Will Mercury retrograde have any significance in my preparations to move to NYC?

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A little under two weeks to go! There's been a change of plans in regards to where we will be staying. We'll be likely staying in a hotel or an airbnb for the first few months while we look at places in person. While the actual move is planned for the 3rd, we still would like to hear back from the jobs we applied for before making the actual move. So that bit has been frustrating.

I want this change so bad, I want an ACTUAL career, I want to meet my wife, we just want a better life.
Just a small update for you guys we had to push back our move until the end of January because we weren't able to secure work yet. Fortunately we are in a process of interviewing for positions in NYC, our move is now January 25th. The company I have applied for wants me to finish the interview process up there so it's kind of forcing our hand to make the move next Saturday anyway.

I'm stressed, nervous, anxious and excited all at once.
the new moon january 29 accentuates your 3rd conjunct mercury sextile jupiter venus. A good time for moving, expanding horizons. This new moon is also the culmination of the last eclipse so is wider ranging in duration than normal new moons, so will cover for two weeks before and after 29th. very helpful for you as far as hopefully covering the move and interview stage.

next time post the transits only. I dont look at progressions at all. I honestly havent found them helpful. And since the chart is too small for my piddly weak aging eyes…its helpful to make it large size and provide the needed table look ups so I can see the detail degress. transits are tight.

of course you should be stressed and anxious, anything to do with mars immediatelyactivates your tsquare and fulls you with doubt foreboding and instantly drives pegs deep in earth to load you with enough weight to provide drag to immobilise you….use your mind …its your natural way out the tsquare….mind over matter….side with controlled pluto that helps you move mountains. hold the saturn fear and move.

Good luck for your move.
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ok but where is the chart with transits for time of your interview? We interpret charts ….

You have taken note of the thousands techies being off loaded? its going to skew the market. Market will become saturated very soon. Take heed. take whatever and hold on for the wave as they filter through the job market.

Otherwise…god speed, good luck…happy landings!
Sorry here it is! My interview is at 1pm EST on the 28th. I guess you could say the position is tech related to an extent. It is located at an upscale area and I'll be working around luxury vehicles. It's good that I will finally (hopefully) land something more in the field I want to be in even if it may not have to do with design/engineering for now. Still concerned about money for these first few weeks

initially there might be some disappointment…possibly money wont seem real to you. something iffy there. but a few hrs later you seem to get over it.

mercury moves sextile pluto two days later. firm positive.

pluto also is moving to sextile venus quickly now, for next almost two years. thats a huge positive for laying good financial base. then its pluto sextile jupiter which will bring you good opportunities and success also. You have these underlying until 28. So push and take risks…but realistic ones and work like the blazes…rewards will electrify you.

do some reading for these transits. they offer really really good potential…. but you need to grasp and work them.

this is where your t square and dithering you do may work to deny you the possibilities. uranus is moving in next year will make you restless… that does something for the inertia of saturn mars.

its unfortunate the mars has no help. you havent been exposed to taking risk and watching how your chart can get you what you want. you look to perfect the plan…amd it just never gets done. the perfect moment, perfect plan, perfect whatnot…. just does not happen.. you just dont know how to grasp that opportunity imperfect, and work to make it something as you go along.

i would say that frankly because of the strength of that incoming pluto I dont think you need to worry at all. you dont sound the kind of person to sit watching butterflies because a sextile needs effort to succeed. So I suspect, you will be more than satsified.

you have pluto conj venus jupiter sex mercury anyway and that will always get you what you want. its a sextile so you need to make the effort and it will meet you half way to very satisfying wealth.

but thats mars may be the dither denier.