Will Eric and I be together? (My previous post does not open due to a technical error)

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
I posted this before but it was a duplicate by accident and now the post itself doesn't open (Thank you @IleneK for pointing this out). My question is whether this guy Eric and I will be together. He is absolutely CRAZY about me and likes me so much, and is talking and acting as if this relationship will be serious. I wonder if I've finally found my partner. Here's what I see: I am Jupiter in detriment and RX in H3 and he is Mercury in detriment and RX in his H3. Both of us communicate really well and are in mutual reception by aversion and apply by opposition. I read somewhere that an opposition with mutual reception functions more like a square. But otherwise, does this show a separation? I notice Sun eventually also opposes Jupiter. It shows mutual interest between us but perhaps it's showing a separation more than coming together. Sun also loves Jupiter and Moon also thinks of Jupiter. It seems like every dispositor minus Jupiter itself, which is ruled by Mercury, is ruled by me, Jupiter. Moon is about to be in detriment in Capricorn, which is not good. I see Moon is squaring MC and conjuncting AC as well, which could mean something if the angles count here. I am not able to figure out the antiscia. Thank you for your help!

eric 5.PNG
With the mutual reception, not by aversion but by dignity, [mutual reception by definition is by dignity], the two of you really like each other a lot.
Regarding the nature of the applying opposition between them, this is what I wrote elsewhere on the forum in another relationship question with Merc and Jup as significators:

You/Merc and he/Jup do a series of oppositions until near the end of the year. Then Merc immediately meets Saturn by square.
This looks like it may be series of intending and trying to meet with obstacles as reflected by the repeated oppositional energy. Then the square between Mercury and Saturn suggests being blindsided in the situation.

Moon makes no aspects to any bodies either before it leaves the sign it is in and is out of orb to any planet in the chart. Its next aspect is to Saturn.

I think if he is absolutely crazy about you, and you about him, there is a chance the two of you may be able to weather the one step forward/one step back feeling for awhile. I think it is going to take a lot for it to happen as there is not much energetic support from the chart.