will I have a sex with one partcular person?

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Jan 15, 2025
Could you help me to analyse this horary chart? Question is will I have a sex with one particular person ( signified by house 7th).
What do Saturn and Venus signify?


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I see him as Mercury entering his 5th house. But there is Sun and is it another woman or something else?
There is no aspect between you as Jup or as Moon and him/Mercury. Aspect tells us about actual coming together. Both of your significators being 5 signs from Jup suggests that the two of you do not really understand the other person, cannot see who they are. With Merc in Cap, I am not sure he is considerate of your/Moon's feelings.
So your coming together as you would like does not look very favorable to me

He/Merc moving toward the 5th house suggests that he is approaching interest in romantic sexual but not serious relationship matters.

Venus and Saturn are not significators this particular question.
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Hey thank you for answer!

I have read on this forum, Venus is natural 5th house significator and its position near Asc means it is easy to find this cases.. really Venus means nothing herę?

Secondly quinkunks Merc-Jup is not important? Some people take quinkunks under consideration.

He is my husband so I think Sun is also his natural significator?
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Hey thank you for answer!

I have read on this forum, Venus is natural 5th house significator and its position near Asc means it is easy to find this cases.. really Venus means nothing herę?
You are welcome!
That rule about Venus being natural ruler of the 5th not hold in traditional horary astrology.
Secondly quinkunks Merc-Jup is not important? Some people take quinkunks under consideration.
The quincunx or inconjunct is not a traditional horary aspect. Although when planets are in the modern quincunx position in a horary chart, they are seen as disconnected as I described, much like the modern quincunx says that some adjustment is needed between the planets.
He is my husband so I think Sun is also his natural significator?

I typically do not use Venus for the woman and Sun for the man as you describe, but you are free to use significators that you think are appropriate. I am just sharing the method I use.
If you do designate this person you want to have sex with as Sun, I don't think it changes the outcome very much. Sun does not apply to aspect Jupiter nor does Moon apply to Sun. And Sun receives both Jup and Moon poorly by reception.
Anyway I think poor chances- Moon will not have any aspects in this sign and its in the 6th House , Jup in third. Time would be long anyway..
I have quiet Hope for aspect sekstile Merc-Venus.. But I think unreal?
Do his significators in 5th House mean he has decided to be unhonest with me?
Hi Nin,

To me the chart gives a bit of a double feeling, idea. The sex part is there when you also take Mars and Venus in account as significators, due to them ruling the intercepted signs in the 1st and 7th house. He gets Venus, you get Mars. The Sun, aspects the Mars, him to you and the 5th houses are involved. Venus on the ascendant can mean you're thinking about this, in some cases an aspect to the cusp can symbolize something coming into reality.

There is however a somewhat 'loveless' idea if I may call it that. Mars is in Fall, Saturn rules his 5th, is in detriment. The Sun dislikes the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon in his 12th, he doesn't see her, that can be your emotions. His Mercury and Venus as his significator don't really see your Moon through the quincunx. It all seems not in your best interest.
Saturn in the 1st house can be an indicator of this not turning out how you want it and you have Neptune in the first house as well. Maybe that last one is some drinks but it can be delusional in nature. Saturn can 'just' be you thinking of his romance house, sexuality.

You do have the N.N. in your house, that's maybe some positive idea, it's a bit of a stretch though.

I'm sorry if I seem to show the negative parts only, it is how this comes across to me. I hope that in light of your life, you can identify some of these things and make them less heavy in reality.
Hey Naulu,
thank you for your analyse. I am surprised how it looks like. We talk a lot. But he is not interested in my needs, I think this is why I'm in his house 12, isolated. Neptun- Neptun is transiting 8 degrees applying conjunction to my natal Sun in 2nd house and also is now transiting some around 8 degrees before his Desc. I think this Neptun in 1st House means I am again intersted in esoteric.

The fact is that I asked this question second time after one month ( the conditions could change).
The same question one month ealier looks like no:
Oposite is a negative aspect. Mutual reception appears between us, but no action takes place.


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In my radix Sun is in Aries and his Ascendant in Libra, so maybe this Mars, Venus is adequate.
Well I'm glad to hear it's not as heavy as it looked.

Yes this last chart is all talks but nothing much else, you place each other's fifth house rulers on the cusps of your first houses (1 & 7).
The fifth houses hold each other's communication rulers, rulers of the third houses in both the fifth houses.
The third house rulers take the Mercury and Jupiter, main significators, by separating trine.

The interceptions in your last chart can also indicate something is missing. Some drive perhaps with Aries and Libra involved.
I do also agree that the dissolving effects of Neptune can play into this (as well as a renewed drive for esoteric things). In the horaries Neptune is quite prominent. An eight degree orb to the Sun is, not impossible to have an effect, yet it is quite the ways to go though.

Maybe you'd like to post a synastry or your own natal in the read my chart section to get deeper into things?
Hey Nailu,
great idea about analysing radixs, I will think about it..
Is it bad that we put our fifth house rulers on the cusps of our 1 houses? Thanks.
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That's all up to you of course 🙂
Not bad, more in line with 'thinking about it' or having it on your mind, is my opinion and I think, a generally accepted idea.
You welcome, thank you too.