Will he have an affair with me?

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Jul 26, 2011
My personal trainer and I have a strong connection. We've been training for 5 months now, he teaches me martial arts. I have his name tattooed on me, which was something HE asked ME to do. He's also married. We have never done anything physical, but we've spent a LOT of time together, we even spent an entire night together but were able to stop ourselves from doing anything sexual. We just talked incessantly about it. We flirt ALL of the time. It's obvious that we both want to hook up, but we also care a lot about one another as friends, so we haven't. Because it couldn't just be an affair; there would be emotions involved, there already ARE. so i guess my basic question here is about the future: should i continue training with him, what are his feelings for me and for his wife and what does he want? will our relationship end up becoming physical eventually? does he have emotional feelings for me or is it just about the thrill of the affair/lust?

i've given myself Mercury (ruler of 1st house) and the Moon
him: Jupiter (ruler of 7th house) and the Sun
his wife: Venus

Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon have a grand trine. the Sun will aspect Mercury soon but eventually runs through it right to Venus.

Lots of stuff going on that reflect teaching, students, affairs, marriages, secrets.

Thanks to anyone who can offer insight.


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I am sorry but anytime you get involved with someone who is married and hiding his wife- and asking for you to tat your name of him on your body??? that just sounds like bad news. You should stay away from this mess. I don't think you need a chart to tell you anything. You talk incessantly about doing sexual things to each other???? and flirt and your asking us if you should continue this relationship???? I can tell you right now- the wife is going to step in at some point. That venus is not going to be happy- and your going to make a fool of yourself knowing that you have some jerks name tat. on your body. He is looking at you for sex and some sick games....but when your in lust you just don't see it that way, I guess.
the tattoo's not a big deal to me. it's not in english and it's small. it's in Thai lettering because we do Muay Thai, and it's on my elbow because in Muay Thai you use elbows a lot. so it was more a sign of respect to him as a teacher and for the art that he's taught me. we're not just flirt partners, we're actually good friends and a have a lot of respect for one another and have a wonderful teacher/student relationship. so that's part of the point of this chart: i don't want our friendship to be ruined or our training to end badly. i want to make sure it always stays on good terms. at the same time it's really hard to not take that step over the line and cross into affair territory because of how much we like and are attracted to one another.
I think that the real issue here can be found in your own natal chart. What is it within you that compels you to be attracted to married man? This is not a healthy situation and it shows that you have a low self esteem. If you truly valued yourself, you would be with a man who is not married and flirting with another woman. If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you. You won't be his first nor his last. Also, you might note that all he's doing is flirting. If you respected yourself, then you would be with a man who pursued you...a man who you didn't have to make an effort towards.

Have you thought about seeing a therapist? This situation is worrysome and indicative of perhaps a personality disorder or a childhood trauma with your father.

It isn't my intention to offend you, but at the same time, this is very innappropriate behavior on your part.

PS: If you want things to end on good terms, walk away from him now. Surely there are other trainers out there who you could workout with.
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you have got to be kidding me !!!!!!!!!!!!! "I have his name tattooed on me, which was something HE asked ME to do"
napoleon's ego trip?

I'm sorry, but he is married and you should have respect for his marriage. If you want to talk about respect.
I hope you are taking molly's advice to heart, she is coming from a caring perspective, though may be a little blunt but you may need to hear that. This man is ridiculous. He can't keep from flirting with people outside his marriage, how distasteful. The truth may hurt but it will save you from heart ache down the line. Honor yourself and find someone who IS available. He is not available for you neither should have he asked you to tattoo his name on you :devil: I hope you find a better man. Women become easily attached this is a fact. I just think you got attached to someone who isn't all available and seems to be unfaithful. So he may be unfaithful to you too ,so just be wary.
Question itself is ridiculous

" should i continue training with him, what are his feelings for me and for his wife and what does he want? will our relationship end up becoming physical eventually? does he have emotional feelings for me or is it just about the thrill of the affair/lust?:"

should i continue training with him
what are his feelings for me and for his wife and what does he want
will our relationship end up becoming physical eventually?
does he have emotional feelings for me or is it just about the thrill of the affair/lust?

she doesnt even know what she wants!
It must've been quite an ego trip for this guy when you got a tattoo with his name.
Take off your rose colored glasses.
i can't read the thumbnail from this chart. the question is simple enough to answer ~ You already are!
An emotional affair is no different than a sexual affair.
With this question, and not being able to look at chart, I would think Neptune (i am modern horarist in practice) is in aspect to querant ~ uncertainty of querants "place" in relation to question, that is of course if you feel he is at the reigns of making the decision. What degree is rising at time of question?
If you, querant, are determined to fulfill your question, then pluto and or mars should have strong positive aspect to your significators ~ essentially letting nothing or no one stand in your way.

my general hunch of this question is that if something sexual were to occur, it already would have in 5 months time.

another notion comes to mind would be prohibitive factor such as saturn in quesiteds 2nd or 10th or asect to the house rulers. this implies caution on his part for loss of income or status if he were to consummate it.

mercury in aspect to either significator points out a novel idea ~ folly of thought with no progression into action.

just a note of personal input ~
in these situations, the only one who ever gains from these events is the man. wife and family get betrayed trust, in essence, being only half whole.
other woman gets bits and pieces, making her half whole. man gets a full plate of cake to eat, essentially leaving wife, family and you with breadcrumbs. now, ask yourself if that is fair or decent for either yourself or wife.
personally, i think that your tattoo will eventually feel like a scar to you in the end, and if that's the eventual outcome, think not of erasing it, but rather consider getting a phoenix rising from the ashes to cover it, allowing the original tattoo to still be seen ~ letting it be a reminder of your ability to overcome and resurrect yourself from a very bad choice once made.

wishing you self-love, worth and protection, always.

