Will I have financial issues when Saturn enters my 8th house next year?

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Apr 25, 2015
At some point, transit Saturn will conjunct my natal Venus, North Node, and Jupiter in my 8th house. Does this indicate having issues with money and love? What can I do to prepare for this transit?saturn8th house.jpg
Hello ChildOfVenus,

after Venus' stay in this house, you will have the transit of Saturn.
I don't know if you share your life with someone but it seems that it has to do with relationships where you will want to do the best possible at all costs in relation to what you aspire to in order to favor the relationship. You will attach yourself to the consideration that will be shown to you in order to fulfill yourself. It will be in favor of controlling what is difficult to achieve that you will want to improve while uniting and knowing the interest that you will be the object of; you will tend to listen to make this progress. It will be in favor of being the best possible in relation to what is difficult to access.
From mid-May 2025 to the beginning of March 2026, you will tend to do the best possible in relation to this interest in you and the objective that you will set for yourself...

Ecliptique. 😀
It's interesting that the apex of your Yod is in Mars (the ruler of Aries), where your Jupiter, NN, and Mercury are placed. Do you remember what happened when transiting Saturn conjuncted your 6th House moon around January 2022?
The 8th house is one of the most interesting placements.
It deals with your partner's finances.
It has to do with taxes and inheritance.
It represents your sexual expression, as a purely physical act
It is also a spiritual house, it is the soul and the psyche.
In your chart venus rules both the Midheaven and the 3rd house.
So both your career and reputation, as well as any siblings, your thoughts.
All these areas could undergo a period of restraint, but also learning and maturity when saturn makes contact with venus.
Neptune transits NN, and rules the 8th house.
It won't be a period of taking risks or abandoning yourself to joyful adventures.
You will feel a more serious undertone in how you aproach these areas of your life.
Don't overlook jupiter on natal mars in the MH.
This can give a big helping hand at moving forward with any new plans.
Transiting uranus near the MH can bring about unexpected changes.
With pluto transiting your 6th house and ruling your 4th, you may find yourself working more at home.
Look at the progressions of your chart.
What planets is progressed venus aspecting?
Saturn rules the 7th along with Uranus.
Natal venus squares uranus.
Training uranus squares the 7th cusp.
You might find a relationship coming in out of the blue when you least expect it.
But things born of Uranus can have a tendency to disappear just as quickly, which you've probably already experienced given the venus/uranus square.
Transiting North Node is also approaching venus.
You have so much energy concentrated in the 8th house that the possibilities are very varied and numerous.
At the end of the day, however, what will tend to happen is that you gradually and automatically shift towards where the energy is leading you, and without realising you will have manifested the energies.
It should be a very important time in your life, with so many planets giving input during this period.
Hello ChildOfVenus,

after Venus' stay in this house, you will have the transit of Saturn.
I don't know if you share your life with someone but it seems that it has to do with relationships where you will want to do the best possible at all costs in relation to what you aspire to in order to favor the relationship. You will attach yourself to the consideration that will be shown to you in order to fulfill yourself. It will be in favor of controlling what is difficult to achieve that you will want to improve while uniting and knowing the interest that you will be the object of; you will tend to listen to make this progress. It will be in favor of being the best possible in relation to what is difficult to access.
From mid-May 2025 to the beginning of March 2026, you will tend to do the best possible in relation to this interest in you and the objective that you will set for yourself...

Ecliptique. 😀
Thank you for your input your comment is somewhat difficult for me to understand. I do not share my life with anyone are you saying that during this time I will try to be the best version of myself for a partner? Transit Saturn will enter my 8th house in March of next year.
It's interesting that the apex of your Yod is in Mars (the ruler of Aries), where your Jupiter, NN, and Mercury are placed. Do you remember what happened when transiting Saturn conjuncted your 6th House moon around January 2022?
I don't remember anything happening during this time. I was working at school with children back then. But other than that nothing really happened.
The 8th house is one of the most interesting placements.
It deals with your partner's finances.
It has to do with taxes and inheritance.
It represents your sexual expression, as a purely physical act
It is also a spiritual house, it is the soul and the psyche.
In your chart venus rules both the Midheaven and the 3rd house.
So both your career and reputation, as well as any siblings, your thoughts.
All these areas could undergo a period of restraint, but also learning and maturity when saturn makes contact with venus.
Neptune transits NN, and rules the 8th house.
It won't be a period of taking risks or abandoning yourself to joyful adventures.
You will feel a more serious undertone in how you aproach these areas of your life.
Don't overlook jupiter on natal mars in the MH.
This can give a big helping hand at moving forward with any new plans.
Transiting uranus near the MH can bring about unexpected changes.
With pluto transiting your 6th house and ruling your 4th, you may find yourself working more at home.
Look at the progressions of your chart.
What planets is progressed venus aspecting?
Saturn rules the 7th along with Uranus.
Natal venus squares uranus.
Training uranus squares the 7th cusp.
You might find a relationship coming in out of the blue when you least expect it.
But things born of Uranus can have a tendency to disappear just as quickly, which you've probably already experienced given the venus/uranus square.
Transiting North Node is also approaching venus.
You have so much energy concentrated in the 8th house that the possibilities are very varied and numerous.
At the end of the day, however, what will tend to happen is that you gradually and automatically shift towards where the energy is leading you, and without realising you will have manifested the energies.
It should be a very important time in your life, with so many planets giving input during this period.
In regards to love during the summer, I met a guy who I like. But things got bad between us right now we are barely talking. I hurt him but I want him back and I've decided to go back to therapy. I want to work on my issues otherwise I'll never be able to have a good romantic relationship. I'm hoping that we get back together when Mercury and Venus go retrograde next year. Transit Mercury and Venus will make aspects to our composite Mercury and Venus. So more stress in regards to my career? I'm tired of stressing about this I don't have any siblings so I don't have to worry about that. I do feel like I'd rather work from home but I don't want to completely.
Hello ChildOfVenus,

