Why doesn't anyone predict who will win between Trump and Harris?

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It was only a couple months ago that you said you knew little to nothing about the U.S., our system of government, and candidates, let alone our history.

You've learned so much in so little time - now you know all about our ethos and mindset too?

Any more solid predictions?

There's nothing mysterious about Uranus or Aquarius that I know of, that would be Neptune's and Pisces' realm.
The keyword for :aquarius: is "I Know".

Ironically, when it comes to the Domicile-ruler of :aquarius:, we're not at all certain what the upcoming Age ruled by :uranus:, will really be like, except that it will be "surprisingl"

Btw, Trad rulerships don't apply to the Precessional Ages, which were not written about until AFTER 1700 A.D.
It was only a couple months ago that you said you knew little to nothing about the U.S., our system of government, and candidates, let alone our history.

You've learned so much in so little time - now you know all about our ethos and mindset too?

Any more solid predictions?

There's nothing mysterious about Uranus or Aquarius that I know of, that would be Neptune's and Pisces' realm.

To be fair, I still don't!

The learning I've gleaned has been mostly from the hundreds of posts on this very forum, and observing the current trends and thought patterns, what are the common denominators (maybe it's my Libra 9th house - learning from others)

No point reading the media news articles, or social media, because of the scripted heavy biases, and it's mostly garbage.

Additionally, the comment I previously added can be applied to any country too, Pluto Aquarius will affect the world. Isn't there some kind of Maori uprising in New Zealand currently going on, over the past couple of days? For instance.
For the astrologers who want to actually learn about election predictions, never ever overlook major Pluto transits as they will be one of the most important. In the case of Harris, Pluto activating a T-Square with her SUN, MOON, MERCURY was the tip off that she was going to lose, not only was she going to lose, she was going to lose favor, support, be demolished + it will be for a long time as Pluto moves so slowly.
Bypassing major aspects to the luminaries, being the most important, along with Mercury proves that you cannot make an accurate prediction.
Learn for next time around. Stick to MAJOR transits, solar arcs, progressions but transits are the numero uno prediction tool.

Put your personal preferences aside, put your hate for a candidate aside, be logical, analytical + you won't see starlight + sunshine in a chart like Kamala's where there was only black goo + Pluto decay. Wishful thinking is not astrology.

Kamala appears to be having some kind of major Pluto meltdown. After she lost it all to Trump + the Reps, she went MIA. Just appeared once in public acting extremely intoxicated. Nothing from her about the recent escalation in the middle east. Stories coming out that she is heading for a divorce + that she only stayed with her husband to appear like a happily married couple prior to the election. He impregnated the nanny, then paid for her to get an abortion.
Now, stories coming out that she never paid her staff after laying them all off just prior to Christmas. Pluto onslaught continues, her demise continues. You cannot escape the Pluto tear down.

Black Harris staffers say they were mistreated on the campaign, blames leadership for taking base for granted
The allegations only came to light now because staffers were reportedly advised against speaking out

Vice President Harris campaign reportedly spent almost $1.5 billion during her brief presidential campaign
She outspent Trump 3 to 1 yet didn't have positive results for the money spent.

James Carville Calls for Complete Audit of Kamala Campaign After ‘Almost Unfathomable’ Damage Done to Dems

“The damage that the 2024 campaign has done, the damage this decade has done to the Democratic brand is almost unfathomable,” he said.

Carville followed up with what needs to happen next now that so much money has been spent. “One word: audit.”

Although Carville shot down the idea of running for chair of the Democrat National Committee, he was vehement Democrats need to figure out where all of Harris’ funding went in just a few months’ time.


Old wine in a new bottle - an archaic, ultra-conservative system portrayed as a game-changing revolution.

Jesus said: " Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 17)
The Electoral battle is over, and unlike the wild, totally futile and illegal attempt to upend its results on January 06, 2021, it won't be protested in 2025.

