Why doesn't anyone predict who will win between Trump and Harris?

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perhaps the equation PenguinTrauma made of Pluto = Destruction * Aquarius = Freedom is correct. Wonder what kind of freedom it would be on the chopping block. There are negative freedoms as well as positive ones. Freedom to pollute etc.
Quite pessimistic outlook this would be.
When pluto was in virgo it didn't destroy health services or medicine, in libra it didn't destroy marriage, in scorpio it didn't destroy sex, in sagittarius it didn't destroy religion-spirituality or music, in Capricorn it didn't destroy business, so why should we fear that it will be destructive in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius?
Evolution per se is not a negative, it is part of life.
Change can be embraced, even thought sometimes it can seem painful.

Passiflora, if you live in a country where there is "freedom to pollute" you might think about changing countries or getting involved in enacting laws against polluting. Most countries these days have laws against this.

One freedom that will probably evolve is that of non-censorship online.
Aquarius ruled by uranus is electronics.
It is also governments in general.

No, Pluto is transformation, not destruction, and we should be looking forward to the enlightenment it can bring us in Aquarius.
Each of us of course will be affected differently, depending on where in our charts pluto falls and what aspects it has.
But that is part of our own personal evolution.

Also, how it will interact with the other planets, neptune-uranus-saturn in particular.
Interesting times, as they say.
An additional consideration, Aquarius is a sign with 2 rulers.
Saturn, that is tradition, and looks back in time.
Uranus, that is innovation, and looks forward in time.

Pluto's transformative energy using the past to enter the future.
An additional consideration, Aquarius is a sign with 2 rulers.
Saturn, that is tradition, and looks back in time.
Uranus, that is innovation, and looks forward in time.

Pluto's transformative energy using the past to enter the future.
That's "Hybrid" - as a "Mod" (NOT a moderator - contrasted with "Trad") I look at it as ONE Domicile-ruler per each sign, with :uranus: as Domicile-ruler of :aquarius:, and :saturn:as Domicile-ruler of :capricorn:.

This means that, like for example, when :mars: in :taurus:, the Domicile-ruler of a sign is in the NEXT sign, in Direct-order. So, :saturn:in :aquarius: has a real impact, but it's not actual "rulership".[IMO]
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The way the global economy works is that high cost countries with laws in place against polluting "outsource" the dirty work to other countries. You get your Shein in EU countries and the US. Trump talks about raising tariffs on these goods, yet is hoping to do away with the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, where I live, so there's that.

We already don't have freedom to say anything we like on social media. Check COVID related restrictions if there's any confusion on that. In the US, people lose jobs for speaking on social media even on things they are authorities about. Perhaps it didn't happen in other countries with better labor laws?

Knowledge destruction takes many forms. Transformation means change, including change in access One probable outcome is that companies that make the LLMs behind Generative AI will be allowed to eat up all the existing forms of knowledge, and when publishers and producers of that knowledge are driven out of business, the paywalls will go up. There's always a side effect of a business succeeding, which would be super helpful if astrology would point that out in advance haha. For example Uber explicitly aimed to disrupt taxi service, but as a secondary metric it doesn't want public transit to be easy, safe, accessible, plentiful either.
That's "Hybrid" - as a "Mod" (NOT a moderator - contrasted with "Trad") I look at it as ONE Domicile-ruler per each sign, with :uranus: as Domicile-ruler of :aquarius:, and :saturn:as Domicile-ruler of :capricorn:.
This means that, like for example, :mars: in :taurus:, the Domicile-ruler of a sign is in the NEXT sign, in Direct-order. So, :saturn:in :aquarius: has a real impact, but it's not actual "rulership".[IMO]
The astrological Ages, once an "Age-window" is included, have both a forefront Age-sign ruler and a background Age-sign ruler. For the sidereal forefront Age of Pisces, Aries is background, so Mars is the background ruler. The foreground, new Age-in-Progress, Pisces, is ruled by Jupiter (in Trad), Neptune (in Mod), or both (in Hybrid).

