Why Relocation Astrology makes absolutely no sense.

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Re: Why relocation astrology makes absolutely no sense.

I don't think you fully understand Relocation charts.:whistling:
He absolutely doesn't. But I have to say thanks to him for one thing: by flaunting his ignorance, it lead you (katydid) to direct us toward the work of an outstanding astrologer--one whose work I didn't know about.

I'd been recently looking into the theory of relocation charts and Jim Lewis' work is the answer I didn't know I needed.

So again thanks to both Yony and katydid. You've both helped me tremendously.
People are people. everywhere you go you are the same. but location matters depending on the society you arrive at.

Nobody will be successful going of to Antarctica because of a wildly benefitting chart there unless they take care of critical facts like resources, support and skillset demand and make a plan for them.

And most dont take into account the right things to prepare and look for when moving. They put all the weight on saving their backs, on a chart.

Sure, some things improve given a supporting culture and financial climate of a place. But that is external to chart.

Frankly life is what you make it. relocation astrology is 20% contribution. And I question that even.
First of all, there is no accessible evidence anywhere that relocating actually puts you under a supposed "relocation chart" or anything.

As if there's any ******* evidence about whole astrology. Lol

Well I witnessed relocation chart really works, maybe you didn't travel enough and stayed enough in different places.

In Turkey and Russia, my Sun and Jupiter was in my 11th house and I was surrounded by friends really. I was really popular and I had many many friends.

In Estonia, and actually within almost whole Europe, my Sun and Jupiter passes to 12th house and I'm totally invisible in the society. Plus, in Estonia I have Saturn/Moon paran and Saturn/IC line etc, I'm extremely lonely there and even within Europe all the companions I had was like just for a day, for a limited short time. I didn't have one single friend that continuously being friend in real life as I was having them in Turkey or Russia. Not at all.

And moreover, Mars passed to my 1st house in Estonia and Europe as well, I already had a high libido but this passing to 1st house Mars gave me much more libido, so much that, it literally generated some perverted fantasies within me even which was not a topic before.

And lately also, one of my friends went to Australia and she has Mars 1st house there, and she is now in promiscuity because of boosted libido. She normally had Mars in her 4th house, and she has a boyfriend and she was monogamous. And now, with the Uranus lines there, they switched to an open relationship and she's casually ******* different guys.

Evidence is you yourself. Test yourself and witness. It's that simple. Maybe you do have some Neptune squares where you are at right now and that's why you opened this topic, who knows.
Plus, when I was in Estonia, my Venus is in still 10th house as it's in my natal and I was more worried about my reputation, public exposure etc and I was only focused on music mostly and I was only but only thinking the music production as my only career goal but right now in Canary Islands, my Venus passed to the 12th house and I didn't know its effect without experiencing it. Right now, to be honest, I feel like I'm more inclined to deal with astrology rather than music. I feel more hungry for unknown. Although I won't be giving up from music of course. But I was just consuming astrology by now, and now I have a feeling like I wanna master it and even maybe turn it to a profession at some point. I mean I actually wouldn't want it but I feel like my destiny is also pushing me to these areas. I might have two profession at the same time maybe who knows.

Moreover, I also discovered the birth place of mine had some rough astrocartographic aspects which are really accurate. Everything makes sense about relocation.
Hello, I just wanted to get this off my chest as of lately.

As we all know, the basis for a relocation chart is that when a person reaches the new location, they are under the influence of their supposed "relocation chart", but this isn't even remotely possible to begin with.

First of all, there is no accessible evidence anywhere that relocating actually puts you under a supposed "relocation chart" or anything.

Secondly, relocation astrology states that when you are at the new location, the relocation chart you now possess and its planetary configurations won't be different than that of your natal chart, the only difference is that the houses will be in different positions than they are in your natal chart.

However, that's impossible for one reason: The positions of houses in your chart are entirely dependent on what the natal configurations are in your chart, because houses are the areas of life, the natal configurations/natal planets and asteroids each are individually devoted to a certain area of your life/house in your chart.

But relocation astrology has always stated that the natal configurations DON'T change anyways, which makes no sense. So clearly if relocating actually gives you a relocated chart, the chart's planets and asteroids will have to be in different conditions than in your natal chart.

Actually, the whole idea behind a natal chart flat-out debunks the idea that relocation charts even exist, too.

Natal charts are binded with your very soul and your very being ever since the instant you were alive, all the way until the instant you die. This is exactly why Natal charts always stand true to the individual no matter what they are to go through in life.

This means that if relocating were to put you under completely different influences then that of your natal chart, it would mean you were under two different charts at once, which isn't possible and makes no actual sense in any way, shape or form lol.

And no, it's not even like the natal chart you have covers you ending up relocating and being under different planetary influences than the ones in your own natal chart, obviously, because you can only be under the influence of one fate, your natal chart is your life story. So you can't be under the influence of both a natal chart and a supposed relocation chart.

Sadly, many astologers hold a common misconception, that is that one's natal chart is their "potential" not their destiny or fate, when in reality they're wrong, as it is indeed our fate and destiny. Our natal planets and natal configurations are always binded with us, so of course they control who we are and who we will develop into, until we die.

