Will my marriage end? Why is there so much unluck in my life?

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Sep 13, 2023
Hi. I am new to Vedic astrology and I hope I could get some insights from you. I am going through a really rough period relationshipwise. My life was and is marked by struggle and hardships but I always managed to handle them with grace and with ease, although they were both painful and maddening. I am talking about severe illnesses, mine and those of my closest family members, deaths, financial hardships. After my own very long illness at a very young age I have experienced consequtive illnesses and subsequent deaths of my unlce, my mother and my grandmother. For my mother and my grandmother I was a sole and primary carer. Near the end of my grandmothers life, I met my current husband and I thought he was my saviour. He gave me so much love and care in the beginning of our relationship and I agreed to marry him. I moved to his city but soon problems appeared. My once loving husband became more and more cold, distant, even mean to me. After a long and painful time and after he hurt me and humiliated badly, I said I wanted to divorce him. We had had mani separations, he would leave, then come back. He would say he didnt love me then return, crying saying he loved me more tha anything else. Then he would repeat his behaviour all over again. I didnt have the strength to leave until this summer. We separated, he returned again and then I stopped talking to him altogether. We didnt speak or see each other for 2 months and then he contacted me on our wedding anniversary to ask to see me and to discuss a divorce. He previously said he didnt want a divorce, partly to protect me as well. But now he suddenly wants it and he sent me the papers, albeit unsigned.

Could someone please take a look at our charts and see whats going on? Will we divorce? And why is he acting the way he did? Also, why is my life so full of misfortune and bad luck? The things that start out most beautifully, end up becoming unlucky, unhappy and end up almost in horror.

This is my DOB (female): 03. September 1977. in Zagreb/Croatia, at 10:27 a.m.
My husband´s (male): 07. August 1981 in Split/Croatia, at 04:00 a.m.

Thank you.
Hi SummerBreeze :)

Well, i will try to help you as much as i can....Pro Western Astrologer..I don't use VEDIC Astro, but Western ASTRO is also very powerful / efficient...
I have computed your 2 Charts.

You are SCORPIO Rising
Your HUSBAND is LEO Rising...

Your Rising Points, beetween You and Him, are in natal SQUARE, implying probable problems...

I have joined your Western Astro Birth Charts, below... :

So, if i compare at First Glance, your 2 birthCharts, it is quite EZ to see BASIC problems / Links :

Your MOON is OPPOSITE HIS Moon....Compatibility AND Problems...

Your ASCENDANT Scorpio SQUARE to his Sun / Mercury and ASCENDANT LEO....Not obvious link, showing communication difficulties...

For me, YOUR MAJOR Aspect showing HUGE difficulty is Your MOON Opposite URANUS..

This configuration is very well known, in Western Astrology, as significant of DIVORCE, even more on STRONG FIX signs, such as TAURUS/ SCORPIO Axis...

It was indicated since your arrival on Earth. LifeTime marked by this EVENT. So sorry for You.

You have LOVE beetween both of You, but strongly mixed with uncompatibilities problems.

Even More, your URANUS is square to your Venus placed in 9th House ( idealiztion of LOVE questions )...

This config, added to thr other problematic configs in your COMPARISON , insist on a very high PROBABLITY of a DIVORCE...

Uranus is symbol of RESET, showing DIVORCE frequently. I think we can see an incarnation of WORK in the EMOTIONAL / LOVE dimension...You have met someone you probably did know since many LifeTimes, and you try to make your way through conflictual situations....

Since URANUS is in the position of OPPOSITION to his Birth URANUS, for me, frankly, i am forced to conclude that the probability a DIVORCE will HAPPEN....is highly announced.
Not an easy event to overcome, since your 2 Charts are so intimately mixed.

I am so sorry for this HARD comparison STUDY, but facts are facts. I am myself SCORPIO Sun and SCORPIO Ascendant, this sign is rarely announcing peace and easy life....

You seem to have, however, some VERY strong qualities and potential ( JUPITER conjunct MARS in 8th House = extreme events )TRINE to ASCENDANT and URANUS conjunction ) ...

I would suggest you to LEARN Astrology and try to separate from your HUSBAND...You seem to be so INTENSELY marked by this DIVORCE aspect ( Uranus opposite Moon ), i think you should try to take this IMPACT as a New STARTING point to live...There is much POWER in this configuration AXIS....

If you POSITION yourself in this new WAY of thinking, you could get favorable conditions for an easier lifetime....

Quit the FIGHT zone with your husband.

Good decision and life for You.

