently, on the 23rd of November the New Moon occurred @2 Sagittarius activating your Pluto, so it's energy may be more noticeable during this cycle, stimulating new endeavours and rebirth, perhaps in terms of spiritual growth.

In terms of relationships, Uranus can suggest the likelihood of separations due to incapability and disagreement. Interestingly, you state that
‘ Im naturally not interested in relationships, so i know for sure i wont have any relationships as i choose to be that way.’
As such, how then might you address your 7th H issues?
[that might be a whole other conversation]

Additionally, Uranus with Saturn can allow you to be a bridge between young and old; perhaps by having a mentor, or by providing mentorship with someone younger than you. You like to find innovative ways of doing things. It might also show an eventual personal relationship with someone out of your own age group.

Those who don’t know you personally are likely to see you either as a reformer or as an eccentric person.

Are you craving for personal freedom, or are you looking for an alliance with a particular social group of like minded-individuals?