Hello everyone,
Currently I’m doing my dissertation and quite struggling as there are a lot of I have to redo. I’m really worry I will not pass my dissertation and failed to get my degree.
If I am looking for a whole sign, the ruler of 9 house is in detriment, so yeah :/
The moon is in sag but will opposite jupiter, quite worried tho
I’m currently redoing some analysis and want to contact my supervisor again via email but not sure if he’s willing.
He’s represented by mars, and mercury rx will enter Leo, probably will make a sextile with mars in gemini, but in 12th house. I dont know that’s a good thing tho.
Am I seeing these right??
Thank you everyone
Currently I’m doing my dissertation and quite struggling as there are a lot of I have to redo. I’m really worry I will not pass my dissertation and failed to get my degree.
If I am looking for a whole sign, the ruler of 9 house is in detriment, so yeah :/
The moon is in sag but will opposite jupiter, quite worried tho
I’m currently redoing some analysis and want to contact my supervisor again via email but not sure if he’s willing.
He’s represented by mars, and mercury rx will enter Leo, probably will make a sextile with mars in gemini, but in 12th house. I dont know that’s a good thing tho.
Am I seeing these right??
Thank you everyone