Okay, since the previous girl I have been asking about seems to be a longshot, I've decided to move on to this new girl that I've been talking to. My question is... will she be my girlfriend this year?
Asc is Leo, so my significator is the Sun. Descendant is Aquarius, so her significator is Saturn. I'm not sure if there are any aspects since I'm new to learning about applying and separating aspects, so please bear with me. I guess it's either there is absolutely no aspect between our significators, or Sun is going to be applying a trine with Saturn. Please enlighten me on this one. Also, I've read that Moon can also be a co-significator so... again, it's either Moon makes no aspects with Saturn or Moon is going to be applying an aspect with Saturn.
That is all I can contribute on this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Asc is Leo, so my significator is the Sun. Descendant is Aquarius, so her significator is Saturn. I'm not sure if there are any aspects since I'm new to learning about applying and separating aspects, so please bear with me. I guess it's either there is absolutely no aspect between our significators, or Sun is going to be applying a trine with Saturn. Please enlighten me on this one. Also, I've read that Moon can also be a co-significator so... again, it's either Moon makes no aspects with Saturn or Moon is going to be applying an aspect with Saturn.
That is all I can contribute on this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.