Why your ascendant is probably wrong!

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Angelina Jolie is listed as having a soft, shy, and feminine Cancer ascendant conjunct Venus. She is actually Leo ascendant with multiple feminine and masculine planets aspecting the ascendant.(rectified by Kannon Mcafee)

KM told me I must have Cancer asc but I'm Leo rising, I know it.

If you watch earlier videos of Angelina Jolie you can see that she looks and acts like a Cancer rising. After she became more famous she started showing us her fierce Aries side.Everything about her chart suits her very well.
I recently started an astrology blog, and thought the info in this article would be useful to you. I will copy most of it here but I suggest you read it on the blog because there are images there that won't seem to post correctly here. Also so you can see and click on other informative links with in the post. Here is the link to the post.


Most people's ascendant figures are wrong. Sometimes the ascendant sign is off by couple degrees back or forward, but often enough someone is an entirely different ascendant sign, usually the most previous one.

For example, your physical birth time(the time on your birth certificate or from a family member's memory) says you a Leo ascendant and sign preceding your Leo ascendant is Cancer. You are shy, reserved, and passive. You have papery and slight coloring, your eyes are soft and sympathetic. You are ruled by your emotions. You have a soft, and some would say low voice. And some how whenever you read the ascendant sign description for Cancer you feel more connected to it, then you do Leo. Guess what? You are not Leo ascendant, you are a Cancer ascendant!

The ascendant rules the personality and physical appearance, if those do not match with your physical birth time then it is wrong. Your true birth time that should be used to draw up a natal chart is the "spiritual birth time". The term is coined by astrologer, John Willner( author of the "The Rising Sign Problem " and "The Perfect Horoscope"). The spiritual birth time is up to couple hours before the physical birth time, or up to 20 minutes after. This is not just the time you took your "first breath" or exactly when you popped out your momma! This is the time your spirit set to incarnate into the physical world.

Most people's birth times being wrong, is why many rationals dismiss astrology, because the birth chart does not match with their personality or life. But once you got the right ascendant figure, the chart will describe you "to a t". You will know the person's field of vocation. Their talents and possible faults. What their relationships will probably be like, etc. You can also predict probable times of hardship and bouts of luck.

I have a couple celebrity chart readings here on this blog that are examples of spiritual birth times. Fred Bickum the owner of the INCARN software( a software used to guide astrologers to correct spiritual birth times) has numerous examples on his own site. Another supporter of spiritual birth times is astrologer Kannon McAfee, who actually found my own spiritual birth time, You can read through Kannon's blog and you will find numerous examples and explanations of spiritual birth times. He is responsible for the majority of the rectifications on this page.

*I will be referring to dwarf planet for the rest of the post, see the delineations HERE.*

* I have not found any other astrologer that uses dwarf planets the way I do, including Kannon. He rectifed most of these charts, and I am using them as examples, but that does not mean he currently uses or plans to use the dwarf planets when reading a chart.*


Angelina Jolie is listed as having a soft, shy, and feminine Cancer ascendant conjunct Venus. She is actually Leo ascendant with multiple feminine and masculine planets aspecting the ascendant.(rectified by Kannon Mcafee)

Benedict Cumberbatch is listed as having an aggressively harmonic, pleasing, willful, resourceful/controlling/brash Libra conjunct Pluto and contraparallel Sedna, he is actually a observant/rational/intellectual/perfectionist, but ultra-brash/bossy/ Virgo ascendant with Sedna parallel. (Rectified by Kannon Mcafee)

Madonna is listed as a having a reserved and mercurial Virgo ascendant conjunct Mercury and Moon. She is actually rebellious/confident/fiery Leo ascendant conjunct/parallel Uranus and opposite 2007 OR10. (rectified by Kannon McAfee)

Katy perry is listed as having intense/deep, dark, and emotional but communicative Scorpio ascendant conjunct Mercury and Moon. I am personally in the process of rectifying Katy's chart. I am not sure of the exact degree, she is clearly not a Scorpio ascendant, but an airy Libra ascendant with Eris aspecting. Allowing her to pull of the Kitschy, pin up, cotton candy image she had so long.

Mark Ruffalo is listed as having super extroverted and expansive Sagittarius ascendant square Jupiter and conjunct Sun. He is actually a deep/willful/, nervous, intellectual/excitable/scattered, and imaginative/creative Scorpio Ascendant conjunct 2002 MS4 and Neptune. I personally rectified and intepreted Mark's chart, if you want to read more about his astrological chart click here.

If you are not sure of your ascendant, I provide rectification services and if you are interested contact me. But it might be possible to rectify your own chart, hard but possible, if you are determined enough. Pay attention to transits and progressions during certain life events. And make sure that the ascendant you are trying to confirm matches personality and appearance.

