Why I always have health problem?

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Mars is in high focus; his influence penetrates the whole chart.

He stands squarely on the 6th cusp. He is retrograde, strengthened by being in Scorpio. He is square Neptune and Uranus, opposes Saturn. Saturn is in partile square Neptune...a Fixed T-square focused in Aquarius 8th.

Neptune can bring "insidious" ailments that work out of sight, then pop up full blown. Neptune carries "extreme sensitivity to external influences".

Moon, sitting right on the western horizon and very powerful, squares Mercury, lord of the horoscope. Anxiety, nervous disorders. Hypochondria. Again, sensitivity to external influence is highlighted. The highly focused Neptune, afflicted by aspect and house, has some influence in pisces, Mercury's sign of habitation.

Scorpio, at the forefront, is comcerned with Purification.
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Mars is in high focus; his influence penetrates the whole chart.

He stands squarely on the 6th cusp. He is retrograde, strengthened by being in Scorpio. He is square Neptune and Uranus, opposes Saturn.

Yes youre right,Does being retro makes me stressful?
Let's look at Mars.

The chart pattern is a Bowl. Mars occupies the position of leading, or cutting, planet. This planet shows how, with what sort of energy, we go out to meet life. This planet leads us into life's experiences. It's nature permeates our being. It is First among Equals. There are other powerful actors in this chart and they must not be ignored. But the power and influence of Mars merits special attention.

Mars is in domicile, and also Lord of Sun and Jupiter. The combustion of Jupiter is separating at nearly 5°; not so strong, and with Sun exalted and Jupiter comfortable in fiery Aries, vitality is strengthened. However, Mars and Jupiter are in a disruptive quincunx relationship.

Keep in mind that Mars is within 4° of the 6th cusp.

Because Mars beholds a sesquiquadrate (within 3°) to Mercury, Lord of the Ascendant...the body, the constitution. So Mars, who is determined toward health (or really, lack thereof) by mundane position, attacks the lord of the body.

And then we have the Fixed cross; Mars opposes Saturn, both square Neptune, and the Saturn-Neptune square is partile. Furthermore, Mercury is at the apex of an octile-square-octile formation.

So...all of Mars' aspects are hard aspects, and he is retrograde on the 6th cusp. And Mars is the predominant power in the chart, and in a Fixed sign.

And we haven't looked at Pluto, or the very powerful Moon.
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Let's look at Mars.

The chart pattern is a Bowl. Mars occupies the position of leading, or cutting, planet. This planet shows how, with what sort of energy, we go out to meet life. This planet leads us into life's experiences. It's nature permeates our being. It is First among Equals. There are other powerful actors in this chart and they must not be ignored. But the power and influence of Mars merits special attention.

Mars is in domicile, and also Lord of Sun and Jupiter. The combustion of Jupiter is separating at nearly 5°; not so strong, and with Sun exalted and Jupiter comfortable in fiery Aries, vitality is strengthened. However, Mars and Jupiter are in a disruptive quincunx relationship.

Keep in mind that Mars is within 4° of the 6th cusp.

Because Mars beholds a sesquiquadrate (within 3°) to Mercury, Lord of the Ascendant...the body, the constitution. So Mars, who is determined toward health (or really, lack thereof) by mundane position, attacks the lord of the body.

And then we have the Fixed cross; Mars opposes Saturn, both square Neptune, and the Saturn-Neptune square is partile. Furthermore, Mercury is at the apex of an octile-square-octile formation.

So...all of Mars' aspects are hard aspects, and he is retrograde on the 6th cusp. And Mars is the predominant power in the chart, and in a Fixed sign.

And we haven't looked at Pluto, or the very powerful Moon.

Sorry, but that's wrong. SU=AR/SA - that's the reason
I've been dealing with a variety of diseases since I was little.
I don't have a chronic condition, but there's always something. undecided

My hormone problem that's been going on for a few years, which is shedding my hair. lips sealed
Cervical mass - I just learned -
My teeth-something happening constantly dentistry-
Continuous weight gain and loss
My Allergies

I'm tired of having problems in so many different areas and going to more doctors than my environment
An astrologer said I had a tendency to get AIDS-HIV.
Is it Mars?
I thought he was strong at the scorpio.

I believe in affirmations. Even sometimes illnesses are psychological and also because of the bad beliefs we bring from our ancestors.
I thought my map was a good one.
But when you think about it, you know that a house represents something very different.
For example 6. house-work area
saturn and 8.9. home
Or is it the fact that my ascendant ruler is mercury pisces?

I'm open to your views on the reasons on my map, and even your spirutual thoughts whether you have beliefs from my parents.

When I put your birth data into Solar Fire, April 7, 1999, 9:55 AM, ANKARA, TURKEY - I get a Cancer rising. Solar Fire automatically used BST (British Summer time). Maybe I have to change that time zone. What zone should I have?
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When I put your birth data into Solar Fire, April 7, 1999, 9:55 AM, ANKARA, TURKEY - I get a Cancer rising. Are you certain that this data is correct?

Yes it is correct,my birth time is recitified from an astrologer.I am gemini rising.
When I put your birth data into Solar Fire, April 7, 1999, 9:55 AM, ANKARA, TURKEY - I get a Cancer rising. Solar Fire automatically used BST (British Summer time). Maybe I have to change that time zone. What zone should I have?

I think it is about daylight saving time
I even punched in the coordinates for your birth location and I still come up with Cancer rising.

I've tried:
Central European Daylight Time
Central European Time
Eastern European Time
Middle European Time
and all these time zones have you with Cancer rising.

But then I just tried Bagdad time - and you have a Gemini Rising. Guess I'm going with Bagdad time.