Will President Biden stay in the race?

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Nov 29, 2007
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Astrology thread. No memes or large graphics, please. I hope we can stick to the thread title question, about what Biden will do, vs. focusing on what we like or dislike about him. What is your realistic forecast?

As you know, President Biden is facing a lot of pressure from within the Democratic party to stand down from seeking a second term. He has enough pledged delegates from the Democratic primary elections to win the nomination in August at the party convention, but many Democrats who feel he's done a good job as president in this term don't think he's fit enough to seek a second term. It's not just the flubbed CNN debate with Donald Trump, but multiple signs of frail health. It's making down-ballot Democratic candidates and big donors (necessary to fund campaign ads) very nervous. Biden says he can win, but a bigger question is, "Can he realistically serve four more years?"

Biden's natal chart with today's transits indicate that the current Mars-Uranus transit oppose his natal sun-Venus in Scorpio; while transiting Saturn closely conjuncts his IC and opposes his MC (public image.) Pluto in Aquarius squares Biden's natal moon at 0 degrees Taurus.

Biden is clearly under a lot of pressure. But astrologically what will be his next move? Stay the course of pass the torch?
Astrology thread. No memes or large graphics, please. I hope we can stick to the thread title question, about what Biden will do, vs. focusing on what we like or dislike about him. What is your realistic forecast?

As you know, President Biden is facing a lot of pressure from within the Democratic party to stand down from seeking a second term. He has enough pledged delegates from the Democratic primary elections to win the nomination in August at the party convention, but many Democrats who feel he's done a good job as president in this term don't think he's fit enough to seek a second term. It's not just the flubbed CNN debate with Donald Trump, but multiple signs of frail health. It's making down-ballot Democratic candidates and big donors (necessary to fund campaign ads) very nervous. Biden says he can win, but a bigger question is, "Can he realistically serve four more years?"

Biden's natal chart with today's transits indicate that the current Mars-Uranus transit oppose his natal sun-Venus in Scorpio; while transiting Saturn closely conjuncts his IC and opposes his MC (public image.) Pluto in Aquarius squares Biden's natal moon at 0 degrees Taurus.

Biden is clearly under a lot of pressure. But astrologically what will be his next move? Stay the course of pass the torch?

Tr Mars/Uranus oppose Sun/Venus in the 12th. Sudden unexpected changes to one's work, health and daily routines in spite of one's own wants and needs. Sudden health concerns arise and change one's direction and daily routine.

Tr Pluto Square Moon
Emotional power struggles with your family, partners, and women in general ?

Tr Saturn opposed MC
Saturn opposite Midheaven may signify the beginning of a significant but new phase of life. Changes that will have important consequences in the years to come. But your personal sense of power in the outer world may feel repressed, denied somehow.

Putting this all together, It doesn't seem like he has much choice about what he is going to do. It seems like the Powers That Be will be making the final decision.
In addition to the transits mentioned, which don't sound promising from his point of view, Biden now has covid!

It is not a time to be stubborn. To me it is extraordinary how quickly the public forgot about the way the covid crisis was mishandled by the former president. Neither seem to be at the top of their game.
Nexus, apparently Biden's Covid is a mild case, but Covid, as you know, can manifest as persistent extreme fatigue. Not what he needs just now. Transiting Mars-Uranus are in his 6th house of illness and health.

In the US, opinions are all over the place about how the Covid pandemic should have been handled, how serious it was, &c. And yes, memories are short.

I will add to my OP that the title question looks like it would be suited for horary, but I don't like to use horary for questions that are on everyone's minds; including astrologers'. The accuracy of a horary chart goes by the moment of the question. If multiple people ask the same question at different times, which is the correct one?

There is also the possibility of using a president's chart as a mundane chart. Here, the 4th house would symbolize "the people" vs. the head of state or party in power. Transiting Saturn on the IC opposing the MC does not look promising.

We can see the pressure on Biden in his chart. He's got 6 planets in fixed signs, however; including his sun and moon, so his "stay the course" strategy seems to come from that.
Just out of interest - a distant bell was ringing in my head about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and I found it in "The Jupiter/Saturn Conference Lectures" by Liz Greene and Stephen Arroyo. The conference took place in July 1981.

