Will I find a second job?

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Dec 16, 2008
I cast the following horary chart to see if I would find a second job.


I think that my chances aren't too bad given that the ruler of career is Mercury, and the ruler of the chart is conjunct the MC. Though the Moon is at critcal degree, it is conjunct the part of fortune, which I supoose suggests I might have some luck or help in this regard. However Uranus is conjunct this aspect, so I wonder if the recession might be an issue.

I'm wanting a second job so that I can save more money to help me move overseas. The sun rules the 9th house and is trine to Jupiter. And the ruler of the 6th is ruled by Venus. (I'm looking for work in the food service industry) Though Venus is conjunct to Mars, she does receive a trine from Saturn, which I don't think is a bad thing.

Over all, I don't think the chart looks too bad. Though there may have been something I've missed. Any thoughts?
Hello Kurayami! you did very well on your interpretation!

I think that my chances aren't too bad given that the ruler of career is Mercury, and the ruler of the chart is conjunct the MC.
Indeed, a good point. It also shows your interest in a job or already being in a job.
But having the ruler of the 10th in the 1st is a bigger indication of "a job coming to you".

Though the Moon is at critical degree, it is conjunct the part of fortune, which I suppose suggests I might have some luck or help in this regard.

The Moon is Void of Course actually but in Pisces (as well as Taurus and Sagittarius) she keeps some strength (according to William Lilly) as this sign is the exaltation sign of the benific Venus.

Moon is also in an angular house which helps .

However Uranus is conjunct this aspect, so I wonder if the recession might be an issue.

Uranus is not used in traditional horary questions, nor is Pluto or Neptune. I DO look at them when they are very prominent, like that Pluto on your Ascendant by the way. (this could indicate an emotional situation you must have endured not so long ago) You can never use them as house rulers, just as indications of certain situations, so Uranus could show a recent change of mind you had about wanting a 2nd job, or maybe something unexpected which happened in your home recently.

This in connection with that Pluto on the Ascendant do show that something has brought this up.(the question i mean). Maybe that is why you want to go abroad, leaving home?

You are talking about Venus and Mars, but these planets do not play a role in this question so dont confuse yourself by bringing them in. Just use the quisited and quisitor. You and the job.

There is a slight problem here. You already have a job which is the 10th house, so a 2nd job would then be the 10th from the 10th (derived chart) and the 2nd job therefore is signified by the Moon. Are you planning on doing something at home like catering, cooking at home and then bringing it to the clients?

The conjunction with the POF does look good indeed but the ruler of the end of the matter house, Jupiter, is retrograde and could show a going back to the old and true or thinking about this a bit more. (Jupiter is in 3). Or have you been in the food service industry before and want to go back there?

The NorthNode is falling in your 2nd house of money which indicates that earning more money would indeed be a good thing for you. The house wherein the North Node falls does tend to show what is good for us and the opposite house the reverse. So borrowing money would not be good for you.

I think you will have a slight chance of success in finding a 2nd job. You see, there should be an ingoing aspect between Moon and Saturn and there isn't. Moon however is in the term of Saturn which gives me some hope as well as the conjunction with the POF.

Should we have looked at it from the 10th house as being the job, then also, there is no aspect between Mercury and Saturn, except for Saturn being in Mercury's sign. No mutual reception which would have helped. The outcome would have been worse than with the Moon.

Maybe you will decide to not look for another job, judging from Jupiter retrograde.
In a nutshell, the reason I'm looking for another job is simply because the one I have isn't giving me enough hours and it's pertinent now that I get as much money as possible. The hours are often in flux though. Sometimes I'll get 20 a week, other times I'll get 3. I need something reliable, or at least another source of income because I'll be leaving for Ireland in the middle of September.

I'm currently working in the food service industry. I work at McDonalds. I'm looking at the potential of employment at other food service places. Of course, if I get enough hours to help me put away a useful amount of money, then I won't bother looking for a second job.

