Welcome to the Forum. It looks like you've posted a solar return chart, so I may move your thread to that board unless you post your natal chart, also. Can you post a bigger image of your chart? We have to be able to read the degrees. If I try to enlarge this one manually, I lose the resolution. Until I can get a better look at your chart, though, a couple of things occur to me.
One is that, as the planets constantly change their position, good and bad years follow one another in succession. So it's better to work on building your inner strength and resilience. That will get you though the tough times as well as the easy ones.
Your SR sun conjunct Jupiter is an inherently fortunate position. Jupiter is strengthened (exalted) in Cancer. But they square Saturn, who rules various sorts of hardships. The key is to view Saturn as ruling self-discipline; and then working on it.
My question, though, is why you couldn't afford to get married. You don't need a big wedding. Usually it's cheaper for 2 people to share a place to live and splitting their expenses, unless you are both still living in your parents' homes.