Liz Greene mentions that "there is the interesting coincidence of an American president dying in office who has been elected under a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. This has been happening regularly since Abraham Lincoln and I think all the conjunctions have been in earthly signs. This time [1981] the conjunction has fallen in an air sign, and President Reagan got shot but didn't die". (This is a direct quote from the book/lecture). Liz Greene sees Jupiter/Saturn as "the death of the old king and the interregnum and birth of the new king".

I have checked to see if there was a Jupiter Saturn conjunction for the elections of subsequent presidents and there is just one - and that is Joe Biden who was elected under the conjunction in December 20/January 21. This is obviously of concern.

President Biden has the semi-sextile of Jupiter and Saturn in his chart, so I guess is sensitive to it. We all hope that there will be no more assassination attempts.
This is the secondary progressed/solar arc direction chart of a top executive currently undergoing pressure to step down due to health issues.

What does the chart indicate? Astrological symbolism shows how it is. The individual makes the decisions. SP refers to one's self. SAD's can be seen as 'outer influences'.
(difficulty with use glyphs)
SP Asc. AQ in 3rd house T-square natal Venus, ruler 6th and 11th house, and Chiron in 9th house.
SP/SAD Sun AQ in 2nd house applying square Mercury, ruler 7th and 10th house.
The FIXED signs influence that refuse to budge even though subject is inwardly aware of mental and health issues arising.

S.P Moon return in 5th house in approx. 2 months, picking up on natal Moon-Neptune quincunx, rulers 8th and 4th house.
SAD Moon applying natal Jupiter in 8th house,, rulers Asc. and trad. 4th, and 8th houses.
Not exactly houses in public sector.

SP Mercury in CP in 2nd house, ruler 7th and 10th house, is no longer within orb of tr. Pluto as in 2020. SP Mercury is appl. sextile Sun.
Self worth is under observance. Surrender is not easy.
SAD Mercury in AQ has crossed 3rd house cusp (with accurate birth time) and is now in SSQ with TRUE Black Moon Lilith in GM in 7th house.
Hard to mentally face a truth. The 'behind the scenes' talks of/with partners, possibly viewed as/with 'open enemies', to make a change beneficial for the future of ' the 10th house company'?

SP Venus in PS in 3rd house. No one can doubt the unconditional love and sacrifice willing to be expressed, yet SP Venus is seaprating from the square with natal 7th house retrograde Saturn. The partners think differently and more seriously regarding his position. He may not.
SAD Venus in AQ is separating from SP Sun and is now exact square natal Mercury. Same story?

SP Mars in CP 2nd house is a hard worker. Ruler 5th house. Sticks to its guns and position of authority. Its Incojunct to natal retrograde Saturn is coming up against its authoritative position with its 7th house Saturn partners. Sparks flying?
SAD Mars is not yet in orb of opposition to natal Pluto, ruler 12th house. Out of the public eye?

The social/outer planets move too slowly, but
SAD Jupiter in LI in 10th house is quincunx DEC/Uranus r. (that is still in the 6th house).
SAD Saturn square DEC/Uranus r.
Work or freedom from it?

SAD Uranus inactive.
SAD Neptune, ruler 4th house, in SG 1st house inconjunct natal Jupiter in 8th.
SAD Pluto in Scorpio 11th house opp. natal Moon.
SAD Chiron conjunct natal Mercury.
SAD TRUE BML in VG 10th separating sextile Mercury. BML is a non-physically existent point. Will he not admit to the queries re: his mental abilities of leading 'the company' and not willing to see it end?

An astrologer might advise to take heed of (forthcoming) health issues during a further executive term and allow another executive to take charge.
Yet how will the exective act toward these issues? Will that not depend upon the 'conscious-raising' and 'collective census' trigger urges felt from tr. Uranus, Neptune and, especially, Pluto that will overthrow to bring about that which has yet to be tried?


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Breaking News, Biden has withdrawn.
His chart today shows the current Moon Pluto conjunction squaring his natal Moon


Joe Biden QUITS Presidential Election :)


POTUS President Joe Biden announced
that he is dropping out of

the 2024 presidential race.
In a statement on X, Biden said:

“..I believe it is in the best interest
of my party and the country

for me to stand down..”

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Gone, but not forgotten. He endorsed his VP Kamala Harris but this is non-binding.

Mars and Saturn have been hanging out in their positions for a few days. Usually we look for a faster planet to be the trigger. I'm guessing the moon in early Aquarius square natal moon at 0 Taurus.