from the end of January 2025, you will experience a somewhat delicate period in terms of relationships. You will tend to be passionate about a goal, and this will have an impact on you. You will be very united with the attention that will be shown to you and rather in harmony with what is difficult to achieve. However, you will absolutely have to listen to advance your desires and be close to what pleases you and what you love...
From the beginning of April 2025, apply yourself to doing absolutely your best in relation to what you aspire to; this implies listening to make things progress. This will have a connection with the relational world and the consideration that will be given to you.
From mid-May 2025, it will also be a question of improving an objective.

You will be able to come back to take stock whenever you want.
Ecliptique. :)
At some point, transit Saturn will conjunct my natal Venus, North Node, and Jupiter in my 8th house. Does this indicate having issues with money and love? What can I do to prepare for this transit?View attachment 114426
Consider that Pluto is waxing to an exact square to your Taurus sun, a slow excavation of your values. Since Pluto is in opposition to your Sun in your natal chart, I venture to say you have familiarity with the demands Pluto makes. So this energy is not new to you but a square implies challenges. This will prompt you to let go of agreements that you have outgrown or no longer serve the person you are now, not easy for a fixed Sun. Mix in the Saturn transits and you can consider a broader point of view about what Saturn does. It asks you to bring structure to 8th house matters, to perhaps pare back, simplify and let time be your teacher. Just a few thoughts, hopefully helpful. Btw, you might take a look at your solar arc chart to see what themes might be echoed, to help narrow the focus on the work you may have ahead. Be good to yourself through it all.
So more stress in regards to my career? I'm tired of stressing about this I don't have any siblings so I don't have to worry about that. I do feel like I'd rather work from home but I don't want to completely.
Thanks for the additional info.
Not necessarily stress with the career.
Uranus can bring change and surprises, but jupiter will open doors.
Sure thing,
For starters, an aquarius moon (naturally "detached") very analytical with the hipster vibe + sun in Taurus.
Rahu in the 8th but technically in pisces longs to write/study these obscure forces, also in the house of finance (not your finances but finance as a field of study), and the Venus gives me a sense of problems with women. Like, "I have more guy friends" vibe.
Gives me the overall sense of never satisfied.
I could be wrong, that would be a great leaning opportunity tho.
aquarius moon (naturally "detached") very analytical with the hipster vibe
Aquarius the humanitarian sign. Trine mars, giving good balance.

sun in Taurus
Quite a soft spoken sign, grounded. Trine neptune giving good intuition, square pluto gives power and perhaps a tendency to obsessions.

Rahu in the 8th but technically in pisces
Rahu in aries. The need to develop independence.
Aided by the gemini mars in sextile.

pisces longs to write/study these obscure forces,
Not sure which obscure forces these are.
However, neptune that trines sun is in the 5th of creativity.

in the house of finance (not your finances but finance as a field of study),
Finances of others.
With aquarian moon in the 6th of work, and ruling that house, which is health and healing, NN in the 8th could point to helping others psychologically. The 8th is the house of the "values" of others, which could be financial, but also in terms of self esteem, sense of self worth.

Venus gives me a sense of problems with women
Perhaps difficulties in relationships with woman might depend more on the moon than venus.
In this chart venus is square uranus/saturn so there is a developmental challenge towards expressions of affection. Venus ruling MH also indicates unexpected changes in career.
The uranus/saturn conjunction is on the 5th cusp, it could be in the field of fashion.

Like, "I have more guy friends" vibe.
This is a little puzzling.

sense of never satisfied.
This is also ambition, drive.

leaning opportunity tho
Is this learning?
In that case, complete agreement.
Every natal chart is a world in itself.
Aquarius the humanitarian sign. Trine mars, giving good balance.

Quite a soft spoken sign, grounded. Trine neptune giving good intuition, square pluto gives power and perhaps a tendency to obsessions.

Rahu in aries. The need to develop independence.
Aided by the gemini mars in sextile.

Not sure which obscure forces these are.
However, neptune that trines sun is in the 5th of creativity.

Finances of others.
With aquarian moon in the 6th of work, and ruling that house, which is health and healing, NN in the 8th could point to helping others psychologically. The 8th is the house of the "values" of others, which could be financial, but also in terms of self esteem, sense of self worth.

Perhaps difficulties in relationships with woman might depend more on the moon than venus.
In this chart venus is square uranus/saturn so there is a developmental challenge towards expressions of affection. Venus ruling MH also indicates unexpected changes in career.
The uranus/saturn conjunction is on the 5th cusp, it could be in the field of fashion.

This is a little puzzling.

This is also ambition, drive.

Is this learning?
In that case, complete agreement.
Every natal chart is a world in itself.
Yes, it is learning opportunity (I'm on mobile 😅)
We can let OP tell us her experience so we're all in the same page while adjusting our research and knowledge. Only the owner of the chart is capable of telling us the truth
Just a further consideration, the ascendent ruler sun is in an out of sign trine with uranus.
And they both complete a grand trine with the ascendent.
This is a very good balance, ego and others, when expressing the chart to the world, which is the basic function of the ascendent.

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