Will his performance be successful?

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Dec 26, 2022
Well, my son himself asked this, but I am not certain of the significators, plus I need your thoughts and experience. My son is an actor in his first performance on professional level. Currently he has an issue with the director, it appears they cannot get along easily (it is her 1st performance on professional level too).

My son is the Sun and the Moon, since he is the one asking. I think that I should take Jupiter as performance's significator, since it is a 5th house thing. If this is the case, Jupiter is not in a good condition, in Detriment, rx, only some Dignity by term and does not receive either the Moon, or the Sun. The Moon loves Jupiter, Jupiter is in exaltation there, but it is not reciprocated, neither is there any aspect. The Sun is in Jupiter's detriment and he has only Dignity by Term, which saves him from peregrination. Of course, his thought is into the performance, he cares a lot about it being in 5th, however no aspect to Jupiter.

Is the answer no? So it seems to me. The next aspect of the Moon is an opposition to the Sun, which can create tension and next a conj. to Mars which is in fall, rx, in a really bad shape.
I even checked POF, since it is about success, Saturn, it's ruler does not aspect my son's significators.

Thank you in advance.


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If it were me, I might take his professional work and performance as the 10th?
Venus rules and is exalted. So he may be intially very well received, and maybe the luster will then wear off a bit as is with exaltation.
Venus meets Jupiter in the 10th by trine, Jup is in its detriment, so maybe this is the coming off of Venus' exaltation. And then Saturn, if I am reading correctly?
So this suggests that it may go quite well for the initial foray and also some bumps/Jup in Gem in the 10th, that there may be much to be learned from it Venus conjunct Saturn in the house of your son's competition?
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If it were me, I might take his professional work and performance as the 10th?
Venus rules and is exalted. So he may be intially very well received, and maybe the luster will then wear off a bit as is with exaltation.
Venus meets Jupiter in the 10th by trine, Jup is in its detriment, so maybe this is the coming off of Venus' exaltation. And then Saturn, if I am reading correctly?
So this suggests that it may go quite well for the initial foray and also some bumps/Jup in Gem in the 10th, that there may be much to be learned from it Venus conjunct Saturn in the house of your son's competition?
Thank you very much, IleneK, for your answer and time! I will update.
Well a few more as a feedback.
Currently he is stressed out because of the director who seems not to like him at all. She always makes nasty remarks , the director is supposed to make remarks, but she lacks the elegance to express her criticism without sounding as a personal attack and she prefers picking on my son, who has the leading role. Maybe it is his natal with his Sun in square n Pluto at 7th and he attracts bullies! Although I would expect this to show as the ruler of his 7th opp. Sun, it appears that the FM conj. Mars is showing the event. I gather that this will soon subside with Moon entering Leo.

THe performance will last until about May. I think I can see this, as Venus, his career, (@IleneK was right to say so, he is an artist and Venus makes sense anyway) will conj. Saturn soon in about 5 degrees + in Mutable sign and succedent, so months is relevant. Saturn is the wall, Venus cannot cross it.

I am a bit troubled as to what he may do afterwards, as he, the Sun will move to it's Detriment. Not a happy time ahead! Will he be jobless, or doing something he dislikes? Something like this, I assume.
The ascendent in Leo, the performer, is very apt.

I agree with Ilene that the 10th is his career, reputation, and this performance.
POF is conjunct the 7th cusp, the public, so it should be favourably received.
Venus also in the house of the public is another favourable sign.
Mercury in the 5th will sextile venus, MH ruler. Favorable and easy expression.
Jupiter rules the 5th, located in the 10th and (looks like) in the decade of venus, while venus is in Jupiter's sign. He should do very well.
Note the MH is also in the decade of jupiter, as is the moon of the question.
Hi, Iris. May I inquire if the director’s criticisms are about rehearsal, or are they about the actual performance?
They are about the rehearsals, but also about anything. The last time she was pissed because he didn't mention her in his informal post on fb...she thought he was sidetrucking her, but it was a post to his friends. I think this gives you the idea. I told him to "unfriend" her! Haha!
The performance has not taken place yet. The 1st one is due on 9th February.
They are about the rehearsals, but also about anything. The last time she was pissed because he didn't mention her in his informal post on fb...she thought he was sidetrucking her, but it was a post to his friends. I think this gives you the idea. I told him to "unfriend" her! Haha!
The performance has not taken place yet. The 1st one is due on 9th February.
I am just wondering if, after all this awful treatment from the director, that in fact your son's actual performance is received quite well?
To me the chart may suggest that. And in the end, may that not be all that really matters?
I am just wondering if, after all this awful treatment from the director, that in fact your son's actual performance is received quite well?
To me the chart may suggest that. And in the end, may that not be all that really matters?
Agreed, this is what really matters. 9th February is close, she will have no power on him after that.
What do you think of sun going to detriment soon? I am still learning horary. It doesn't seem to me a good sign.
Agreed, this is what really matters. 9th February is close, she will have no power on him after that.
What do you think of sun going to detriment soon? I am still learning horary. It doesn't seem to me a good sign.
I honestly don't think it has bearing in this question of how his performance will be. That question is answered with him as Sun in Capricorn.
Lots will happen with Sun in Cap before it changes sign. For example, I believe Moon translates light from Sun to Mars, ruler of your son's creative and fun 5th house. Then Sun meets the ruler of the turned 5th by aspect.
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