At the end of the day it's all about the money for me. I'm highly anxious about whether I'm going to be able to support myself in Ireland for as long as it may take me to find a job there.
At the end of the day it's all about the money for me.
That is probably also seen by that Saturn, who rules you and your money, so close to the MC! Thank you Kurayami, for the extra information.
Have you ever lived in Ireland before? I am asking this because your 4th house Jupiter is retro which often means "going back to what was before" and for modern astrologers, Uranus, ruling your 3rd is in your 4th and in mutual reception with Neptune who is the modern ruler of your 4th.

I really do hope you will find a more reliable job soon:)! I believe the service industry is always in demand.

I haven't lived in Ireland before, but I have holidayed there. In a sense i lived there because I stayed with friends and didn't travel that much. I was only there at the time to see friends. Also, my family is all from the UK and Ireland. So in a sense, by moving there I'm moving back to my roots.

About my job, they rang me this morning and asked me to do some extra work, so maybe I'll get by. But it's good to not put all of my eggs in one basket, right?
they rang me this morning and asked me to do some extra work
Great! It is interesting, glad you told me and I hope you WILL get by!
If the basket is strong, it does not really matter to put all your eggs in it:) but otherwise, you are right. Always good to have a look around!

Good luck!
I thought it might be better to pop this here rather than create a whole new thread.

I have a job interview tomorrow in the morning.

Here's the chart:

I don't think that I will get this job personally. Based on the fact that Mars rules myself and is in detriment the 7th. So maybe I'll come across to the interviewer as not very charismatic. Also, the Moon does not aspect Mars and the Moon is under the sunbeams.

Further, the Moon rules the job and receives a square from Saturn. Jupiter rules my money and trines the moon, likely indicating that the job would help me financially, but Jupiter is retrograde, so I don't see that as much being of much help.

Any thoughts? Anything I might have missed?
Hello Kuryami, from similar horary questions I found that the interview is the 3rd house and maybe we should look at 3rd and 10th. 7th house is the competition (for the same job, Venus).

The interview is Saturn in Virgo and in the 11th house of hope and wishes.
Mars, you, is about to make a trine to Saturn but unfortunately Venus gets there first. The Part of fortune is in a critical degree in your 12th which is also an unfortunate sign.

Moon, your co-significator has passed the square to Saturn and indeed, as you also noticed, Moon in the 8th and moving towards combustion with the Sun, which is the worst possible place to be in for the Moon.

The South Node is in your 10th house, also not good. the Ascendant is in the Via Combusta.

I am afraid that it is a "no" Kurayami.
Thanks for your response, Starlink. :)
I didn't realise that the significator of the interview was the third. I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

I actually won't mind if I don't get the job, the closer the interview comes the more I'm thinking I don't want the job because I still want to take my chances in Ireland in September. This job would require me to stay here for another 12 months, which I'm not keen to do.

We'll see what happens, but I suspect you'll be right anyway.

Thanks again!
With regard ot the horary I posted about the job I went for on Tuesday, I felt the horary was pretty firm in it's "no" response. But I got the job anyway. I'm pretty happy about that, but how can it be explained in terms of the horary, do you think?
Thank you very much for your reply Kurayami. I must have a closer look at the chart again. In some cases there could be that the Antiscia of the Job is conjunct the querent or vice versa which could cause an unexpected good outcome. Dont ask me why:)! Another possibility is that Mars maybe did not get badly obstructed by Venus (because she is a benific)and did get to trine Saturn, the job. Maybe they also hired someone else just before you (Venus). The North Node in the house of *how the matter ends* could also be a positive indication, being ruled by Saturn.

I am very happy you told me this. I will ask about this to AG who might understand why because it really does not look good if you follow the rules exactly. Mmmmm....

I will have a look later for the Antiscia, must prepare breakfast now.
I am very happy you got the job! Congratulations!

Will be back a bit later.
