Will my Sexual Problem get Fixed?

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Apr 17, 2018

This is my first medical horary.

The background is that I've suffered with erectile dysfunction for nearly 5 years. There have been short periods, maybe weeks and months where things got back to normal. I spent some time with local doctors doing blood tests and testing medication. I have had mixed reactions with medications, sometimes great results, other times, not much of a reaction. Last November, 2023, I finally got to meet a private urologist - an international expert. After several tests with him, blood tests, sex hormones, an MRI for the pituitary gland, he is satisfied that it is not physical. Physical health checks have been good and testosterone in particular is considered very high, but still healthy. Even at the first appointment he described that it could be physical or psychological. As per his recommendation, now I've moved on to seeing a psycho-sexual therapist. I generally have a good rapport with my therapist. She seems modern and open-minded. I've been seeing her for about 6 weeks now. I have seen some improvements. Earlier in 2024, I enjoyed a good 2 months or so of near complete normality. So, I'm hesitant to call victory too early, I would like to see ideally 6 continuous months of relative normality first. The therapist has indicated that she thinks that there's little bits of several issues likely affecting this.

I asked the horary question, will my erectile dysfunction get fixed (and when)?

L1 is Venus, in H4 of Aquarius.
L7 - the source of the problem, is Mars in Leo, retrograde in H10
Moon is in H8 of Taurus, exalted
L10 - current treatment, is in Moon as above

In terms of radicality, I think Mars here and also Moon in H8 add weight to that.

I know very little about understanding horary from a medical perspective.

The Moon is VOC. Does that mean no change? The Moon has essential dignity being in Taurus, is that helpful? The Moon is in Taurus - the fall of Mars, as L7. Does that mean that this is not the right treatment?
Venus, L1, has plenty of aspects going on. Interestingly, Venus is separating immediately from an opposition from L7. What might that mean?
I've read that a retrograde L7 in medical horary is generally favorable - that the problem is reversing or going away. Would that be the case here?
Venus is applying mutually to a retrograde Jupiter by trine, although Jupiter is in fall.
Venus is partile trine with the ASC.
Venus is applying mutually by sextile to retrograde Mercury, in its fall.

This is a matter very close to my heart. I would really appreciate any insights. I'm happy to answer any questions if you need more information.


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    Will my ED be Fixed, When?.png
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Realistically, I don't think getting "fixed" as some kind of significant improvement is likely. But if you've seen improvement already, you can probably hang onto it. (exalted moon VOC in the 8th house of genitalia.) As you're aware, most men experience ED occasionally; which happens more frequently with age.

Venus is your significator and it rules your 8th house of the genital organs. Mars is the planetary ruler for a man.

With Venus so prominent, I just wonder if the problem isn't so much you as a sexual individual, but how you relate to women (assuming you're heterosexual. If not, the same principle applies.) Mars retrograde suggests to me that you're so focused on your sexual functioning as an extension of your ego (Leo) that you don't think so much about sex as a way to express intimacy and caring with a human being whom you love very much. Do you think of sex primarily as an expression of dominant male sexual prowess? What if you didn't do that, but instead thought of it as a way to express deep closeness with someone you care about? (Venus rules love and relationships.)

Long-term couples who care about each other and experience dysfunction in a partner, know that there are different ways to express and experience sexual fulfillment. They take the emphasis off of a man's ability to "perform."

This is my first medical horary.

The background is that I've suffered with erectile dysfunction for nearly 5 years. There have been short periods, maybe weeks and months where things got back to normal. I spent some time with local doctors doing blood tests and testing medication. I have had mixed reactions with medications, sometimes great results, other times, not much of a reaction. Last November, 2023, I finally got to meet a private urologist - an international expert. After several tests with him, blood tests, sex hormones, an MRI for the pituitary gland, he is satisfied that it is not physical. Physical health checks have been good and testosterone in particular is considered very high, but still healthy. Even at the first appointment he described that it could be physical or psychological. As per his recommendation, now I've moved on to seeing a psycho-sexual therapist. I generally have a good rapport with my therapist. She seems modern and open-minded. I've been seeing her for about 6 weeks now. I have seen some improvements. Earlier in 2024, I enjoyed a good 2 months or so of near complete normality. So, I'm hesitant to call victory too early, I would like to see ideally 6 continuous months of relative normality first. The therapist has indicated that she thinks that there's little bits of several issues likely affecting this.

I asked the horary question, will my erectile dysfunction get fixed (and when)?

L1 is Venus, in H4 of Aquarius.
L7 - the source of the problem, is Mars in Leo, retrograde in H10
Moon is in H8 of Taurus, exalted
L10 - current treatment, is in Moon as above

In terms of radicality, I think Mars here and also Moon in H8 add weight to that.

I know very little about understanding horary from a medical perspective.

The Moon is VOC. Does that mean no change? The Moon has essential dignity being in Taurus, is that helpful? The Moon is in Taurus - the fall of Mars, as L7. Does that mean that this is not the right treatment?
Venus, L1, has plenty of aspects going on. Interestingly, Venus is separating immediately from an opposition from L7. What might that mean?
I've read that a retrograde L7 in medical horary is generally favorable - that the problem is reversing or going away. Would that be the case here?
Venus is applying mutually to a retrograde Jupiter by trine, although Jupiter is in fall.
Venus is partile trine with the ASC.
Venus is applying mutually by sextile to retrograde Mercury, in its fall.

This is a matter very close to my heart. I would really appreciate any insights. I'm happy to answer any questions if you need more information.
I think it will be fine if you continue your treatment.

The chart shows that the problem is mainly psychological (Moon in the 8th Venus in the 4th but also ruler of the 8th Venus).
Also Jupiter and Saturn (6th) health indicators are weak.
Venus (ruler of the 8th) shows that there may be some heredity....

Also the fact that we have mutable signs shows that there is a constant change and variability, there is no stability.Neptune in the 6th house again shows the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment.

The Moon will make a last aspect sextile with it (soul healing) Very positive, it may just take time but the future aspects that Venus (You) will make also show positive results.

Saturn (the end of the case) in the exaltation of Venus and they have a mixed reception (good cooperation).
The Moon (Healing) and in the 8th (deep healing) all-powerful (exaltation) the Last aspect positive with Neptune and when it leaves the Sign it will make a trine with the ascendant (your body) and the Aphrodite (you).