For tropical Ages, it's currently the forefront Age of Capricorn ruled by Saturn, and background Age of Sagittarius (since the tropical Ages are Direct), ruled by Jupiter - what Trad would call the "Greater Malefic" as forefront Age-ruler, with some resistance from the "Greater Benefic" as background Age-ruler. They are well-matched, but (alas), forefront Saturn has the upper hand over background Jupiter.

Now look at what will be the Age-situation coming up next - for sidereal, it will be forefront Aquarius ruled by :uranus:(Mod), or by both :uranus:and :saturn:(Hybrid), or by just :saturn:(Trad). The background Age-sign ruler will be Neptune (Mod), Jupiter and :uranus: Neptune (Hybrid), or Jupiter alone (Trad).

For tropical, it will be the forefront Age of :aquarius: ruled by :uranus:(Mod), or by :saturn:and :uranus:
(Hybrid), or by :saturn:alone).The background Age-sign :capricorn: will have background
Age-sign ruler :saturn:.

Fortunately, the Ages concept using either Precession of the Equinox (sidereal) or Precession of the Perihelion (tropical) occurred AFTER the year 1700, so it really is out of Trad dating-parameters - otherwise there would be 2 consecutive forefront Trad Ages ruled by :saturn:alone! :pinched:.
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The way the global economy works is that high cost countries with laws in place against polluting "outsource" the dirty work to other countries. You get your Shein in EU countries and the US. Trump talks about raising tariffs on these goods, yet is hoping to do away with the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, where I live, so there's that.

We already don't have freedom to say anything we like on social media. Check COVID related restrictions if there's any confusion on that. In the US, people lose jobs for speaking on social media even on things they are authorities about. Perhaps it didn't happen in other countries with better labor laws?

Knowledge destruction takes many forms. Transformation means change, including change in access One probable outcome is that companies that make the LLMs behind Generative AI will be allowed to eat up all the existing forms of knowledge, and when publishers and producers of that knowledge are driven out of business, the paywalls will go up. There's always a side effect of a business succeeding, which would be super helpful if astrology would point that out in advance haha. For example Uber explicitly aimed to disrupt taxi service, but as a secondary metric it doesn't want public transit to be easy, safe, accessible, plentiful either.
The Covid-19 censorship was outrageous! But it seems to be entirely over, and there's no sense in punishing the people retro-actively who participated in it.

We know now, what we didn't know then - that the dire necessity level for it as a public health measure (that was the excuse used for implementing the censorship) was VASTLY overblown.
The Covid-19 censorship was outrageous! But it seems to be entirely over, and there's no sense in punishing the people retro-actively who participated in it.

We know now, what we didn't know then - that the dire necessity level for it as a public health measure (that was the excuse used for implementing the censorship) was VASTLY overblown.
This does not seem logical in any way. A small fraction of those who lost their jobs are winning damages and judgments, but it does not repair the harm to the economy or to generations of kids. The censorship is still active in drug company circles.
This does not seem logical in any way. A small fraction of those who lost their jobs are winning damages and judgments, but it does not repair the harm to the economy or to generations of kids. The censorship is still active in drug company circles.
It wasn't against the law THEN - if we make something like that against the law NOW, prosecution would prevent it in the future.

Here's a related question - should someone be charged with ANY crime retroactively, if it WASN'T legally a crime at the time?
This does not seem logical in any way. A small fraction of those who lost their jobs are winning damages and judgments, but it does not repair the harm to the economy or to generations of kids. The censorship is still active in drug company circles.
Trump's Secretary on Health, a KNOWN lobbyist for Big Pharma, gave the companies that created and produced those Covid-19 "vaccines" total, blanket immunity for ANY harmful side-effects, of which there were millions. THAT should have been a crime, but was legal at the time, and SHOULD be made a crime in the future.
When pluto was in virgo it didn't destroy health services or medicine, in libra it didn't destroy marriage, in scorpio it didn't destroy sex, in sagittarius it didn't destroy religion-spirituality or music, in Capricorn it didn't destroy business, so why should we fear that it will be destructive in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius?

I would say Pluto brings out the darker, warped, and more corrupted version of the sign it's transiting, and that's how it's seen to be a destroyer.

