Hi Nin,
To me the chart gives a bit of a double feeling, idea. The sex part is there when you also take Mars and Venus in account as significators, due to them ruling the intercepted signs in the 1st and 7th house. He gets Venus, you get Mars. The Sun, aspects the Mars, him to you and the 5th houses are involved. Venus on the ascendant can mean you're thinking about this, in some cases an aspect to the cusp can symbolize something coming into reality.
There is however a somewhat 'loveless' idea if I may call it that. Mars is in Fall, Saturn rules his 5th, is in detriment. The Sun dislikes the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon in his 12th, he doesn't see her, that can be your emotions. His Mercury and Venus as his significator don't really see your Moon through the quincunx. It all seems not in your best interest.
Saturn in the 1st house can be an indicator of this not turning out how you want it and you have Neptune in the first house as well. Maybe that last one is some drinks but it can be delusional in nature. Saturn can 'just' be you thinking of his romance house, sexuality.
You do have the N.N. in your house, that's maybe some positive idea, it's a bit of a stretch though.
I'm sorry if I seem to show the negative parts only, it is how this comes across to me. I hope that in light of your life, you can identify some of these things and make them less heavy in reality.