Why me and my childhood friend both have Mars Saturn Pluto in 5th but I loss my child and has has 3 kids?

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Hello friend :geek:

Both of you have Saturn in your 5th house, which is unfavourable for romance, fun, conception, and health of the children.
Her Saturn is exalted in Libra, yet Libra Saturn is gentler, mostly concerned with morality and correct relationships (although hers is retrograde).
Scorpio Saturn is tough and harsh for anyone, suggesting pain, hard lessons, and restricted desire;
Scorpio Saturn people are tough and harsh, because their life has not been easy.

Both of you have Mars in your 5th house (I think hers is on the cusp in the Placidus system).
Mars in the 5th house is favourable for romance, fun, conception, and health, energy, and activity of the children (even if hers is detriment and retrograde)
Mars in the 5th house suggests assertiveness, energy, and willingness to take risks in romance, games, investments, and children/parenting.
Scorpio Mars is especially strong and energetic, while Libra Mars (especially retrograde) is more passive and gentle and wants to do the right thing.

However, you have an exact Mars-Venus square, in the 5th house and 8th house with your 5th ruler; this may be even more difficult than a Scorpio Saturn.
This suggests considerable difficulty with dating, romance, fun/games, conception, health of the children, and relationships with the children.
Often this means excessive passion, competitiveness, anger, frustration, aggression, love/hate, extreme situations, including injury/death with the 8th house

You are very fortunate that you found a man and a stable relationship, and that you were able to conceive; but that is only half the difficulty!
(poor health of the child is likely, your relationship with your child might be very difficult, the domestic atmosphere might not be ideal for children)

Your friend also has an afflicted 5th house, but it is afflicted by the benefic 11th house (friends) not the malefic 8th house (sex/death/extreme situations), and her house ruler is not afflicted.
Someone with Libra planets is more receptive to other people and starts relationships more easily; but keeping a relationship is difficult
She is fortunate to conceive many children, and her children will likely be physically healthy, however, she has different problems;
the opposition of her Sun and Mercury to her 5th house suggest that her social life/friends/people interfere with romance/conception/raising children.
Possibly this manifests as separation/divorce and future difficulties with her children.

Also, since her Sun and Mercury oppose her Mars, your friend may be very argumentative and passive-aggressive (with Mars in Libra);
finding a relationship may be easier for her, but keeping one will be difficult with anybody, and she will have conflicts with her children as well.

People with Libra planets tend to attract relationship problems and legal problems in the houses involved;
people with Scorpio planets tend to attract more extreme problems involving sex, violence, death, injury, profound change in the houses involved
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I think you didn't read what I wrote in my OP Miss. Melaike, maybe you should read it? did the pics not show up or something? My chart is the first thing in that OP, second come my friend chart even has the word "Friend chart" on it, I mean it pretty obvious.
I can't see the pictures, sorry
Are your birthtimes accurate and also which house system do you use ? Those charts are weird
The problem with the chart is that it doesn't show what degree of the sign your 5th house starts.I don't use whole signs house system
something called karma
You have my condolences as well. I would not wish that experience on anyone.
Please keep in mind that "Karma" does NOT mean in any way punishment or retribution. It literally means "action." Every impression we act on creates effects.
If I want to experience Venus, that means I will have to experience the trines of Venus as well as the squares. If Venus represents wealth to me, that means I will need to experience both positive wealth (riches), and negative wealth (poverty). We can't stop Venus from going to the square and we can't stop the law from working.
We -- you -- are not being punished. We -- you -- are not the target.

Mars Saturn Pluto in 5th​

Saturn can limit having children, or not having children at all! But Saturn can also manifest as being responsible for many children!
In many lives you have to experience everything that being human has to offer so that when you move to the next stage you are better able to help. And that of course means you have to experience loss. At the final point of being human you have to voluntarily lose everything that means to be human, including your body, your feeling and even your mind. Its not punishment because its you that arranges it. And your existence in the three worlds of human experience, is put in a closet of previous coats(body/emotions/mind) that wore out being used un the three worlds.

And how do you connect this with astrology?

Remember, this is an astrology thread.