Pluto Libra was the generation where divorces stopped being "taboo" and became almost the norm, so in a way, it did destroy marriage. Pluto did indeed highlight the darker side of marriage.

So in Aquarius it may bring out the darker and corrupted side, maybe the theme of community many manifest as mob-rule, or the theme of social media will be highlighted as destructive to society.

Why Donald Trump Won
The JONI PATRY Astrological Breakdown
you can watch YouTube videos in the bio
with the predictions prior to the election results :)
Yet again, Vedic Astrology has proven
to be one of the most accurate methods for prediction.

- basing this win on the transiting planets,
particularly the transits of Jupiter and Venus.
Vedic Astrology, uses the planetary cycles called the dashas.

A Dasha is a planetary period in Vedic Astrology

Put simply, the stars were perfectly aligned for Trump to win.
This was truly one of the most powerful planetary aspects indicating a win.
• Donald Trump is in the dasha of Jupiter & Venus
therefore the transits of these two planets take precedence
over all the other planets.

• Transiting Jupiter was in his 10th house of career, purpose & elevation
of social standing. conjunct his natal Rahu, Sun & opposed his natal Moon.
• Transiting Jupiter is aspecting his natal Jupiter - trine - in his 2nd house
& it rules his 5th house of Poova Punya - past life good karma
• Then transiting Venus was exactly on his natal Moon on election day

aspecting his natal Sun in the 10th house the day after election day
indicating great joy & happiness.

• Lastly Trump’s natal Jupiter sits at 24 degrees Virgo
which is exactly the degree of the natal Saturn in the USA chart in the 10th house.
This connects Trump with the government of the U.S.
as the 10th house in mundane astrology rules the government.

This is important because the aspect of transiting Jupiter
aspects natal Saturn in the USA chart as well as natal Jupiter in Trump’s chart.
This was truly exceptional - an array of powerful planetary aspects that indicated a win.
This is why he would win the Presidency of the U.S. at this time.

Pluto brings out the darker, warped, and more corrupted version of the sign it's transiting
Very negative viewpoint. Sorry I can't relate to it.
Every planet has a positive and a negative side, not just negative.
If it is the way you imply, the whole earth might have already been destroyed by Pluto !!

Pluto Libra was the generation where divorces stopped being "taboo" and became almost the norm,
Maybe not the norm, but divorce became more accepted.
Pluto's energy surely helped transform our way of thinking about marriage.
More marriages perhaps were civic and not religious.
The concept of gay marriages took hold.
But nothing "brutal" or "destructive" happened.
Very negative viewpoint. Sorry I can't relate to it.
Every planet has a positive and a negative side, not just negative.
If it is the way you imply, the whole earth might have already been destroyed by Pluto !!

What about when Saturn had conjunct Pluto Capricorn in January 2020? We all know what occured around then, lasting there years in the end.
It wasn't against the law THEN - if we make something like that against the law NOW, prosecution would prevent it in the future.

Here's a related question - should someone be charged with ANY crime retroactively, if it WASN'T legally a crime at the time?
Of course there are related acts that were against the law. Then you build so-called innocent acts on top of those and everyone gets away with it.
That is the outcome from a legal system that is so falsely principled and anti-commonsensical that you get a whole micro-generation of kids on the internet obsessed with the trolley problem.
Pluto + Saturn are ripping Kamala's chart apart, not only brought her a big loss of the white house, senate + congress but bringing more loss, more despair. The destruction of Kamala is almost complete + yet the astrologers failed to see this horrendous downfall by ignoring her transits + progressions.


After Burning Through More Than a Billion Dollars, the Kamala Harris Campaign is Now Struggling to Pay Senior Staffers

There is an ongoing controversy about how much the campaign paid to celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and many others.

Now it is being reported that the campaign can’t even pay its senior staffers. Just amazing.

Books will be written about the Harris campaign and its surreal mismanagement of money. The Democrat party might want to do a detailed investigation as well. Their donors must be outraged.


The Kamala Harris Campaign Raised a Billion Dollars but is Closing Out With $20 Million in Debt :rolleyes:
