Why Is There So Much Conflict?

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Nov 2, 2015
I'm a sponge, lots of mutable energies in my birth chart, and the only fixed energies I have are lazy and feminine, so I end up absorbing and retaining the emotions and energies in the environment. It's freaking exhausting, all the time, and especially now. I see it in politics and personal relationships. All this conflict. Ragey ragey ragey. I'm feeling more and more the need to cocoon away in my home and hide from it. It's getting to the point that even being online is exposing me to too much anger and conflict.

So, am I losing my mind, or are others of you feeling it too? What's going on astrologically that could explain it?
I'm a sponge, lots of mutable energies in my birth chart, and the only fixed energies I have are lazy and feminine, so I end up absorbing and retaining the emotions and energies in the environment. It's freaking exhausting, all the time, and especially now. I see it in politics and personal relationships. All this conflict. Ragey ragey ragey. I'm feeling more and more the need to cocoon away in my home and hide from it. It's getting to the point that even being online is exposing me to too much anger and conflict.

So, am I losing my mind, or are others of you feeling it too? What's going on astrologically that could explain it?

The energy out there is definitely very bad right now, quite negative and widespread. It is palpable. Time to take breaks from all of it. Listen to music, take walks, whatever revives us. Hopefully things will calm down soon, and we will move forward to a better place.

Wonder if we are feeling Sun, Moon, Mercury moving into Scorpio. I usually feel the transit energy way before it goes direct.

From a spiritual perspective, we are still cleaning up some of the flotsam and jetsam from the 20th century as we move into the 21st century in earnest.

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I feel it too, with my watery chart.

The media has just started showing us direct images of the warzone "as it happens" in Syria. It's pretty ghastly. Sometimes they move from Mosul to Aleppo to Yemen - 20 minutes of awfulness. I cannot watch this blowing-up-of-people and destruction of homes and communities.

I think this must be an effect of Mars transiting over Pluto. It probably won't improve as the Sun moves into Scorpio. Aaargh.
I feel it too, with my watery chart.

The media has just started showing us direct images of the warzone "as it happens" in Syria. It's pretty ghastly. Sometimes they move from Mosul to Aleppo to Yemen - 20 minutes of awfulness. I cannot watch this blowing-up-of-people and destruction of homes and communities.

I think this must be an effect of Mars transiting over Pluto. It probably won't improve as the Sun moves into Scorpio. Aaargh.

I explain it as the culmination of the (Tropical) Age of Capricorn, which enhances the power of Saturn in everyone's Chart. Saturn is combined with Mars during this (Tropical) Age, resulting in what's known as "the Military-Industrial-Complex". It's a creation of those who have been driven mad with greed, and a lust for power and control. Not everyone can transmute Saturnian lead into gold--the lead bullet is their go-to reaction to resistance to what they think the world should be like. The "inmates are running the asylum"! Each succeeding Age-degree generation (58.1 years each), will improve in that regard, as the (Tropical) Aquarian-age begins to show it's true effect in our collective Charts. 1975 thru 2033 is the last Nutational degree (I won't bore you with the Astonomy :lol:) of this (Tropical) Capricornian Age. I can SEE the changeover occurring in the young, and in the young-at-heart. Pluto in Aquarius will accelerate the process (2023), but Neptune entering Aries (2026) is worrisome. So the very early 2020s should be a remarkably progressive era, but I'm warning against excessive optimism (you'll see what I mean when the time comes). Courage! And, Goddess bless us all!
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I beg to differ. Energies are no more negative now that they ever are. They are all what they are.

Its all about how you interact with the energies that are presented to you. If you are using your birth chart positively they you can navigate the obstacles with ease, though sometimes its not easy(ease and easy are not the same). If you do not, and if you don't see that it is only you that you can change, and if you blame your issues on other people or circumstances or the refugee crises in the middle east or the presidential election(if you live in the usa), then things will always seem bad. You can't control those things. Those of us who have lived a much longer time understand this. some of us remember the daily body counts from Vietnam and the atrocities there, or Idi Amin or the Comere Rouge, or the Holocaust. You can always find something outside yourself to blame your life on---always.

You can control yourself and you can use your chart to plot the right course.


I'm not blaming my life on external events. My life is fine, actually. I am noticing that external energies are coming faster and more aggressively at me in the past couple years than they did in earlier years. It is possible that I'm hitting that midlife crisis point in life where everything looks like it's going to hell in a handbasket 'cause I'm old, but I don't think so. I have a more positive attitude about life than I had when I was younger. I rather think there ARE special energies at work in the universe at the moment causing specific conflicts.

I am learning that I am very, very sensitive to Mars transits. That may be it.
The energy out there is definitely very bad right now, quite negative and widespread. It is palpable. Time to take breaks from all of it. Listen to music, take walks, whatever revives us. Hopefully things will calm down soon, and we will move forward to a better place.

Wonder if we are feeling Sun, Moon, Mercury moving into Scorpio. I usually feel the transit energy way before it goes direct.

From a spiritual perspective, we are still cleaning up some of the flotsam and jetsam from the 20th century as we move into the 21st century in earnest.


Maybe that is it. The phrase that keeps coming up for me is "baptism by fire," and I don't feel like that is true for me, only. And that would coincide with my only feelings about Scorpio, which are that the element of water doesn't explain it completely. It's more like an underwater volcano.
Maybe that is it. The phrase that keeps coming up for me is "baptism by fire," and I don't feel like that is true for me, only. And that would coincide with my only feelings about Scorpio, which are that the element of water doesn't explain it completely. It's more like an underwater volcano.

Interesting the phrase you keep getting. When I read your previous post asking what others were picking up energy wise, the phrase I keep seeing: Labor pains. Not for you, but for all of us. Both our phrases are similar. Pain associated with something being birthed. Pain or difficulty associated with maturation. Scorpio metaphors, birth, death, rebirth, regeneration???

An underwater volcano is something violent, significant, but underneath the water, something which cannot be seen, but would be felt???


I'm not blaming my life on external events. My life is fine, actually. I am noticing that external energies are coming faster and more aggressively at me in the past couple years than they did in earlier years. It is possible that I'm hitting that midlife crisis point in life where everything looks like it's going to hell in a handbasket 'cause I'm old, but I don't think so. I have a more positive attitude about life than I had when I was younger. I rather think there ARE special energies at work in the universe at the moment causing specific conflicts.

I am learning that I am very, very sensitive to Mars transits. That may be it.

As we age, the major planetary transits open up our higher level chakras, so we tend to feel the energy around us much more, especially for those who are psychic and sensitive.

And yes, there is most definitely something afoot on an energetic level. I can feel it too.

Interesting the phrase you keep getting. When I read your previous post asking what others were picking up energy wise, the phrase I keep seeing: Labor pains. Not for you, but for all of us. Both our phrases are similar. Pain associated with something being birthed. Pain or difficulty associated with maturation. Scorpio metaphors, birth, death, rebirth, regeneration???

An underwater volcano is something violent, significant, but underneath the water, something which cannot be seen, but would be felt???


Well, in a sense a volcano does give birth. It gives birth to lava, and that lave is molten Earth, which is Earth made fire. And yes, an underwater volcano does this in a way that reverberates, raises the water temperature, kills flora and fauna, and causes complete change beneath the surface, but we might not see it happening at all from above water.
Well, in a sense a volcano does give birth. It gives birth to lava, and that lave is molten Earth, which is Earth made fire. And yes, an underwater volcano does this in a way that reverberates, raises the water temperature, kills flora and fauna, and causes complete change beneath the surface, but we might not see it happening at all from above water.

Yes. So all three metaphors say the same thing.
Interesting, very interesting.

So we are feeling the precursors, the painful rumblings, of something about to change or be birthed.
Withyone, I believe that I am going through the exact same thing. I believe that it is because more and more people are beginning to see how dysfunctional the world is. Being an emotional sponge you sense that something is happening within a huge amount of people.

People used to be more focused on their own lifes. Now many feel despair, anger, frustration, powerlessness, sadness and they are afraid of what is going to happen in the future. They feel that they want to see changes.

I have recently gone through emotions of hopelessness and despair. It has been more intense than ever before. I feel exhausted. But my life is better than ever and I can't see any transits in my own chart that would explain it. I need to avoid the media now and tune in to myself instead of tuning in to the world.

It is good that people are awakening and that they want the world to change. The world will change since so many people feel this way. However we do not know the outcome of what is happening now, time will tell.
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One more thought. I believe that what is needed now is for everyone to follow their dreams. We all need to create the life we want to have instead of feeling powerless and like forces outside of ourselves are dictating and limiting our lives.

Instead of being angry with each other, we could simply focus on creating what we want.
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Withyone, I believe that I am going through the exact same thing.
I believe that it is because more and more people are beginning to see how dysfunctional the world is.
Being an emotional sponge you sense that something is happening within a huge amount of people.

People used to be more focused on their own life and material things.
Now many of them feel despair, anger, frustration, powerlessness, sadness
and they are afraid of what is going to happen in the future.
They feel strongly that they want to see changes.
Some are afraid of a World War III
and many are afraid that the economy will crash.
I used to be in a meditation group where we tuned in to other people's emotions.
I could tell people exactly what they were feeling since I could tune in to them and feel their emotions within my body.
It made me understand how sensitive I am. I have always avoided standing to close to other people
and I avoid being in crowded places as much as I can.
I have not yet learned how to deal with being an emotional sponge.
I would love to though, it is really difficult to deal with.

I have recently gone through extreme emotions of hopelessness and despair.
It has been more intense than ever before.
I feel exhausted. But my life is better than ever and I can't see any transits that would explain it.
I need to avoid the media now and tune in to myself instead of tuning in to the world.

It is good that people are awakening and that they want the world to change.
The world will change since so many people feel this way.
However we do not know the outcome of what is happening now, time will tell.
Bill O'Reilly has no love to give to the protesters
who lack obvious respect for the way democracy works :smile:
and the fact that the country's President-Elect is now Donald J. Trump
Blasts The Anti-Trump Crowds Protesting
- The Factor FULL SHOW
These people are paid protesters working for different groups
within the George Soros non-profits.
They are merely here to disturb a Donald Trump presidency
as he was backing Hillary Clinton
As we age, the major planetary transits open up our higher level chakras, so we tend to feel the energy around us much more, especially for those who are psychic and sensitive.

And yes, there is most definitely something afoot on an energetic level. I can feel it too.


This. I became awakened when Pluto transited my Neptune and as a result I'm feeling these energies more (especially with Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto and Mars in Pisces), which I didn't when I was an 8th grader during 9/11. My Saturn return approaching next year isn't helping this sensitivity at all. Pluto in Capricorn is exposing the corruption, and Neptune in Pisces is why there's so much sensitivity in today's culture. Trump came off as anti-establishment to the unawakened, but pictures of him throwing up Illuminati signs proved otherwise to me, and his remarks (which Gemini Sun and Sag Moon are a huge indicator of) have triggered a lot of this conflict. Trump is not the answer, as his statements have further divided the people, which is something the Illuminati is known for. With the US and Illuminati approaching their Pluto returns, change WILL happen eventually.
Well, in a sense a volcano does give birth. It gives birth to lava, and that lave is molten Earth, which is Earth made fire. And yes, an underwater volcano does this in a way that reverberates, raises the water temperature, kills flora and fauna, and causes complete change beneath the surface, but we might not see it happening at all from above water.

Underwater volcano, good metaphor, especially as we rest right in the sign of Scorpio. Of course, these underwater volcanoes are part of the natural landscape, growing, discharging, ceasing, all the time and all over the earth, both beneath the sea and land. And the increase in temperature in the water not only kills flora and fauna, but also gives rise to new forms of flora and fauna.

I agree with Samantha's comments: It is all about how you meet what arises before you in each moment that matters. Your birth chart points to the means by which you may uniquely and best receive what life presents to you. That is how conflict may most meaningfully be met.