~ maemae (one who has been there before, but never again)
WOW, I can't believe the reactions to this question are so hostile. Why doesn't everyone stay off her case and just look at the chart? Isn't that why she asked the question, not for a moral punishment? Of course it is 'wrong' to hook up with someone who's already taken. But we do not know -enough- about the situation to really judge. So why not stay away from doing that and just judge the chart.

Now, about the chart. The Moon is going to trine Jupiter yes, but Jupiter is retro and the Moon is in a sign of Jupiter's detriment. Jupiter is in a bad shape so this could very well be a sign of his 'bad' intentions... he doesn't look like a very benign person in this situation. Also, if we take the Sun to be his second significator, he's in fall. Not such a good sign either.

Also, why did you assign Venus to the wife? If we take you to be Venus, and him the Sun as a second significator, it shows that you dig him (Sun in Venus' sign), but I think this is about to change for you, when that Sun will change signs to Scorpio and it will be in the sign of Venus' detriment. You will probably start disliking him.

Mercury seperates from an opposition with Jupiter. My guess is that your feelings for him are going to change soon. Sun in last degrees, seperating aspect of Mercury/Jupiter showing things that have already happened (showing me that the 'most spectacular moment' has already passed').
WOW, I can't believe the reactions to this question are so hostile. Why doesn't everyone stay off her case and just look at the chart? Isn't that why she asked the question, not for a moral punishment? Of course it is 'wrong' to hook up with someone who's already taken. But we do not know -enough- about the situation to really judge. So why not stay away from doing that and just judge the chart.

I would not call my reaction or anyone else's hostile. No one was "on her case". My reaction was out of concern. If someone is doing something that you intuitively know is going to harm themselves and others, it is your responsibility to try and stop it. I wish her well and really hope that she finds happiness in life, just not through things like this. I know she may not have asked up whether or not we thought it was right or wrong, but when I read her post, my heart went out to her and I just wanted to try and offer my perspective to her.
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WOW, I can't believe the reactions to this question are so hostile. Why doesn't everyone stay off her case and just look at the chart? Isn't that why she asked the question, not for a moral punishment? Of course it is 'wrong' to hook up with someone who's already taken. But we do not know -enough- about the situation to really judge. So why not stay away from doing that and just judge the chart.

Now, about the chart. The Moon is going to trine Jupiter yes, but Jupiter is retro and the Moon is in a sign of Jupiter's detriment. Jupiter is in a bad shape so this could very well be a sign of his 'bad' intentions... he doesn't look like a very benign person in this situation. Also, if we take the Sun to be his second significator, he's in fall. Not such a good sign either.

Also, why did you assign Venus to the wife? If we take you to be Venus, and him the Sun as a second significator, it shows that you dig him (Sun in Venus' sign), but I think this is about to change for you, when that Sun will change signs to Scorpio and it will be in the sign of Venus' detriment. You will probably start disliking him.

Mercury seperates from an opposition with Jupiter. My guess is that your feelings for him are going to change soon. Sun in last degrees, seperating aspect of Mercury/Jupiter showing things that have already happened (showing me that the 'most spectacular moment' has already passed').

i am not hostile to her.. no one can stop her from doing whatever she wants. I would not even read this chart because it has series of the questions.. in 1 question - she asking should she continue with training, in 2nd question is asking about relationship. Whatdoes this trine mean? absolutely nothing

I didn't read the chart for the same reason Tikana didn't. There's a question here but I'm not sure what exactly it is. Title of the post "will he have an affair with me", on the chart itself it asks about feelings and then there are other questions about training, the quesited's wife etc in the post. Don't think anyone was being hostile, more like tough love. Querent sounds like she's living in a fantasy.
OK then, to me it just sounded like moral convictions were the reason you were not reading the chart, hence my reaction :smile:. But to say that she doesn't know what she wants makes sense. Still, judging the chart even though the questions are vague, I think she will probably know soon.
I agree that you will probably start disliking him soon. But not because of the separating opposition..I think that just means that you had tension with him in the past. But the chart shows you like him --- sun in the sign venus rules, and jupiter in a sign of the moon's exaltation. However it does not show that he likes you as someone already said, and it also seems to point to him having bad intentions.
OK then, to me it just sounded like moral convictions were the reason you were not reading the chart, hence my reaction :smile:. But to say that she doesn't know what she wants makes sense. Still, judging the chart even though the questions are vague, I think she will probably know soon.

in William lilly's 1st volume, you would encounter him saying meditate on the question before asking and the question has to be clear and concise.

in William lilly's 1st volume, you would encounter him saying meditate on the question before asking and the question has to be clear and concise.


I know. Am aware of the necessity of deliberation, and Lilly's comments on that. However, no one explicitly stated that as a reason for not interpreting the chart. Neither did you in your first reply to this entry, you started off with the 'Napoleon ego trip'. Hence me thinking moral convictions played a bigger role in (not) replying to this thread than any doubts about interpretation because of vaguely formulated questions.

my moral convictions have absolutely nothing to do with this. it is the fact that he had the balls to ask a girl to tattoo his name on her, what would you call this "exclusive art piece made by whatever his name is"? Remember Johnny Depp and his Winona tatoo?

and if you zoom into the chart you would see a question "what are his feelings?"