Me :)


  • summerbreeze BirthChart - western astro .jpg
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  • summerbreeze Husband Chart - western astro .jpg
    summerbreeze Husband Chart - western astro .jpg
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Hi. I am new to Vedic astrology and I hope I could get some insights from you. I am going through a really rough period relationshipwise. My life was and is marked by struggle and hardships but I always managed to handle them with grace and with ease, although they were both painful and maddening. I am talking about severe illnesses, mine and those of my closest family members, deaths, financial hardships. After my own very long illness at a very young age I have experienced consequtive illnesses and subsequent deaths of my unlce, my mother and my grandmother. For my mother and my grandmother I was a sole and primary carer. Near the end of my grandmothers life, I met my current husband and I thought he was my saviour. He gave me so much love and care in the beginning of our relationship and I agreed to marry him. I moved to his city but soon problems appeared. My once loving husband became more and more cold, distant, even mean to me. After a long and painful time and after he hurt me and humiliated badly, I said I wanted to divorce him. We had had mani separations, he would leave, then come back. He would say he didnt love me then return, crying saying he loved me more tha anything else. Then he would repeat his behaviour all over again. I didnt have the strength to leave until this summer. We separated, he returned again and then I stopped talking to him altogether. We didnt speak or see each other for 2 months and then he contacted me on our wedding anniversary to ask to see me and to discuss a divorce. He previously said he didnt want a divorce, partly to protect me as well. But now he suddenly wants it and he sent me the papers, albeit unsigned.

Could someone please take a look at our charts and see whats going on? Will we divorce? And why is he acting the way he did? Also, why is my life so full of misfortune and bad luck? The things that start out most beautifully, end up becoming unlucky, unhappy and end up almost in horror.

This is my DOB (female): 03. September 1977. in Zagreb/Croatia, at 10:27 a.m.
My husband´s (male): 07. August 1981 in Split/Croatia, at 04:00 a.m.

Thank you.
Your life has come under the influence of Jupiter from March/2024. Since Jupiter is placed in a constellation of the North Node (Rahu) of the Moon, and since Saturn is projecting a strong influence on your Moon, there is a push in your life recently for divorce from your current husband.
The push to divorce has become strong from the end of November this year and you will be divorced formally by the 10th of April/2025 latest.
Possibility of separation is seen in both charts. It is stronger in the chart of your husband.

Your previous dasa was of Rahu. Rahu is the 12th house of loss, expenses, hospitals and isolation. He is in the nakshatra of Moon who is sitting in the 7th house of partners without any support on either side (Ketu is in the 6th but he is a shadowy planet and not physical). Moon is further aspect by Saturn leading to an unhappy mind and unhappy situations. Your current dasa has started from 5th Dec 2024 only. He is the lord of houses 3 and 6. He occupies the nakshatra of Rahu who is in the 12th. You can expect some more difficult times.

It is also seen from the husband’s chart that he is prone to illness which may increase in the dasa of Mercury starting from feb 2026. He may be prone to angry outbursts also. Perhaps he has an awareness of the same which prompted him to send the papers.

I also noticed some peculiarities not usually found in the charts of Husband and wife. I am writing them down below. This is just for information and not related to the query.

In your chart most planets are in the visible half which means whatever you go through (pain/pleasure) is seen by the outside world. In his case most planets are in the invisible half which means he may be suffering silently. In your case many events may have occurred in the later half of your life while the initial half could have passed with less incidents. It is the reverse in his case. In your chart the 6th and 7th lords Jupiter and Mars are conjunct to within 1 degree while in his chart the 7th and 8th lords Jupiter and Saturn do the same but just above 1 degree. In your case all planets are between the nodes Ketu and Rahu while in his case all except Mars are between Rahu and Ketu. In both charts the ruler of the nakshatra occupied by Lagna is the 7th lord. In both charts, the ruler of the nakshatra occupied by Moon sits in the house ruled by Moon (Cancer).
Hey, guys!
Thank you so much for your replies! I'm sorry to reply so late but I didn't get any notifications.
Thank you. I do western astrology and I'm well aware of the Uranus influence. It is the great disrupter in my life and it never allows me to settle what my Moon in Taurus actually craves. I have always identified more with my Moon but maybe I should start accepting and incorporating Uranus in my life. It's influence runs in my family. All women in my family have a strong Aquarius and Uranus energy and were divorced, except my grandmother who was widowed. The men never married. My father is also twice divorced and once widowed, also a Leo with strong Aquarius influence. So, I guess, marriage is not for us. But I tried though. Thank you for your insight!

Thank you. The problems in my marriage began visibly in may 2023, culminating in august 2023, when my husband first left. Jupiter was then transiting my 7th house, crossing my ASC, Moon and Chiron, opposing my natal Uranus. I'm speaking here from the perspective of Western astrology. It just got worse from there on and it got horrible when Jupiter entered my 8th house.
I guess, if the divorce should happen, I hope it will for the best and release both of us to something happier and healthier.

Thank you for your detailed insight.
My husband has many problems, mostly with himself, but he also mostly blamed me for not making him happy. I have to correct you in one thing, my early life, my childhood and youth were also marked by intense struggle. Especially my youth where I was severily ill and had to suffer a lot of both physical and psychological pain. But he did met many hardships in his youth.
He indeed tends to keep everything inside and suffer in silence. And he is prone to violent emotional outbursts.
I apologize but could you please elaborate what kind of hardships may I expect, regarding to what? My health, finances or relationships? And what kind of illness might my husband encounter? Will he be ok?

I thank all of you again for taking your time and for giving me advice/preparing me. I really didn't expect anyone to reply and I got 3! great insights! I appreciate it very much.