I don't think Venus determines physical beauty at all.
I've seen ugly and attractive of all Venus sign placements.
Gigi Gorgeous has Venus in Pisces. Don't tell me she isn't physically attractive.
"Why is Venus said to be exalted in Pisces?!"
Because since Horoscope was created (Ancient India by Vedas) Pisces all the time were Overrated by the astrologers
V i P = Venus in Pisceswhat is this please? is it Vedic terminology?
Mars in in ray rulership when it is in Pisces, and Pluto is esoterically domicile in Pisces..Hi
Pisces is the most Overrated zodiac sign along with Libra and Leo! Since horoscope was created in ancient India by Vedas then in Medieval Europe through Renaissance till today century XXI Pisces, Leo, Libra all the time were Overrated and Astrologers Favourite Signs!
Astrologers studied every detail to make these 3 signs perfect, position in zodiac wheel, planets in domicile-exaltation-detriment-fall, element, opposite sign Everything was thoroughly studied !!
Pisces doesnt deserve so many good things... Jupiter+Venus+Neptune+Water now insatisfied astrologers and pisces want more and more now they want the sun, the moon, the sky, the world, the air, the fire they are possessive. Why astrologers didnt put mars, uranus or pluto in pisces??
I have no idea who Rhianna is. I'm not familiar with your mother-in-law, either. Gigi does absolute nothing for me. Neither does Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, or Brangelina.Just to add to my point...
Whilst I find Gigi and my mil unattractive, I find rihanna and Penelope Cruz very attractive women, yet they all have Venus in Pisces. So to me it seems almost impossible to see astrologically if a person is attractive.
Hello all,
I'm confused as to why Venus is supposed to be exalted in Pisces.
I have no idea who Rhianna is. I'm not familiar with your mother-in-law, either. Gigi does absolute nothing for me. Neither does Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, or Brangelina.
On the other hand, I'd give Penelope Cruz an 8, meaning I'd crawl 8 miles over broken glass and rusty barb wire whilst having B-52s drop bombs on me just so's she can kick me in the face and spit on me. Linda Ronstadt was a 10. Still is. Maybe 9.8. That only proves beauty is highly subjective. Then again, that isn't a consideration in traditional astrology.
I understand the source of your confusion. There's no such thing. Exalted planets are a corruption of knowledge transmitted over time. If you want to see classic examples of how knowledge is corrupted over time, read the 7 Tablets of Creation and then read the first four chapters of Genesis. Or, read Nergal and the Screaming Wind and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
When you're delineating a chart for career, marriage, children, parents, siblings, death (how, not when), and other things, whether a planet is exalted (or in fall) or not changes nothing and has no bearing and no meaning. You simply ignore it.
When you finish your chart delineation, and you decide to look at length of life, only then does a planet's exaltation come into play.
Yes, Sun is exalted at Aries 19° but what about Sun at Capricorn 19°? The Sun is exalted in its exaltation. At Cancer 19° the Sun is falling in its fall.
I bet you didn't know that. That would be part of the corrupted knowledge I mentioned.
In every person's life, there are critical periods. During these critical periods, a person might die, or be seriously injured or suffer a life-threatening illness/disease. We look at vital sectors. If a malefic planet, and that could be Venus or Jupiter casts their rays on the vital sector and no other planet intervenes, then it will come to pass. If a benefic (which could be Saturn or Mars) casts its rays, it to the vital sector it intervenes and saves, and if no planet casts rays, then nothing happens.
How do we find the vital sectors? We calculate those based on the exaltations/depressions of the planets and that is the only time we use them.
Over the centuries, and there's been more than 15 centuries, people came to know a planet was exalted at a certain point without knowing why because bad translations, bad interpretations, misunderstandings, and missing parts of texts and they started "filling in the blanks" by guessing or making assumptions and that's how knowledge gets corrupted. The Medieval astrologers did a great job corrupting everything. You need only look at the hyleg/alcocoden nonsense and they couldn't even get that right.
And this is a better explanation of my above post, may aswell order pizza for your orgies.Venus is exalted in Pisces because it brings all people together into one. Pisces is about bringing all things together into one and Venus is about bringing people together. It has more to do with calculations that what's convenient for people.
We are in the age of Pisces, Pisces wins automatically in this age.
Deceit, lying, cheating and ruining others is how people get to the top.
It's why only when they have lived their life of undue power over others, they are caught, and that is only few.
As Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and it rules Pisces I guess that as Pisces represents charity, sympathy, kindness, non judgement and that is an expression of love after all and in the exalted unconditional love way.
Venus in Pisces is what I think when I hear the term "hopeless romantic."
Taurus and Libra (the two signs actually ruled by Venus) aren't all that romantic in my opinion. Taurus is more sensual. Taurus is the more "beauty" side of Venus. Libra is more relational, but relational isn't necessarily the same as romantic. Air signs are more intellectual. Romance implies emotion. Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune (the higher octave of Venus): very emotional.
Venus is strong in Pisces but if you view Venus as a "weak" planet to begin with, you personally won't see it as beneficial.
Cancer is not Pisces. Cancer it is.Jupiter's exaltation is in Cancer. Venus is exalted in Pisces.
Cancer is not Pisces. Cancer it is.
Since it is merely agreed upon, well I don't have to agree.