Will I survive? Pinched from every side.

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Dec 9, 2015
Hi, DOB:26/07/1986, 22:45, Jalgaon, MH, India.

I am Masters in Polymer/Chemical Engg. from a college of world repute, Gold medalist, worked as a Scientist & Team Leader for 6 years in US mnc. Then one fine day got extremely frustrated & resigned thinking to take a break of few months (like 3/4), get married & join back. Last day at job: 14/08/2015. Got married: 08/12/2016. Then started to look for job after 8/9 months of marriage. But struggled, no luck. I never thought it would be difficult for me. Kept postponing child for me to get back in career. Moved abroad due to husband's job transfer a year ago, was filled with hopes to have more chances here. But again struggled, either too qualified for the job I feel, but major is work visa issue & speaking spanish for job is almost mandatory. Husband's job length was uncertain, it could be a year or two, so could not invest 2L in learning language. I am at lowest point in life. Now we have decided to have child, but my heart is literally sinking deep down, feeling if I get that one chance & if I am pregnant. (I have v few companies in this city in my field, also thinking of this one chance I already postponed pregnancy decision for 1.5 years).

Plz help me know, what the future is holding for me. Is it a child/work & when will I be back in job? Jupiter is in 9th H but no luck for me. I really look fwd to ur guidance, what should I do. I am totally down & feel useless. Another story is extremely selfish in laws & bro in law, just looking for husband's money all the time. He has done a lot, for 10 years he is giving all money he earned, in the house, I did all the house chores despite being so achiever, she is still hot happy, now when we stopped giving they r giving such a tough times to us. Husband did not have any savings before 6 months. But my mother in law wants to make furniture of the house to bro in laws wedding to be done by my husband (when my bro in law is CA & is in good paid job) & never asks us about when we are having children. My husband is a gem, a pure gold at heart, but rest I dived right in middle of greedy people while my parents are extremely giving. I feel so stuck, plz let me know, when will I get a job & what future holds for me.

Also 6 months before I started my Youtube channel ('Tech Travel & Food STOP!' -I like to give away lot of knowledge, that's how my home is I mean me my father, mother, bro) out of boredom (just FYI, in case u get confused with anything in chart, but not earning from it). I am very passionate about my career & I see myself like a failure now. I also feel I want to help my husband, I am so educated but seating idle. Me & my family are soo soo human that we quickly cry & help anyone even if we dont have it for us, why is this happening to me. My bright side is living away from in laws currently, a good husband but I am always worried of their plans on how to get money out of my husband, their dirty lying & acting. Leaving them aside, what's gonna happen & what should I do. plz guide, ur efforts & time are really appreciated.
hey ananya... I do chart analysis based on 4 step theory.. Your birth recorded time is not accurate... reason.. 7th cuspal sublord which is saturn is denying marriage... also if I try to correct or rectify the birth time... it changes on starlord level and the time that I get is 22.36.35 hrs... In this scenario, we can go for horary jyotish... all you need to do is select any number between 1-249. Do not select your favorite or lucky number.This only work is there is burning desire within yourself to get answer of a specific question. Remember it should be one and only one specific question. The question should be crisp and clear, few example ... will I get job in next 6 months? Will I get job in xyz company

Upon receiving your selected number, I will erect horary chart and will let you know the outcome.
hey ananya... I do chart analysis based on 4 step theory.. Your birth recorded time is not accurate... reason.. 7th cuspal sublord which is saturn is denying marriage... also if I try to correct or rectify the birth time... it changes on starlord level and the time that I get is 22.36.35 hrs... In this scenario, we can go for horary jyotish... all you need to do is select any number between 1-249. Do not select your favorite or lucky number.This only work is there is burning desire within yourself to get answer of a specific question. Remember it should be one and only one specific question. The question should be crisp and clear, few example ... will I get job in next 6 months? Will I get job in xyz company

Upon receiving your selected number, I will erect horary chart and will let you know the outcome.