If you very extroverted and expansive thinkng, and your physical birth time shows a Capricorn ascendant(with Sagittarius as the most previous sign), you are probably actually a Sagittarius ascendant. Unless there are planets strongly aspecting the ascendant, or you have multiple planets in Sagittarius.

If you shy/idealistic/imagnitive/creative, and your physical birth time show Aries(with Pisces as the most previous sign) then you are probably actually a Pisces ascendant. Unless there are planety aspects that change this or you have multiple planets in Pisces.

This is not to say that everyone is alway the wrong sign, some people just need to adjust the same ascendant sign by some degrees. See Michael Jackson whose recorded birth ascendant is 10 Pisces but spiritual birth time is 16 Pisces. Or Zoe Saldana whose recorded ascendant is 9 Leo but is actually closer to 1 Leo.

If you would like to learn even more about spiritual birth times, I suggest the late John willner's books "The Rising Sign Problem" and "The Perfect Horoscope". I own both and they have been very helpful to me.


It's very interesting!

What are you think about
Titus Welliver (Bosch series)
Richard Armitage
and Scott Fischer (96' Everest tragedy)
what are their real ascendant?

Have a nice day!
I still find it interesting how very down to the minute ascending signs are, given how important they are. I have had different sites give me different rising signs, while entering the same information and I wonder if perhaps this has something to do with it. I lean toward the sign assigned to me by my natural birth time, but I have often thought about the point at which life truly begins and how we could know when that is. Does anyone know how this particular time measure was found?
Noon-time Ascendant can be used to determine personality (it's best to find the exact rising time), the sun is ego or self, and the moon is emotional character.

For 33 N Latitude (noon-time Ascendant varies by latitude) where I live:
21 days (Nov 11-Dec 1) Aquarius, 21 days (Dec 1- Dec 21) Pisces,
21 days (Dec 21-Jan 11) Aries, 21 days (Jan 11- Feb 1) Taurus,
30 days (Feb 1-Mar 4) Gemini, 30 days (Mar 4-Apr 5) Cancer,
39 days (Apr 5-May 15) Leo, 39 days (May 15-Jun 25) Virgo,
39 days (Jun 25-Aug 5) Libra, 39 days (Aug 5-Sep 14) Scorpio,
30 days (Sep 14-Oct 13) Sagittarius, 30 days (Oct 13-Nov 11) Capricorn.

My birth-date Feb. 15, 1980 shows 15' Gemini is my noon-time ascendant, but my birth time was 2:20pm Pacific standard time (1420 hours) in 17' Cancer.

So I would use 12pm time of birth instead of my actual time of birth for my location?
Pretty sure I'm a Virgo ascendant.

I'm definitely not an extroverted Leo ascendant.
generalisation is fun but unreliable
Virgo ascendants may be extroverted :smile:

and Leo ascendants may be introverted
depends on multiple chart factors
Ascendant in Leo is about an intense sense of purpose.
"an intense of purpose" is not solely confined to those with Leo ascendants :smile:

In contrast, Ascendant in Virgo gives facilitating ability, good for teaching.

Which best applies to you?
Rectification Tips - Verifying Ascendant/Descendant/MC/IC angles
check out lengthy detailed discussion with examples
at https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51626
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There's disagreement about it, but I'm one of those who sees the Ascendant as describing one's private self (personal, not social), whereas the M.C. is about one's public persona, and how it's perceived socially.
So, check the M.C. for how you "present yourself" to strangers, and at work, in school, even on the internet. If you can choose between M.C. choices, you can use that to identify the more subtle, "know thyself" Ascendant .
I think there are a lot of cases where chart rectification, even given a hospital record or birth certificate, makes sense. But it isn't necessary to paste a spiritual overlay on rectification, or to question a registered birth time--timed to the minute, in order to make a rising sign meet expectations.

I vividly recall when my son was born in a hospital delivery room, there was a nurse standing by with a stop-watch.

As I noted above, a close hard aspect from another planet to the ascendant, or planets in the first house can have a big impact on how the first house plays out. We need to look at the planetary ruler of the ascendant, and its situation. If there are first house planets, what else in the chart is pinging on them? Once you've analyzed these influences, a lot of theoretically mismatched rising signs based upon cookbook delineations, simply go away.

Just for example, Libra rising is supposed to make for the gracious, if somewhat indecisive, diplomat. But we have an entire Pluto in Libra generation. Roughly 1/12 of them will have Pluto in the first house. Then some of them will be born with Mars square Pluto. And with Venus in Aries. What happens to Libra rising then? We're going to get someone who comes across as intense, and possibly combative. We don't need to "rectify" the ascendant into Scorpio just because we're not seeing the cookbook nicey-nice image of Libra in this person.