Now, of course, relocating WOULD make sense if it only meant that you get a new chart, that being the relocated chart, and that chart becomes your only chart, and the natal chart you were BORN with just goes away somehow and is no longer binded with who you are anymore. However, relocation astrology doesn't even think this is how it works.

But again, Relocation astrology states that our relocation effects are seen in our own natal charts (that is, for anyone who ends up relocating), which again, makes absolutely ZERO sense whatsoever.

So yeah, relocation astrology would make sense if it actually used logic in it's attempt at reasoning, but instead it fails at that, as it ignores the basic common sense principle that our natal chart may just be our fate, and that perhaps it cannot be erased or altered in anyway, even by relocating, but instead, it assumes it MUST be possible to change our fate by relocating, when there is simply no evidence anywhere to prove the claim and it's obviously impossible, as:

1. You cant change your natal houses without changing your natal configurations (But relocation astrology flat-out ignores this)

2. You can't change your fate (your natal configurations) unless you bind yourself with NEW natal configurations, but there is no evidence that this can even be done and a lot to suggest it cant be

3. You can't be binded with TWO or more charts, as that would be like saying you've been binded with double the planets and asteroids in a natal chart, which is impossible obviously, as there is only one solar system, and one set of planets and asteroids within it.

Anyways, thats all for now, hope you enjoyed =)
Ohhh, it worked for me so well… when I moved to the place where I had most of my planets in 12th house - I would isolate myself so much.
Re: Why relocation astrology makes absolutely no sense.

So just because it's widely accepted that relocation astrology is true it MUST mean it is? Give me a break.
It’s not about being widely excepted. I travel based on my relocation chart. I followed my energy center and my entire entire life changed. I do a lot of traveling and you can literally be in whatever area and be impoverished and go to another area and be supported be lifted I’ve done so many astrology chart that I’ve seen this happen. I’ve seen people go to areas and everyone just support them and lift them up For nothing and they’ll be another area without the same support and they will be at their highest good in their chart i may not know exactly how it works but when you’re born, a chart is stationary, it doesn’t move. Those planets and places are stuck in those places so that means you are compatible or not in different areas you move they don’t move makes sense I know you meet people from the cities that is compatible with you you get along with them better because it’s it at an atomic level
So yeah, relocation astrology would make sense if it actually used logic in it's attempt at reasoning, but instead it fails at that, as it ignores the basic common sense principle that our natal chart may just be our fate, and that perhaps it cannot be erased or altered in anyway, even by relocating, but instead, it assumes it MUST be possible to change our fate by relocating, when there is simply no evidence anywhere to prove the claim and it's obviously impossible, as:

1. You cant change your natal houses without changing your natal configurations (But relocation astrology flat-out ignores this)

2. You can't change your fate (your natal configurations) unless you bind yourself with NEW natal configurations, but there is no evidence that this can even be done and a lot to suggest it cant be

3. You can't be binded with TWO or more charts, as that would be like saying you've been binded with double the planets and asteroids in a natal chart, which is impossible obviously, as there is only one solar system, and one set of planets and asteroids within it.
I don't know why this post is being boosted to me in 2025 lol. I literally had an administrator message me to link this post to me which I think is for a lot of people which only made me remember that I even had an account here.

Considering this post was last edited in 2019, I assume maybe some different thoughts have been made hopefully. I think you're basing a lot of things on the logic of natal charts, but considering astrology is also humanity meets the sky which is just an unfortunate but real fact, then maybe you should also consider the logic of being a human being in an environment alongside the idea of astrology. Just like the nature versus nurture discourse, the ultimate answer has always been it's a little bit of both and I would say it's the same for astrology.

I think it's more logical that relocation charts are not replacing your natal charts. Very simply, I think it is just representing what it's like to live in a different area and what the cultures and emphasis of life will be like in that area. Internally your evolutionary path which is your Natal chart in my opinion will never change, so you will still have your Natal chart no matter what because you will still go and be who you are no matter what environment you are, but being in a different culture or a different country, will bring out emphasis and importance in different areas of your life that maybe just help you focus on things in certain areas.

In fact if you believe natal charts are our fate, then wherever we go is fated. So yes our natal chart is with us wherever we go. I would say relocation charts are just visual pictures of what's happening to you and the culture around you and the community around you that is pushing certain growth or parts of you that is fated to happen in your Natal chart. But the type of house emphasis there and the type of culture may influence what aspects or part of your life is important in that moment shown through the relocation chart but only essentially helping the natal charts.

I just think relocation charts are a visual representation of what it's like to live in that area and what becomes more focused by living there. But just because you are in a community, doesn't mean you ever lose your sense of self. But just because you're an individual, doesn't mean you can't learn something new and a new perspective from a community.

Like it's been said, it's not nature versus nurture, it's a little bit of both and that's why you can have a Natal chart and a relocation chart with the main influence always being who you are which is your Natal chart. Anyways, that's my take on it. I do think you would help yourself by not basing the logic on the logic of astrology but also the logic of being a human as well. Since they are interlinked. Because astrology is very human as well as very spacey. Just by the definition of its creation and basis on the Earth itself.