Sir, I have already casted horary charts in career horary section. I have applied to one desirable job which has come like in 4 years. But I am foreigner to the job, also with the gap of 4 years.i am really wanting to get in this job. So if i may bother you to check for below threads in career horary section

1. Will they call me for interview? Applied to a desirable job after being jobless for 4 years
2. Why no success? Struggling like hell

But these are as per western horary. Void of course moon. Do I need to cast vedic horary chart, but I am afraid as I have already asked for it once, its not the option.
Plz all let me know ur analysis. Nobody has replied to first thread.
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My question is:
Will I get back into the job in coming 10 months? Number 23

I'm sorry... I'll be unable to decipher this as the zeal ,enthusiasm, concentration for horary is not coming from within myself... Horary only works best if both the parties (the person who ask the question and the person who is going to answer the question) have clear, uncluttered mind.. otherwise the prediction fails...

Good Luck and all the best for future.
I'm sorry... I'll be unable to decipher this as the zeal ,enthusiasm, concentration for horary is not coming from within myself... Horary only works best if both the parties (the person who ask the question and the person who is going to answer the question) have clear, uncluttered mind.. otherwise the prediction fails...

Good Luck and all the best for future.

Ok Sir, thank you.
I don't know, if this time is incorrect, but this is what I have known from my parents.

26/07/1986, 22:45:00, Jalgaon, MH, India.

I would be very glad for any guidance.
@mathur_dinesh, you mean after Ketu transit. But any chance before that like from March through June when Ju joins Sa, because Ra in 4th should have helped for job in foreign land. I am hoping I get the job and work visa first, then a child soon after. Which house is taken foe employment visa, 3rd or 9th? Some also say work permit and green card is 8th?

@creativei, also just to let know, that I am looking for job in foreign country-USA/Mexico (currently we are in Mexico) and an employer who can get me USA work visa- H1b. So any luck on visa process, so far this is the thing which is restricting my offers. And we would like to stay here in the western region but my husbands term is coming to an end in May and he has been told so. But I really hope his term is extended and I also find a job quickly, as we wanted to ultimately stay so we can make arrangements for long term.

Currently I have applied to four jobs, will anyone of them hire me and do work visa for me? No. 69 Place:Monterrey, N.L., Mexico (for more confirmation if anyone also casts prashna chart)
just to let you know practically, there is literally no way that US legitimate companies right now will sponsor H1 visa for someone staying outside of US. Trust me when I say this as someone who is on a visa. You can go contact consultancies but again they being risky will attract border control attention and at port of entry it will be denied. there have been many of such cases these days with the current political framework in US.

If you are planning for US, I would recommend applying to a university to get a Masters degree or marry a US citizen.

Please think practically too along with astrologically!!

@mathur_dinesh, you mean after Ketu transit. But any chance before that like from March through June when Ju joins Sa, because Ra in 4th should have helped for job in foreign land. I am hoping I get the job and work visa first, then a child soon after. Which house is taken foe employment visa, 3rd or 9th? Some also say work permit and green card is 8th?

@creativei, also just to let know, that I am looking for job in foreign country-USA/Mexico (currently we are in Mexico) and an employer who can get me USA work visa- H1b. So any luck on visa process, so far this is the thing which is restricting my offers. And we would like to stay here in the western region but my husbands term is coming to an end in May and he has been told so. But I really hope his term is extended and I also find a job quickly, as we wanted to ultimately stay so we can make arrangements for long term.

Currently I have applied to four jobs, will anyone of them hire me and do work visa for me? No. 69 Place:Monterrey, N.L., Mexico (for more confirmation if anyone also casts prashna chart)
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just to let you know practically, there is literally no way that US legitimate companies right now will sponsor H1 visa for someone staying outside of US. Trust me when I say this as someone who is on a visa. You can go contact consultancies but again they being risky will attract border control attention and at port of entry it will be denied. there have been many of such cases these days with the current political framework in US.

If you are planning for US, I would recommend applying to a university to get a Masters degree or marry a US citizen.

Please think practically too along with astrologically!!

@narsimha, yes as you mentioned, I am aware of this situation. This is almost close to impossible thing now, unless the political leaders change. That's why, I was trying if I am any lucky, you know astrologically. Let's hope.
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just to let you know practically, there is literally no way that US legitimate companies right now will sponsor H1 visa for someone staying outside of US. Trust me when I say this as someone who is on a visa. You can go contact consultancies but again they being risky will attract border control attention and at port of entry it will be denied. there have been many of such cases these days with the current political framework in US.

If you are planning for US, I would recommend applying to a university to get a Masters degree or marry a US citizen.

Please think practically too along with astrologically!!

loll sir shes married women . her husband will assassinate you if he happens to see this post please don't break a family :p