Will I get this job after 2 trainings?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2010

I applied to a restaurant job, where they said to come in for non-paid training for 2 days. After that, the owner say, "I will see if I like you" (she's french, so she's just meaning if we 'fit.'


I am saturn, and the job is mars.
Hi there,
Look, I will be honest-I really don't like the look of this chart.
Firstly though, as its a service job I'd use h6 to represent it, and that house is ruled by Mercury.
I see that Mercury applies a sextile to venus here, so to me that means Venus gets the job-you are saturn...
The moon makes no applying aspects and is about to enter the via combusta-a bad place to be...
In my country it's actually illegal to require unpaid *training*> It might be illegal where you are too, looking at Saturn opposite Jupiter there.
I'm really sorry, but I don't think the job will be yours and mercury, the job,is also in poor shape, so not getting it could be a blessing.
Good luck getting the *right job* though.
WAIT. But could this be translation of light?

Venus is separating from Saturn to Mercury. Mercury loves venus and is applying 3 degrees to Venus. Venus is separating from Saturn.


Venus, being in the 6th house, is also a significator of the job. It describe it well, the place being kind of venus-y. Good food, good decor.

Another interesting way to interpret this is that the Moon, thought about to go into Via Combusta - could just be the nature of the business. Very 'fiery' or 'yang' energy. The moon will conjunct combusta in 12 degrees, so maybe in 12 days I'll get a job? Ha?
Via combusta means things hidden from you.It's not a good thing.Neither is the moon being void in any way helpful.
Mercury, the ruler of the job applies a sextile to VENUS-but it doesnt perfect.
Sorry.No translation of light...
Venus is also opposed to Pluto-I know it doesnt usually *count* in horary-but Venus is in the 12th house of the prospective employer and Pluto is in your 12th..Not good places.



Ah, thank you Lily.
I guess I just wanted things to go smoothly.

But guess what. I just got an email today saying that I have an interview for a GRAPHIC DESIGNER position. WHat!?!???!


By the way, question: How do you know the moon is void of course? I usually look at tables and charts like here for example: http://www.drstandley.com/Void_of_Course_Calendar.shtml
But is there any tips of it by looking at the chart?

Thank you for all your help by the way :)
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To see if the moon is void of course you need to see if it applies any aspects before leaving the sign. This needs to be done manually.
If the moon's at 15 degrees, look at what other planets are 15 degrees or more-see what aspects they make before leaving the sign.
Good luck with the graphic design!