Will I get the job if I apply?

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Apr 25, 2019

I'm considering applying for a promotion that may come up in my department soon. I'm not very good at horary and have attempted an analysis below.

All reading input is warmly received :)


My significator > L1: Leo - Sun in Capricorn in 6th house.

Moon > 10th house in Taurus, exalted.

The Job > L10: Aries – Mars R in Cancer (fall) in 12th house.

The Boss > L11: Mercury, in 5th / Capricorn.

Competition > L7: Aquarius, Saturn in 8th/2nd in Pisces.

End of the Matter > L4: Libra, Venus in 8th house.


Sun (me) rightfully placed in L6 and in Capricorn – moves to oppose Mars (job) in 12th house (is something hidden from me about the job?). The job receives / likes Sun, but the job is in fall (the job isn’t great).

The Moon (me) in 10th of career moves to trine Mars (job). I’m in the fall of Mars, the job isn’t a good fit for me on an emotional level (true).

End of the Matter: Venus exalted in Pisces conjuncts the competition Saturn (also ruler of 6th house). The boss sextiles Venus (I can’t quite work this out).

I think I am the strongest fit for the actual job in terms of skills and experience but I’m not overly keen on the job itself (this is true, it will be a lot of hard work to sort out the mess) and in the end it will be offered to someone else working in the department.


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    Will I get the job if I apply?.png
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I'm considering applying for a promotion that may come up in my department soon. I'm not very good at horary and have attempted an analysis below.

All reading input is warmly received :)


My significator > L1: Leo - Sun in Capricorn in 6th house.

Moon > 10th house in Taurus, exalted.

The Job > L10: Aries – Mars R in Cancer (fall) in 12th house.

The Boss > L11: Mercury, in 5th / Capricorn.

Competition > L7: Aquarius, Saturn in 8th/2nd in Pisces.

End of the Matter > L4: Libra, Venus in 8th house.


Sun (me) rightfully placed in L6 and in Capricorn – moves to oppose Mars (job) in 12th house (is something hidden from me about the job?). The job receives / likes Sun, but the job is in fall (the job isn’t great).

The Moon (me) in 10th of career moves to trine Mars (job). I’m in the fall of Mars, the job isn’t a good fit for me on an emotional level (true).

End of the Matter: Venus exalted in Pisces conjuncts the competition Saturn (also ruler of 6th house). The boss sextiles Venus (I can’t quite work this out).

I think I am the strongest fit for the actual job in terms of skills and experience but I’m not overly keen on the job itself (this is true, it will be a lot of hard work to sort out the mess) and in the end it will be offered to someone else working in the department.
I think there are chances of you getting the promotion. It may be delayed a bit because we have descending houses and included ones that complicate and delay things.
The Moon is strong, has taken the light of the Sun (you) and will give it to Mars (career, success).
Also Mercury is the applications in the first degree (the new and initial situation that has arisen) will find Venus (also powerful) but in a descending house, with a sextile.
Venus is the end of the case but also Mars (included) I have analyzed above about them and how they are connected to you...
I think there are chances of you getting the promotion. It may be delayed a bit because we have descending houses and included ones that complicate and delay things.
The Moon is strong, has taken the light of the Sun (you) and will give it to Mars (career, success).
Also Mercury is the applications in the first degree (the new and initial situation that has arisen) will find Venus (also powerful) but in a descending house, with a sextile.
Venus is the end of the case but also Mars (included) I have analyzed above about them and how they are connected to you...
I would like to add:
However, regardless of what the map and the stars say, it is good to do your papers and claim the position. You have nothing to lose, it will be an experience.

It is also a good idea to look at your birthday to see if it has good transits that will favor your work environment.
If we take your current job as the 10th, then I see the promotion as the next job, and so it is the 11th ruled by Merc.
Moon in Taurus suggests that you are strong in the matter, but the Merc does not receive Moon well and they do not aspect.
There is also no aspect or reception between Merc and you as Sun.
So I am not encouraged. But I wholeheartedly agree with Sunrise that you should apply for the job. Nothing would make me happier than for this interpretation to be wrong. And it certainly could be :).
I see the promotion as the next job, and so it is the 11th ruled by Merc.
Moon in Taurus suggests that you are strong in the matter, but the Merc does not receive Moon well and they do not aspect.
There is also no aspect or reception between Merc and you as Sun.