This is an election prediction thread where members wrongly predicted Harris as the winner, not based on the astrology effects but on their own personal preferences + biases. In order to gain some credibility within the astrology community again, it's time for them to take a cold, hard look at what they missed in Harris's chart. Not only did she lose it all but Pluto harshest is not done with her yet. The destruction of her career, her reputation will continue while the T Square with her inner planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury carry on for the next few months. To not notice this in her chart was a gigantic error for those who picked her as the winner.
Astrology is cosmic science but it's become a fool's paradise since 2015 when astrologers picked Clinton as the winner; all based on their hatred of Trump; they refused to look at the wonderful transits happening in 2016, 2020 + in 2024. Trump won a three-peat.
This is an election prediction thread where members wrongly predicted Harris as the winner, not based on the astrology effects but on their own personal preferences + biases. In order to gain some credibility within the astrology community again, it's time for them to take a cold, hard look at what they missed in Harris's chart. Not only did she lose it all but Pluto harshest is not done with her yet. The destruction of her career, her reputation will continue while the T Square with her inner planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury carry on for the next few months. To not notice this in her chart was a gigantic error for those who picked her as the winner.
Astrology is cosmic science but it's become a fool's paradise since 2015 when astrologers picked Clinton as the winner; all based on their hatred of Trump; they refused to look at the wonderful transits happening in 2016, 2020 + in 2024. Trump won a three-peat.
I made a rookie mistake and learned from it. Getting it right PROVED nothing, because it COULD have been pure chance.

Using the totaI Solar eclipse, which happened RIGHT on the day of the Electoral count, I got it right in 2020, but didn't brag about that. Many of those who won't admit they got it wrong are STILL blaming it on non-astrological factors that their astrology SHOULD have been been able to predict IN ADVANCE.

Btw, Trump won BOTH of his elections against WOMEN, and that COULD have been the MAIN reason he won! :lol:
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But it isn't the reason. He was just a better candidate.
He also won a third time, but against a man. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Mind rationally explaining his nearly 8 Million Popular Vote loss to Biden?

There WERE enough registered voters in 2020 to explain the high numbers, btw. The majority of voters just didn't want Trump back as President. His magnetic personality both attracts and repels, and in 2020 it was especially repellent.
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Jesus said: " Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 17)
I suppose I should have caveated with "2,000 years ago" for the background when they used skins of animals prior to glass bottles.(I thought people knew this)
Fun fact, the Sabian Symbol for Pluto at 1°Aquarius is: an unexpected thunderstorm


This Symbol shows the need to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can be thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There can be a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events.

Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Breakthrough moments. A break in tension in the atmosphere. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card. Being a lightning rod. Losing control without warning. Emotional instability. Bottling up and then blowing up. Storms in a tea cup. Seizing up with fear. Loud bangs and crashes that stun.

Check out the song played at the beginning of Elon Musk's speech at the Inauguration 😲😲

This is an election prediction thread
where members wrongly predicted Harris as the winner,
not based on the astrology effects but on their own personal preferences + biases. In order to gain some credibility within the astrology community again, it's time for them to take a cold, hard look at what they missed in Harris's chart.
Not only did she lose it all but Pluto harshest is not done with her yet. The destruction of her career, her reputation will continue while the T Square with her inner planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury carry on for the next few months. To not notice this in her chart was a gigantic error for those who picked her as the winner.
Astrology is cosmic science but it's become a fool's paradise since 2015 when astrologers picked Clinton as the winner; all based on their hatred of Trump; they refused to look at the wonderful transits happening in 2016, 2020 + in 2024. Trump won a three-peat.
Eric Meece
Location: USA
Zodiac: Tropical
Tradition: Modern Western
Date of Prediction: Based on his system of scoring
numerous aspectual connections to candidates natal charts
this astrologer stated in 2020
BEFORE Kamala Harris was selected as Vice President :)
''..If Kamala is chosen as VP. That is unfortunate,
and if ever nominated for president, she will lose..'
Kamala's Saturn Return affected her 2020 run for president,
but won't affect her run for vice president in 2020.
This astrologer scores Kamala Harris the lowest
of all the Democratic candidates that ran for President in 2020.

Based on her natal aspects this astrologer rates Harris much lower
than Trump in terms of overall score.

Core charts: Natal charts and aspects. Influence of Saturn returns
on election prospects.
source: Skyscript

Interesting article here, plus all the comments following

He's forgetting that the U.S. doesn't HAVE a king, it has a President - it's a representative-democracy - NOT a monarchy.

Astrology shows that Trump is a TERRIBLE fit for the Constitutional job of President.

Btw, Astrology King is well-aware that Trump's natal chart has the fixed stars Regulus on his Ascendant squaring the evil star Algol on his Midheaven. No lasting good can come from this combination - notice that his first Term ended with an orgy of unnecessary Federal executions, and the economy-ruining Covid Pandemic.
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It could be that he was forgetting David Starling. I saw it as rather 'tongue in cheek'.

I don't have any particular axe to grind, being in the UK, but one of the comments suggested that the Sun Pluto could be interpreted to mean 'death in office', particularly as it's conjunct the M/C of the inauguration chart and on the cusp of Trump's 6th.