I'm considering applying for a promotion that may come up in my department soon. I'm not very good at horary and have attempted an analysis below.
All reading input is warmly received
My significator > L1: Leo - Sun in Capricorn in 6th house.
Moon > 10th house in Taurus, exalted.
The Job > L10: Aries – Mars R in Cancer (fall) in 12th house.
The Boss > L11: Mercury, in 5th / Capricorn.
Competition > L7: Aquarius, Saturn in 8th/2nd in Pisces.
End of the Matter > L4: Libra, Venus in 8th house.
Sun (me) rightfully placed in L6 and in Capricorn – moves to oppose Mars (job) in 12th house (is something hidden from me about the job?). The job receives / likes Sun, but the job is in fall (the job isn’t great).
The Moon (me) in 10th of career moves to trine Mars (job). I’m in the fall of Mars, the job isn’t a good fit for me on an emotional level (true).
End of the Matter: Venus exalted in Pisces conjuncts the competition Saturn (also ruler of 6th house). The boss sextiles Venus (I can’t quite work this out).
I think I am the strongest fit for the actual job in terms of skills and experience but I’m not overly keen on the job itself (this is true, it will be a lot of hard work to sort out the mess) and in the end it will be offered to someone else working in the department.
I'm considering applying for a promotion that may come up in my department soon. I'm not very good at horary and have attempted an analysis below.
All reading input is warmly received
My significator > L1: Leo - Sun in Capricorn in 6th house.
Moon > 10th house in Taurus, exalted.
The Job > L10: Aries – Mars R in Cancer (fall) in 12th house.
The Boss > L11: Mercury, in 5th / Capricorn.
Competition > L7: Aquarius, Saturn in 8th/2nd in Pisces.
End of the Matter > L4: Libra, Venus in 8th house.
Sun (me) rightfully placed in L6 and in Capricorn – moves to oppose Mars (job) in 12th house (is something hidden from me about the job?). The job receives / likes Sun, but the job is in fall (the job isn’t great).
The Moon (me) in 10th of career moves to trine Mars (job). I’m in the fall of Mars, the job isn’t a good fit for me on an emotional level (true).
End of the Matter: Venus exalted in Pisces conjuncts the competition Saturn (also ruler of 6th house). The boss sextiles Venus (I can’t quite work this out).
I think I am the strongest fit for the actual job in terms of skills and experience but I’m not overly keen on the job itself (this is true, it will be a lot of hard work to sort out the mess) and in the end it will be offered to someone else working in the department.