Interesting insight. It could be that the job is given to Venus. I will submit an application and I'll report back with the outcome. It's good experience and whether I get the job, or don't, I will still be looking for a promotion elsewhere. Many thanks!
Interesting insight. It could be that the job is given to Venus. I will submit an application and I'll report back with the outcome. It's good experience and whether I get the job, or don't, I will still be looking for a promotion elsewhere. Many thanks!
Maybe so, with Merc applying to sextile Venus. Venus is strong in its own right by exaltation, as you are as Moon in Taurus. So maybe Venus is a strong candidate on its own. But if they get the new position, it appears like Venus may not like the job based on Venus’ reception toward Merc? So maybe that promotion will open up again after that and it might be more favorable for you then?
I admit here to have taken off in a flight of creative imagination stimulated by your comment about Venus. So we might want to discount a good bit of what I have written here. 😊
Still wishing you the best!

For me this reads different. I think Venus, ruling Taurus intercepted, is this promotion. Same company (10th) something different within that, Taurus.

First thing aspecting Venus is the Moon squaring her, after changing into Gemini and the 11th.
Gemini having to do with communication, itself by nature and Mercury ruling, also ruling your third house. The change can be you applying for this promotion. You moving up the ladder, up the wheel.

The Moon is you, the question itself, as we all agree up to now.
By the time the Moon is in Gemini it will have mutual reception with Mercury through triplicity. She will also be in her fall, Jupiter co-ruling the second from the 10th (11th house), is in detriment.

Venus, has Mercury in detriment and fall.
With the square aspect and reception, I think you can get the job, possibly through some hardships. It wouldn't surprise me if one of those hardships has to do with money, Venus doesn't like the companies money and the Moon, you, doesn't like what's in that money house either, she detriments Jupiter when in Gemini, which should be growth of some nature. Jupiter retrograde 'no/less growth?'

If you say no, the competition, in their money house, may get the promotion, Venus and Saturn are on the same terms in Pisces, although the promotion is exalted, the competition is peregrine. As is the Sun. You mentioned something hidden from you with Mars in the twelfth, those peregrinations indicate a similar idea. You may wanna pay close attention, especially when this is not a particular '12th house job'.

Good luck though, if you want it, I hope you'll get it.

For me this reads different. I think Venus, ruling Taurus intercepted, is this promotion. Same company (10th) something different within that, Taurus.

First thing aspecting Venus is the Moon squaring her, after changing into Gemini and the 11th.
Gemini having to do with communication, itself by nature and Mercury ruling, also ruling your third house. The change can be you applying for this promotion. You moving up the ladder, up the wheel.

The Moon is you, the question itself, as we all agree up to now.
By the time the Moon is in Gemini it will have mutual reception with Mercury through triplicity. She will also be in her fall, Jupiter co-ruling the second from the 10th (11th house), is in detriment.

Venus, has Mercury in detriment and fall.
With the square aspect and reception, I think you can get the job, possibly through some hardships. It wouldn't surprise me if one of those hardships has to do with money, Venus doesn't like the companies money and the Moon, you, doesn't like what's in that money house either, she detriments Jupiter when in Gemini, which should be growth of some nature. Jupiter retrograde 'no/less growth?'

If you say no, the competition, in their money house, may get the promotion, Venus and Saturn are on the same terms in Pisces, although the promotion is exalted, the competition is peregrine. As is the Sun. You mentioned something hidden from you with Mars in the twelfth, those peregrinations indicate a similar idea. You may wanna pay close attention, especially when this is not a particular '12th house job'.

Good luck though, if you want it, I hope you'll get it.
I find your idea of Venus as significator very interesting. I helps the chart much more coherent for me. Thank you.
Yet, your significator, the Sun, is headed towards an opposition with MArs, ruler of the MC. While opposition is an aspect, it is telling you that this jouney is headed toward separation.
Yes, very correct!
But this is something very distant. It is some development in the distant future.
For now, we want something more immediate and what shows the current situation are the aspects of the Moon. Before this opposition you mention, we have aspects with the Moon and the aspect Mercury/Venus will happen first.🍒
Minor update: I have decided that I will not be applying for the job as I wish to leave the department (toxic culture, poor standards of work and generally a bad fit for me) and progress my career in another direction. I will update regarding the outcome of the position in due course.
Minor update: I have decided that I will not be applying for the job as I wish to leave the department (toxic culture, poor standards of work and generally a bad fit for me) and progress my career in another direction. I will update regarding the outcome of the position in due course.
That's more like the Uranus influence in the tenth for the leaving. Moon and Sun in close aspect.
Chiron on the tenth cusp is interesting, toxicity is closely intertwined in that story.

Just some observations.
Thanks for this update!