This is so true. Mars square Pluto. Pluto in the first. Libra rising. Not your typical libra rising so wondered should I be Virgo or Scorpio rising as libra rising is 1 degree. However this is true. Not cookbook
What about your social personality as described by your M.C.?

I’ve never really understood M.C. when u read about it, it describes how people perceive you in the world. The outsiders, but I don’t feel cancer M.C. and not many people see me as sensitive from afar. Well I don’t think they do. I get perceived as either shy or stuck up. Maybe the shy bit is cancer M.C. I don’t know. I don’t relate to the cancer M.C. side of me. So M.C. is something else then to me. HOW we want to be seen.

My internal self is caring and sensitive and I want ppl to see that side of me. Opposite to this ic I relate to as my sun is there - Capricorn.

What about you, what do u think and do u relate to your ascendant and mc
I’ve never really understood M.C. when u read about it, it describes how people perceive you in the world. The outsiders, but I don’t feel cancer M.C. and not many people see me as sensitive from afar. Well I don’t think they do. I get perceived as either shy or stuck up. Maybe the shy bit is cancer M.C. I don’t know. I don’t relate to the cancer M.C. side of me. So M.C. is something else then to me. HOW we want to be seen.

My internal self is caring and sensitive and I want ppl to see that side of me. Opposite to this ic I relate to as my sun is there - Capricorn.

What about you, what do u think and do u relate to your ascendant and mc

Not sure, because you're among friends here. With friends, you may be willing to drop your social persona and go with your Asc.

In my own case, I'm presenting as my Asc in Pisces, here. But in my work-life, I attempt to present as my Sagittarian M.C. As in your situation, I'm not especially good at it, since I also have Pisces Mercury and Mars.

If you change the degree of your Asc, does it change your M.C. into Leo? Or, possibly Gemini?
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Not sure, because you're among friends here. With friends, you may be willing to drop your social persona and go with your Asc.

In my own case, I'm presenting as my Asc in Pisces, here. But in my work-life, I attempt to present as my Sagittarian M.C. As in your situation, I'm not especially good at it, since I also have Pisces Mercury and Mars.

If you change the degree of your Asc, does it change your M.C. into Leo? Or, possibly Gemini?

If I change my degree I have Leo10th house M.C example my libra ascendant, change from 1 degree to 11 degree, which is a change of time of birth from 12am to 2:30am, this then changes M.C, moon and Nn to 10th house Leo.

Any later then my rising turns to Scorpio.

You’re right about how one can be around friends. I’m very much my ascendant. Maybe it’s because I have planets in there whereas I don’t have any planets in mc. It’s would be Interesting to see if others with planets in mc relate more than this ur that don't and with the rising sign.
If I change my degree I have Leo10th house M.C example my libra ascendant, change from 1 degree to 11 degree, which is a change of time of birth from 12am to 2:30am, this then changes M.C, moon and Nn to 10th house Leo.

Any later then my rising turns to Scorpio.

You’re right about how one can be around friends. I’m very much my ascendant. Maybe it’s because I have planets in there whereas I don’t have any planets in mc. It’s would be Interesting to see if others with planets in mc relate more than this ur that don't and with the rising sign.

Does a Leo M.C. fit your social persona?
Does a Leo M.C. fit your social persona?

I’m not sure. Just read up on mc leo. I’m forceful when it comes to my career and always craved leadership and once there very much related myself to my career. Social persona - I’m a proud person but leo mc I don’t think I do. I feel mc is how ppl see and we can’t see it. It’s a good question. Makes me think
I’m not sure. Just read up on mc leo. I’m forceful when it comes to my career and always craved leadership and once there very much related myself to my career. Social persona - I’m a proud person but leo mc I don’t think I do. I feel mc is how ppl see and we can’t see it. It’s a good question. Makes me think

You mentioned that some people see you as "stuck up", which could be your projection of Leo pride, socially.
You mentioned that some people see you as "stuck up", which could be your projection of Leo pride, socially.

Yes. I’ve also looked at my nieces chart to help me make more sense as looking at someone else’s I won’t be thinking too deeply about it.

My niece is all work work and play play. Stellium in 5th and 6th. Virgo ascendant. Her mc is Gemini and looking from the outside she does juggle 3 jobs all at once. She is very communicative etc but u could argue that’s her stellium. Like me I’m a cap sun with mars. You could say o come across stick up due to Capricorn being all proud.

I can’t see mc having any significance as I don’t relate or find it difficult to relate. First house I defo relate and to some extent my moon I do. It’s hard to see mc in ones self.