so someone ive known for years hosted a halloween party and suddenly he has acted differently towards me and i cant understand why?
context: i casted a chart on october 8th saying "when i will be added to the rsvp list" and i got chart #1 a sagittarius rising with gemini 7h, a few days went by and i never received confirmation.
then a few days later i casted chart #2 on october 12th asking whats the blockage with my rsvp? and i got a late degree capricorn rising.
so the only thing that i can think of was when i saw him on october 5th, he looked up at me and smiled while opening his arms to say hi to me but i got distracted with another person since she came up to me to say hi, so i never had the chance to reciprocate the hello or say hi to him, but i thought nothing of it? i was worried a little because i hate to seem standoffish or not welcoming towards others but i didnt think he would perceive it as personal since there was no malicious intent behind me not saying hello.
on 10/19 i saw him and i was kind and said "oh hey! you look nice tonight" (he was wearing a costume) and he smiled and said "thank you" so he was normal and nice, not being blatantly rude but it did feel awkward a little? i then said "oh you guys are having a halloween party next saturday (10/26)!" and he goes "oh yeah well its *his roommates name* party" and i said "yeah fun! my sister and i rsvped" and he said "yeah its my roommates party" and i just nodded my head and said "yeah"
so background on this: first off he has always been the one to add me to the rsvp whenever he and his roommates hosted anything, he would even go ahead to invite me to their gatherings and theres never been "one roommates party." that said his roommate is someone ive liked on and off for years, we never dated or have had any arguments or issues or confusion with one another (at least not to my knowledge?) he has always been kind and we hug each other hi when we see one another. i'm not sure why he (the guy whose this horary is about) would pin that the party is only his roommates party (which also means the roommates has to accept me in order to go?) so like ive said its never been just one roommates party, its all of theirs and ive been to 4 other things they have hosted before.
the roommate has the ability to add me to the rsvp but he ultimately never did, but like ive said he never has been the one with past rsvps and ive known him for 2 years. he normally isn't the one doing the event list.
was this shift from me not saying hi or with the roommate? both make no sense to me but to preface me and the roommate haven't spoken too each other like we used to. we dont flirt as consistently but i wouldn't think that would be causation especially since the roommate is a nice person? on 10/24 i saw the roommate and he walked up to me to say hi and i said "hi its been awhile its nice to see you" and he responded "yes hi it's nice to see you" and then we proceeded on our night. i occasionally do look over at the roommate when i see him out a part of me can't help it because a part of me still cares about him? the guy whose this horary is about knows my relationship with the roommate and he (before this occurrence) was always open and receptive of me? i honestly cant believe the roommate truly cares that much of me to where if i did do something that actually bothered him?
ive been out and about before and have conversed with other guys in front of him, sometimes i feel like he cares sometimes i feel like he doesn't, on 9/21 i was hanging out with other guys w my friends but again i really cant think that would be enough of a reason to tell the guy (whose this horary is about) that he dislikes me now or something especially since we say hello and are on good terms (at least i think so?)
he has been with other girls in front of my face many times, i understand he isn't that interested in me since if he was he'd pursue me and he doesn't? so what is this change up about its confusing, the roommate or the guy whose this horary is for?
(this is going to sound weird but i do feel an emotional shift with the roommate and me, its weird its like i can feel his feelings for some odd reason, we share 12th house synastry so if you know astrology that house resonates with this type of feeling, i also feel really low and sad because of this and i think its obvious in these charts. feeling left out or that i did something wrong or bad to another person without knowing why is a big trigger for me)
if you need to know anything else let me know!
context: i casted a chart on october 8th saying "when i will be added to the rsvp list" and i got chart #1 a sagittarius rising with gemini 7h, a few days went by and i never received confirmation.
then a few days later i casted chart #2 on october 12th asking whats the blockage with my rsvp? and i got a late degree capricorn rising.
so the only thing that i can think of was when i saw him on october 5th, he looked up at me and smiled while opening his arms to say hi to me but i got distracted with another person since she came up to me to say hi, so i never had the chance to reciprocate the hello or say hi to him, but i thought nothing of it? i was worried a little because i hate to seem standoffish or not welcoming towards others but i didnt think he would perceive it as personal since there was no malicious intent behind me not saying hello.
on 10/19 i saw him and i was kind and said "oh hey! you look nice tonight" (he was wearing a costume) and he smiled and said "thank you" so he was normal and nice, not being blatantly rude but it did feel awkward a little? i then said "oh you guys are having a halloween party next saturday (10/26)!" and he goes "oh yeah well its *his roommates name* party" and i said "yeah fun! my sister and i rsvped" and he said "yeah its my roommates party" and i just nodded my head and said "yeah"
so background on this: first off he has always been the one to add me to the rsvp whenever he and his roommates hosted anything, he would even go ahead to invite me to their gatherings and theres never been "one roommates party." that said his roommate is someone ive liked on and off for years, we never dated or have had any arguments or issues or confusion with one another (at least not to my knowledge?) he has always been kind and we hug each other hi when we see one another. i'm not sure why he (the guy whose this horary is about) would pin that the party is only his roommates party (which also means the roommates has to accept me in order to go?) so like ive said its never been just one roommates party, its all of theirs and ive been to 4 other things they have hosted before.
the roommate has the ability to add me to the rsvp but he ultimately never did, but like ive said he never has been the one with past rsvps and ive known him for 2 years. he normally isn't the one doing the event list.
was this shift from me not saying hi or with the roommate? both make no sense to me but to preface me and the roommate haven't spoken too each other like we used to. we dont flirt as consistently but i wouldn't think that would be causation especially since the roommate is a nice person? on 10/24 i saw the roommate and he walked up to me to say hi and i said "hi its been awhile its nice to see you" and he responded "yes hi it's nice to see you" and then we proceeded on our night. i occasionally do look over at the roommate when i see him out a part of me can't help it because a part of me still cares about him? the guy whose this horary is about knows my relationship with the roommate and he (before this occurrence) was always open and receptive of me? i honestly cant believe the roommate truly cares that much of me to where if i did do something that actually bothered him?
ive been out and about before and have conversed with other guys in front of him, sometimes i feel like he cares sometimes i feel like he doesn't, on 9/21 i was hanging out with other guys w my friends but again i really cant think that would be enough of a reason to tell the guy (whose this horary is about) that he dislikes me now or something especially since we say hello and are on good terms (at least i think so?)
he has been with other girls in front of my face many times, i understand he isn't that interested in me since if he was he'd pursue me and he doesn't? so what is this change up about its confusing, the roommate or the guy whose this horary is for?
(this is going to sound weird but i do feel an emotional shift with the roommate and me, its weird its like i can feel his feelings for some odd reason, we share 12th house synastry so if you know astrology that house resonates with this type of feeling, i also feel really low and sad because of this and i think its obvious in these charts. feeling left out or that i did something wrong or bad to another person without knowing why is a big trigger for me)
if you need to know anything else let me know!
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