Thanks Aquarius358.
Currently i have a job, it was going well after my boss change.... i am no more satisfied with my job.
I appeared in two interviews but no luck.
Sun in 10th looks positive but i am not much aware about horary so any insight will be appreciated.
Well, you'd think that L1 in 10th would be positive - but it really needs to be the other way around (L10 in 1st) and that's the best way it will happen in a horary and when there's a specific job that you're asking about.
My difficulty is that you're asking about a job that doesn't exist (in your realm of existence) yet. You're not asking whether you'll get a specific job you've applied for ... but whether you'll get a better job in the future.
For that, I'll use the ruler of the 11th House, of your hopes and wishes.
This is Mercury which is in the 9th House in your chart and it's trine the Sign that is Ascending ... a positive thing. Do you want the job to be in some area of technology?
Let's check out Venus which is also in the 11th House of your hopes. Moon is not applying to Venus or Mercury.
I can see you're a bit depressed about it all because Moon is in her detriment in Capricorn and she's also applying to a Rx Saturn. This contact with Saturn might not be such a bad thing though - it might bring some discipline into the situation and get you a bit more organised.
Venus does receive Moon by Triplicity and Term so there's a job out there for you, but Moon (you) do not reciprocate - meaning more effort is needed by you, I'd say. In other words, it's not staring you in the face (yet.)
Besides the Moon representing you, the Sun does too and Venus receives Sun by Sign and Triplicity, with the same result as above for the Moon. You're not giving the job searching enough love and attention yet!
Can I make the suggestion that you get organised (Saturn) and disciplined, and be patient (as you suggested you might have to be in your initial post.) Stop being 'lost and wandering' and make a plan, starting with a list of the companies or places that you'd like to work in.
The antiscion of Mercury (the ruler of 11th) is 18deg Cancer in the 12th which the Sun is applying to. The job might be in an institution of some kind. A hospital perhaps or Govt department?
Keep looking - and do let me know how you get on.
Best of luck. ______