Astrology thread. No memes or large graphics, please. I hope we can stick to the thread title question, about what Biden will do, vs. focusing on what we like or dislike about him. What is your realistic forecast?
As you know, President Biden is facing a lot of pressure from within the Democratic party to stand down from seeking a second term. He has enough pledged delegates from the Democratic primary elections to win the nomination in August at the party convention, but many Democrats who feel he's done a good job as president in this term don't think he's fit enough to seek a second term. It's not just the flubbed CNN debate with Donald Trump, but multiple signs of frail health. It's making down-ballot Democratic candidates and big donors (necessary to fund campaign ads) very nervous. Biden says he can win, but a bigger question is, "Can he realistically serve four more years?",_Joe
Biden's natal chart with today's transits indicate that the current Mars-Uranus transit oppose his natal sun-Venus in Scorpio; while transiting Saturn closely conjuncts his IC and opposes his MC (public image.) Pluto in Aquarius squares Biden's natal moon at 0 degrees Taurus.
Biden is clearly under a lot of pressure. But astrologically what will be his next move? Stay the course of pass the torch?
As you know, President Biden is facing a lot of pressure from within the Democratic party to stand down from seeking a second term. He has enough pledged delegates from the Democratic primary elections to win the nomination in August at the party convention, but many Democrats who feel he's done a good job as president in this term don't think he's fit enough to seek a second term. It's not just the flubbed CNN debate with Donald Trump, but multiple signs of frail health. It's making down-ballot Democratic candidates and big donors (necessary to fund campaign ads) very nervous. Biden says he can win, but a bigger question is, "Can he realistically serve four more years?",_Joe
Biden's natal chart with today's transits indicate that the current Mars-Uranus transit oppose his natal sun-Venus in Scorpio; while transiting Saturn closely conjuncts his IC and opposes his MC (public image.) Pluto in Aquarius squares Biden's natal moon at 0 degrees Taurus.
Biden is clearly under a lot of pressure. But astrologically what will be his next move? Stay the course of pass the torch?