Will my brother get student loan or not?
My younger brother has been selected in one of the topmost colleges in abroad (London), which has very good world ranking. But his appeal for student loan got rejected from two banks. its very disappointing situation and unexpected. We are hoping he should get approval from some bank. So my question is, will he get student loan approval?
Will my brother (Venus), get the loan (Neptune) lord of the 8th H.C. of loans or not?
Venus (facilitating Gemini) retrograde is in bad shape so we may consider swapping the Moon as Co-significator, she will sextile Mercury (lord of the 2nd house of $$ & who will 'eventually' (TOL) to trine Neptune & Mars= a little wait (Moon is fixed in a cadent house) but the trine suggests a yes, (Moon expresses energy as reconsidering your request?) giving an opportunity to resubmit (?) additional information, or re-apply (?), she seems to be the handle to the querent receiving his wishes, she translates light, moves faster. (Cancer of conclusions is rising to the 11th house of goals - hopes, we use the Moon, the wait is the circumstances I think will be the bugaboo here).
Mercury is also rising out of the 12th house of disappointment. Mercury will eventually oppose detriment Jupiter (8th house 'loan' co-lord) so I wouldn't ask for an exorbitant amount, you may not get 'all' you are hoping for if the asking is too high a price, or you may direct your efforts to other opportunity sources that will give you the funds only in a different type of loan offer, the bank is Mercury. Maybe look to a different bank area for another opinion?
I like Moon conjuncting (sudden change of heart?) Uranus in mutual reception with Jupiter, some reconsiderations are in order. Ascendant inconjunct Jupiter. Moon makes her last aspect to TOL from Pluto to Jupiter by trine = yes. Creative changes are in order.
Here's hoping for the best and the cobwebs are cleared away sufficiently enough so the loan is achieved without too much 'angst.'
All the best
Student of Astrology