Ketu is your Birth Yogi (The planet that brings benefits to you during his dasa and transit period). Jupiter is your Sahayogi (The planet that brings benefits to you during his Dasa and Transit periods). Saturn is your Avayogi (The planet that brings obstacles to you during his dasa and transit period). Taurus is your Lagnam (Ascendant). Venus is your Lagnatipati (Lord of the Ascendant). Currently, you are running Moon Mahadasa and Venus Antardasa that lasts till 14-Jan-21. The Moon Mahadasa ends in 16-Jul-21.
For fame and success in future, we have to see first the Lagnatipati (Lord of the Ascendant). Your Lagnatipati (Lord of the Ascendant) Venus is in his own House very comfortably placed. Therefore, you will be a dominant personality in the entertainment sector. Venus as the Lagnatipati (Lord of the Ascendant) indicates profession related to music, entertainment, art, and aesthetic and hotel industry. As Venus aspects the Twelfth house (House of losses) from his own House of Libra, you can shine in fine arts like music, dance, acting etc. You can become an outstanding Actress in future.
Rahu in the Tenth House (House of the profession) amplifies your chances of becoming famous and successful in your sphere of activities. However, the presence of Maandi could invite problems, enmities and obstacles during this progress, which you will overcome anyway.
The conjoining of the Lord of the Fourth House (House of Comforts) Sun and Lord of the Fifth House (House of Prosperity) Mercury in the Seventh House (House of marriage and business) aspecting the Lagnam (Ascendant) is a Raja Yoga for you. Your fame will reach sky high. This is because the conjoining involves a Kendra Lord and a trine Lord in another Kendra, which is rare.
Jupiter is well placed in his own House and aspects your Second house (House of wealth and family) and Fourth house (House of comforts). This gives you all comforts and luxuries. The fact that Jupiter is also the Lord of the Eleventh House (House of Gains) nullifies the defect that he is the Ashtamatipati (Lord of the Eighth House) in your case. Lord of the Tenth House (House of Profession) Saturn in the Fourth House (House of comforts) gives you success and fame. However, Saturn is in his enemy's House (Saturn and Sun are enemies) and hence problems will also crop up because of jealous people around you.
Lord of the Twelfth House (House of Losses) Mars in the Second House (House of wealth and family) gives you abundant wealth through foreign connections. Ketu with Saturn in the Fourth House (House of comforts) could bring vices like drugs and alcohol through bad associations, which you should carefully avoid for fame and success. Ketu in the Third house (House of courage and efforts) in the Navamsa Chart confirms this observation.
There is a Chandra Mangala Yoga (Moon and Mars connected) in the Tenth House (House of the profession) in the Navamsa Chart because of the conjoining of Mars and Moon. Mars is exalted here to give you a lot of benefits. The conjoining of Mercury, Venus and Sun in the Eleventh House (House of gains) in Navamsa Chart gives you intelligence, fame and luxuries all at once through financial gains. Rahu in the Lagnam (Ascendant) in D-10 chart amplifies your fame and success. This also makes you highly intelligent in academics.
My blessings and best wishes to you