Hi, DOB:26/07/1986, 22:45, Jalgaon, MH, India.
I am Masters in Polymer/Chemical Engg. from a college of world repute, Gold medalist, worked as a Scientist & Team Leader for 6 years in US mnc. Then one fine day got extremely frustrated & resigned thinking to take a break of few months (like 3/4), get married & join back. Last day at job: 14/08/2015. Got married: 08/12/2016. Then started to look for job after 8/9 months of marriage. But struggled, no luck. I never thought it would be difficult for me. Kept postponing child for me to get back in career. Moved abroad due to husband's job transfer a year ago, was filled with hopes to have more chances here. But again struggled, either too qualified for the job I feel, but major is work visa issue & speaking spanish for job is almost mandatory. Husband's job length was uncertain, it could be a year or two, so could not invest 2L in learning language. I am at lowest point in life. Now we have decided to have child, but my heart is literally sinking deep down, feeling if I get that one chance & if I am pregnant. (I have v few companies in this city in my field, also thinking of this one chance I already postponed pregnancy decision for 1.5 years).
Plz help me know, what the future is holding for me. Is it a child/work & when will I be back in job? Jupiter is in 9th H but no luck for me. I really look fwd to ur guidance, what should I do. I am totally down & feel useless. Another story is extremely selfish in laws & bro in law, just looking for husband's money all the time. He has done a lot, for 10 years he is giving all money he earned, in the house, I did all the house chores despite being so achiever, she is still hot happy, now when we stopped giving they r giving such a tough times to us. Husband did not have any savings before 6 months. But my mother in law wants to make furniture of the house to bro in laws wedding to be done by my husband (when my bro in law is CA & is in good paid job) & never asks us about when we are having children. My husband is a gem, a pure gold at heart, but rest I dived right in middle of greedy people while my parents are extremely giving. I feel so stuck, plz let me know, when will I get a job & what future holds for me.
Also 6 months before I started my Youtube channel ('Tech Travel & Food STOP!' -I like to give away lot of knowledge, that's how my home is I mean me my father, mother, bro) out of boredom (just FYI, in case u get confused with anything in chart, but not earning from it). I am very passionate about my career & I see myself like a failure now. I also feel I want to help my husband, I am so educated but seating idle. Me & my family are soo soo human that we quickly cry & help anyone even if we dont have it for us, why is this happening to me. My bright side is living away from in laws currently, a good husband but I am always worried of their plans on how to get money out of my husband, their dirty lying & acting. Leaving them aside, what's gonna happen & what should I do. plz guide, ur efforts & time are really appreciated.
I am Masters in Polymer/Chemical Engg. from a college of world repute, Gold medalist, worked as a Scientist & Team Leader for 6 years in US mnc. Then one fine day got extremely frustrated & resigned thinking to take a break of few months (like 3/4), get married & join back. Last day at job: 14/08/2015. Got married: 08/12/2016. Then started to look for job after 8/9 months of marriage. But struggled, no luck. I never thought it would be difficult for me. Kept postponing child for me to get back in career. Moved abroad due to husband's job transfer a year ago, was filled with hopes to have more chances here. But again struggled, either too qualified for the job I feel, but major is work visa issue & speaking spanish for job is almost mandatory. Husband's job length was uncertain, it could be a year or two, so could not invest 2L in learning language. I am at lowest point in life. Now we have decided to have child, but my heart is literally sinking deep down, feeling if I get that one chance & if I am pregnant. (I have v few companies in this city in my field, also thinking of this one chance I already postponed pregnancy decision for 1.5 years).
Plz help me know, what the future is holding for me. Is it a child/work & when will I be back in job? Jupiter is in 9th H but no luck for me. I really look fwd to ur guidance, what should I do. I am totally down & feel useless. Another story is extremely selfish in laws & bro in law, just looking for husband's money all the time. He has done a lot, for 10 years he is giving all money he earned, in the house, I did all the house chores despite being so achiever, she is still hot happy, now when we stopped giving they r giving such a tough times to us. Husband did not have any savings before 6 months. But my mother in law wants to make furniture of the house to bro in laws wedding to be done by my husband (when my bro in law is CA & is in good paid job) & never asks us about when we are having children. My husband is a gem, a pure gold at heart, but rest I dived right in middle of greedy people while my parents are extremely giving. I feel so stuck, plz let me know, when will I get a job & what future holds for me.
Also 6 months before I started my Youtube channel ('Tech Travel & Food STOP!' -I like to give away lot of knowledge, that's how my home is I mean me my father, mother, bro) out of boredom (just FYI, in case u get confused with anything in chart, but not earning from it). I am very passionate about my career & I see myself like a failure now. I also feel I want to help my husband, I am so educated but seating idle. Me & my family are soo soo human that we quickly cry & help anyone even if we dont have it for us, why is this happening to me. My bright side is living away from in laws currently, a good husband but I am always worried of their plans on how to get money out of my husband, their dirty lying & acting. Leaving them aside, what's gonna happen & what should I do. plz guide, ur efforts & time are really appreciated.